The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1433 Underground Labyrinth

After Huayueling cut off the enemy who charged up, he quickly glanced at Abiatha.Much better than he feared, Abiatha was not hit by the monster. She dodged to the side with extremely dexterous movements, then drew a bow and set an arrow, aimed and turned and shot arrows at the enemy who rushed past her. .


The arrow shot into the monster’s head with the sound. The monster couldn’t react. Abiatha’s attack speed was too high. The arrow only took two or three seconds to reach the monster. There is no time to react if you want to dodge.

Solved one monster separately, and found that there was no big problem with Abiasha fighting here, Hua Yueling breathed a sigh of relief, did not continue to pay attention to her, but went to solve other monsters.

Just near the entrance, there are about seven monsters. Fortunately, the magic element is not strong in the place where these monsters are, and there is not much magic power here, so the strength of these monsters is very ordinary.

After solving the monster group, Hua Yueling and Abiasha stopped, and they walked back to the entrance, where the big wooden door was.Hua Yueling and Abiasha glanced over the vicinity of the big wooden door, but they couldn't find anything like a switch after looking around.

"It seems that it's really not here. Let's go and look for it separately. Look for the outside again. If not, then go inside the room. But be careful when you go in. There may be monsters in these rooms."

After Huayueling reminded Abiatha, the two began to search separately. Huayueling was in charge of the left side, and Abiatha was in charge of the right side.The two started looking inside the big wooden door. They didn't walk too far. After all, Kamaya also said when they came down that the switch should be nearby, not too far away.

The walls on both sides are earthen walls, which seem to have undergone special repairs and are still quite flat.However, these walls do not face a layer of bricks outside, so they are still normal walls.

And those rooms are basically the same, they are all made of soil directly, and no building materials such as bricks are used, and they still look somewhat shabby.

After confirming that there was no switch outside, Hua Yueling turned her attention to those rooms.The big wooden door here must still be opened. It's easier to walk here than the road they came from, and it feels safer here.

The two went to the rooms on both sides respectively. After Hua Yueling confirmed that there were no monsters in the room, she opened the door and walked in.After entering, he discovered that these rooms were empty. There was basically nothing in them. It was strange. Originally, he thought there was some furniture in these rooms. Now it seems that he still thinks too much. There is no such thing, nothing.

Hua Yueling turned around in the empty room at will, and didn't let it go in the corner, but still didn't find anything, the switch was not here, so he went out to the next room.

Hua Yueling searched for this room by room, but she didn't find anything here. The switch didn't seem to be here.But there was no response from Abiasha on the other side.

After searching for this side, Hua Yueling went to the area where Abiatha was responsible.

"I've finished searching over there, not over there."

"That should be right here, but if there isn't yet, I might have to look deeper."

"Let's talk about it after searching here. If you can't find it, then move on. If you can't find it, you won't find it. The mechanism is still quite hidden and it is not easy to find.

"The key is that I don't know where it is placed, if there are any clues."

Kamaya provided some clues, but there was no difference between the clues and the absence. They only said they were near the entrance, but they still needed to confirm how far they were.

Hua Yueling and Abiasha also searched the remaining rooms, but they didn't get any results.At least it is now certain that the switch is not near the entrance, but farther away, but they still have to look for it, there is no other way.

Both of them shook their heads when they left the room.

Going deep along the dirt road, the buildings and roads here can only be said to be ordinary, certainly not good enough, but it is already good in this kind of place.After all, this is an underground maze, not a place where people live.

"Will it be here?"

After walking not far inside, Abiasha looked around and said.This is the same as the room when they came. Although there are magic lights on the walls, it may be that the magic is consumed cleanly. The lights are not lit, so the passage is basically dark. After all, there is no other light source. .

Hua Yueling was able to turn on all the magic lights, filling the place with light, but it was too troublesome if every one had to be turned on.After all, there are a lot of magic lights here, and they have to move left and right. If you think about this, it’s better to put a magic light ball on both yourself and Abiasha. The lighting range is not small, and The effect is sufficient.

Both of them just need some light, not too much.

"Why don't we split up for a while, there doesn't seem to be a monster here."

"It should be the ones we solved before. Otherwise, if there were any monsters, they would have come out long ago."

The words were not over yet, the doors of some houses on both sides were suddenly opened from the inside, and several figures rushed out.


Hua Yueling looked at those figures in surprise, but found that they were not like monsters, but more like humans.It's just that they are different from ordinary humans, but they are not friendly at all, let alone other things.

After rushing out, he attacked them directly, without any room for negotiation.Hua Yueling also noticed that there was no way he could talk to them, so he could only start fighting directly.

"Abiasha, don't show mercy, they are not ordinary people!"

"I know!"

Abiyasha can naturally see that although those people don't know what's going on, there is definitely no way to treat them as ordinary people.Ordinary people would not do this, and attack directly without saying anything.

Huayueling and Abiasha deal with the enemies on both sides respectively, and the number of enemies on both sides is similar, but relatively speaking, the battle on Abiasha is definitely more difficult.

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