The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1440 The Stalemate

Sometimes a monster's attack has no warning, and it is almost invisible, which is a troublesome thing for Hua Yueling and the others.Fortunately, other attacks by the other party can still see some signs.

"This one is really dangerous, it's almost invisible."

After dodge the opponent's sudden stabbing, Hua Yueling wanted to rush up to give the opponent a shot, but when he was about to take a step, he suddenly changed his mind.

"No, you can't be so anxious, it's useless. Let's wait and see, see what other tricks it has, and we'll talk about it after you understand it."

Hua Yueling thought so, continued to step back, and waited for the next move of the monster.I saw that the weapon was stabbed and slowly retracted, but the magic condensed on the weapon was slowly spreading, and the flames gradually dispersed around, and the burning sensation spread along with the spread of flames. , Although Hua Yueling is still a little away, she can still feel the heat.

The magic power spread quickly, and Hua Yueling kept backing away, but although his speed was very fast, there was still no way to compare with the speed of magic power spreading.

Hua Yueling didn't even dare to attack with weapons, after all, if he attacked, it would very likely cause magical chaos.The magical power is messed up, that one is not so good. The magical power here is already terrifying enough. If the magical power is messed up again, Hua Yueling will probably still know what it will become by then.

The body retreated, the magic power was still spreading, burning him.Hua Yueling also had no choice but to keep backing away, keeping a distance.

However, the monster's attack was not over yet. After he retracted his weapon, he continued to move forward and the weapon was smashed.This time was quite heavy, Hua Yueling still didn't dare to take it hard. The method he took was basically the same as before, and he dodged aside. After avoiding the attack, he dodges forward, avoiding the spreading sideways. The magic power reached the monster's side.

Hua Yueling is entangled with the monster here, making it impossible to pay attention to Abiatha, and Abiatha is constantly attacking.The arrows were shot out, and one after the other hit the monster's head and body, but the attack basically had no good effect. The monster's body defense was very strong, making her attack useless.

"The attack doesn't work, there is no way to harm it!"

When Abiasha saw Hua Yueling approaching the monster's side, she raised her voice and said to her.

"Look for its weakness, for the time being, I can't help it, I have to look at it!"

Hua Yueling also said loudly, he had nothing to do, after all, even his attack caused very low damage, and it was basically not much different from Abiatha's attack.The two-handed sword swung over and slashed at the monster's body, but let alone other things, even the scars were very small.

"No, this kind of attack will definitely not work, you have to think of other ways."

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, but at present, it can be said that there are almost no methods available.This time, the ordinary attack still had no effect. Hua Yueling was ready to implement the method he had thought of before, and gathered strength on the two-handed sword. The blade of the two-handed sword was shining with light, which was a kind of feeling. The irresistible rays of light slashed down fiercely, following the two-handed sword.


After cutting it down, the monster turned around, the weapon swept across, and the magic power was faster than the weapon.Hua Yueling had to dodge far away, reaching a place where the monster could not attack, and then attacked again. His two-handed sword swept across and slashed on the monster's side.

A hole appeared on the side of the monster, which was chopped out by a two-handed sword. The attack effect this time was pretty good, at least it caused some damage to the monster.Liquid came out from the wound, not a viscous red liquid, but a green liquid that I had never seen before, although it was quite viscous.

Throwing the two-handed sword, the liquid stuck to the blade of the two-handed sword was thrown out.The liquid was thrown on the ground, and Hua Yueling swiftly stepped aside.

Hua Yueling's attack also provided Abiasha with a way of thinking, but although Hua Yueling's attack was very powerful, it was also very expensive.She can use it only a few times with her ability, but there is nothing wrong with it.

The two attacked the enemy separately, and gradually some scars appeared on the monster's body. At the same time, the monster's attack became more and more crazy.It's no longer like the battle that was just a little bit slow at the beginning. It felt like being beaten by Hua Yueling and the others, and the anger was venting.

The weapons swept like crazy, and Hua Yueling didn't have time to attack for a while, tired of dealing with the monster's offensive.He had to dodge constantly, looking for a gap, the hands of the monsters were also flapping, and again and again, there were many potholes in the ground being beaten up, and nothing else was involved in this battle. This space is There is almost no way to see the destroyed.

The two-handed sword kept sweeping. Although Hua Yueling was a little embarrassed, she didn't suffer any injuries, but there was still no way to cause any harm to the other party. This was Hua Yueling's most annoying.

But he also believes that as long as he can wait until the monster is tired, he still has a chance, but he needs to pay attention to when the monster will be tired before stopping.It seems that this will not happen for a while.

The monster was chasing him, which left him no choice but to keep evading, even unable to stop.

After the chasing situation lasted for a while, the monster might be a little tired and slow down until it stopped.Hua Yueling finally had a chance to catch his breath at this time, and Abiatha's attack in the distance also struck, and shot the monster in the head.

Hua Yueling took this opportunity to jump up and slashed down with his two-handed sword. Perhaps the monster was too exhausted and did not defend it at all.The two-handed sword directly slashed the monster's head, and the damage was not small. The monster fell to the ground.

"Huh, huh..."

Observing the movement of the monster, seeing that it has no reaction for the time being, Hua Yueling stood panting on the spot, moved a few steps back, and pulled some distance away.

"Is it done?"

Although Abiasha walked closer, she was still far away.

"Not yet, don't get too close, go to the back, it's not dead yet."

It has been long enough for the two sides to deal with each other, and the ground here and the buildings on both sides have been destroyed in disarray, basically in ruins.

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