The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1441 Counterattack

After the attack, Hua Yueling also jumped a long distance away, so even if the monster suddenly violent, he still had time to dodge.Observing the movement of the monster, only to find that the other party was still quiet and without any movement, looking like he was dead, but Hua Yueling was sure that the other party was definitely not dead, it was just that there was no movement for the time being.

"I don't know what else will happen, but it shouldn't be too far to solve it."

Hua Yueling thought so, but didn't dare to act rashly.Now may be the best time to attack, but it is also a good time for the opponent to seduce him in the past.At this time, if the other party pretended to be, then he rashly passed by but was sent to be beaten.

What was in her mind was very clear. Hua Yueling knew that it was better not to move. After looking at the situation, she had reached this level anyway, and there was no need to worry.

Hua Yueling thought very clearly in her heart, knowing what she should do and what she should not do at this time, now is not the time to be anxious.The situation is not complicated to say, but it is somewhat troublesome. The most important thing for yourself is not to worry.

There is some distance between Hua Yueling and Abiatha, as well as between him and the monster, so that at least some safety can be guaranteed no matter what.

The monster still didn't seem to be moving at this time, it sat down on the ground, as if unconscious.However, the more it goes like this, the more nervous Hua Yueling is. Who knows what is going on with the monster now, he would not be very afraid if he fights directly, but if he has any other ideas, it will be more troublesome.

Staring at the figure of the monster, waiting for the opponent's action, the soldiers came to cover the water and earth, Hua Yueling hadn't figured out what to do for the time being.In fact, it is also possible to attack in the past, but it is more dangerous.

"Hasn't there been any movement?"

Hua Yueling felt a little strange, using the probing skills to probe, he was understanding the state of the monster.

"There is magic flowing..."

The flow of that magical power is relatively subtle, but it still feels a bit slow.But in any case, it is true that the magic power in the monster body has begun to flow, which shows that the monster is really awake, and it is mainly because of some thoughts that he does not know.

"No, you can't just let it last."

The magic power still cannot be used. After Hua Yueling sent this idea, the long-range attack method he could think of was to ask Abiasha.

"Abiasha, you attack it, but be careful after the attack, it may counterattack."

Abiasha nodded at him, sternly opened her bow and shot the arrows, aiming at the monster's eyes.Don't look at the monster's huge body, but the eyes are actually relatively small, so it is not particularly easy to aim at the eyes.

The power is condensed in the arrow. This power may not be said to be huge, but if it is all condensed, it can cause enough damage to the monster.


The arrow shot out like lightning, and it came to the monster's body in an instant. The monster still didn't move much, but a magic barrier appeared in front of its eyes.The magic barrier blocked Abiasha's attack, and the power of the arrow's rotation broke the magic barrier, but there was no way to continue to cause any damage to the monster's eyes.

After the arrow hit the monster’s eye, it was like hitting a solid iron wall. It made a dull sound, then fell down, onto the monster’s body, and then bounced and fell to the ground. on.

The arrow fell on the ground, and the monster suddenly opened its eyes, and a chilling aura radiated, and then with a big wave of its hand, a ball of light hits in the direction of Abiatha as if it was about to swallow everything. Past.

"not good!"

Hua Yueling had a bad premonition after noticing the monster's attack, and quickly reminded Abiatha to avoid it.Abiatha was taken aback when she was counterattacked by the monster. Although she had known it would do it for a long time, after the other party did such an attack, Abiatha still failed to respond in time. I was so frightened that I was stunned and couldn't react at all.

Fortunately, Hua Yueling's reminder was timely enough, and in order to allow her to cope with it in time, Hua Yueling also helped her block the sphere of light that swallowed the past.It's just that his strength can't completely stop him, he can only weaken the power of the light ball for her, but even this is enough for Abiatha.

"Thank you!"

Speaking loudly, Abiasha dodges back and dodges at the same time, avoiding the path of the light ball.The ball of light was fast, but within a few seconds, it rolled over from where she was before, and a straight semi-circular groove appeared on the ground, extending to the distance and hitting the far wall. , Even the walls could not stop this attack.

The wall was destroyed, leaving a huge circular cavity.Whether it was Huayueling or Abiasha, their expressions changed a little when they saw this scene. No one thought that the attack of a monster could have such power. If it is really hit, it is not their body can Bearable.

Fortunately, the response was quick enough, and Abiatha dodged over, otherwise she would not dare to imagine what she would be like after being shot.

Now that it had reacted, the monster could no longer pretend to be unconscious.After it got up, it no longer concealed it, and its magic power quickly accumulated. On its weapons, it didn't know what it was doing.

But no matter what she did, Hua Yueling had to stop the other party.Hua Yueling rushed forward. Although he waved his two-handed sword, it was just a gesture, not that he had to attack.

The monster just took a look at Hua Yueling, and then, regardless of whether his magic power had gathered enough, he burst out magic power directly.This magical force slammed into Hua Yueling's side directly, slugging Hua Yueling's movements, causing him to stop.

"What a powerful magic!"

This magical power not only gave Hua Yueling an impact and prevented him from moving forward, but also caused damage from the impact. Fortunately, Hua Yueling was still able to stop it and was not injured.

"Fortunately, I made preparations in advance, otherwise it would really be caught off guard."

Hua Yueling had to retreat and landed on the ground, her figure stagnated, and her attack stopped abruptly.

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