After regaining consciousness, Hua Yueling and the others stayed in the room for a while, which was considered a break. After the break, the two of them got up and walked out of the room.On the corridor outside, as Hua Yueling had guessed, this was indeed the castle, but I didn't know if Kamaya was alone or the ghost was here.

It shouldn't be the case if it comes back, or only Kamaya is right, nothing will change.

Relying on their previous experience, Hua Yueling and the others easily went to the two rooms they had visited before, or they went to see them separately. Just like what they had seen before, everything in these two rooms was touched. Same, no change.

"It really looks like it's all over again. It feels incredible."

Abiasha is still a little bit unbelievable to do this again, but this is the fact, even if she doesn't believe it, she can only believe it.

"That's the way it is, I can't believe it, but it may have something to do with how we got here from the tower."

Hua Yueling guessed that this was the most probable cause he could think of.The world where the tower is located is not the real world, but the world of illusion, first here may be the world of illusion in the world of illusion, no matter what happens is not strange.

Abiasha didn't know this, after all, she was a figure in the world of illusion, and she certainly didn't understand it as well as he.

"Let's go, go up to find Kamaya and see if there is any change in him."

Hua Yueling raised her head and looked upstairs. Kamaya should be upstairs in theory. I don't know if I can see him upstairs this time. Hua Yueling is also very curious, ready to find out.

When I came upstairs, let alone, Hua Yueling and the others found Kamaya in this restarted world. The other party didn't seem to know them, and wanted to fight them like the first time we met. Hello.The two sides met again, which was an unspeakable and wonderful experience for Hua Yueling and the others.

How should I put it, this kind of situation in which someone I know clearly doesn't know you, Hua Yueling thinks it's only amazing.

Although he was also wondering if the other party was pretending to be, he didn't try to test anything, just pretending to be talking with the other party for the first time.

"We still need to go into the underground world. But this time we can't be so anxious, maybe we can find some clues here."

Hua Yueling and Abiasha discussed a little bit, and adopted the same method as before, excusing that she was tired and needed to rest and buy time.After saying goodbye to Kamaya, Hua Yueling and the others still went to the room where they had rested before to rest, but shortly after entering the room, the two got up and went back to the door.

"Should go back to my room."

After lying on the door and listening for a while, Hua Yueling said in a low voice, then gently pushed open the door.

There were no people in the corridor outside, and Kamaya was not here, he should have gone back to his room.Hua Yueling remembered that it was the same before. After taking a break, she went to the other party's room to find the other party, who was in the room at that time.

"It's fine if you are not here. Let's go out and have a look. Maybe you can find something."

Hua Yueling also knew very well that it was still somewhat difficult to defeat that kind of monster with their strength.Especially it is almost impossible to defeat the opponent within the time limit.

To know that the defensive ability of that kind of monster is very strong, it is too difficult to cause enough damage to it.Before Hua Yueling attacked with all his strength, in the end he just wanted to kill the opponent, not really killing the opponent.

What can help them?In addition to having a helper, what can be thought of is to use some kind of props, but what kind of props Huayueling has not thought of, so she still has to look for it.

He has explored part of the abandoned castle, but this intact castle has not explored much.It happens that there is a lot of time now to make a good exploration. If you can find something, it is the best. If not, you can only go one step at a time.

The castle is still quite big. It took Hua Yueling a lot of time to fully explore the castle. During the exploration, it cannot be said that they were not found at all, but the things they found were not as useful as they thought.

"Can this thing help us?"

Abiasha looked at the bell in Hua Yueling's hand and asked.She didn't know exactly what the bell was for, but listening to Hua Yueling said it seemed to be useful.

What was the specific effect? ​​Hua Yueling didn't answer her, only that it was useful.In any case, it's good to be effective, she doesn't want to fight another battle without chance.

"With this, it should be almost the same. I didn't expect there to be such a thing here."

Hua Yueling looked at the bell in her hand, thinking so in her heart that this bell is still quite useful, and it is a good weapon for monsters.

"But the effect should not be too great. Anyway, as long as there is some effect, it is better than nothing at all."

Hua Yueling thought so, put the bell away, then went back to the lower floor with Abiasha, and went to the room where Kamaya was to find him.

Everything after that was the same as what happened before, Hua Yueling and the others entered the underground world through another secret passage.It was a waste of time, but since it was not clear whether Kamaya still remembered them, Hua Yueling decided not to take this risk.

Nothing has changed in the underground world. After a battle, Hua Yueling and the others arrived in front of the steel doll guarding the bridge.The steel doll blocked their way forward, making them unable to move on.

"Hey, Abiatha, what do you say if we use it as a companion?"

Hua Yueling suddenly had this idea, if the iron puppet could be a companion, it would definitely be easier to fight.The defensive ability of the steel puppet must not be said, and its weapon should also be able to cause good damage to the monster in battle.

"It's not bad, but the key is can we do it?"

Abiasha asked in a more skeptical tone. She didn't think they could do this. The Iron Puppets had almost no way to communicate. Under such circumstances, the possibility of trying to convince the other party to help them was very low.What's more, how do they persuade each other is also a difficult problem.

"If you don't try and see how to know, since it must be here for some reason, as long as you find that reason, you may have a chance."

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