Hua Yueling was thinking about how to pull the Iron Puppet to his side. If he could pull it, he would be able to win no matter what, that's how he felt.

It's just that it's very difficult. The Iron Doll is still a monster after all, not a person.It is difficult for even humans to communicate well, let alone a monster, so Hua Yueling actually doesn't have much confidence.

"Hello there."

Hua Yueling said hello to the other party, but the steel doll directly took up the weapon, and the aura exuded, the oppressive Hua Yueling and the others could not breathe.The strength of the steel puppet lies here, it is very difficult to defeat it, but Hua Yueling does not want to fight with the opponent, it is unnecessary, even if it does not fight with the opponent, he can continue to advance, why bother.

"I'm here."

The words spoken by the steel puppet are like steel, and the sound sounds extraordinarily heavy, as if something is pressed on the body, making people want to move it away.


Hua Yueling took a deep breath and talked with the other party according to the method she had thought of.The steel puppet didn't look like it was going to fight, whether it looked or listened to it, which made Hua Yueling more at ease.

It would be troublesome if the opponent rushed over and attacked without saying anything. Fortunately, the steel puppet is not like that, it is still a type that can communicate.

Hua Yueling tried to communicate with the other party, but this kind of communication was very difficult. The other party did not say that he could fully understand Hua Yueling's words, and the way it spoke was a bit awkward for Tibetans.It took Hua Yueling a while before she could barely communicate with each other.

"There is a very powerful guy in there, do you know?" Hua Yueling asked the other party like this. He hoped that the other party could help him fight, but before that, he still needs to understand the situation.The key lies in the relationship between the steel doll and the monster. If the relationship between them is not very good, you can still persuade it to try. If the relationship between the two parties is good, it is better not to waste time here.


The Iron Puppet replied that it looked at Hua Yueling, and her voice sounded the same as before, but Hua Yueling still looked at each other with some caution.It feels a bit bad.

"Do you know him? A good relationship?"


The steel puppet just looked at him and did not answer his question, as if he hadn't heard it.

Seeing its reaction, Hua Yueling felt a little more upset in her heart, but she didn't show it on the surface, but calmly stared at the other party.It's a pity that the eyes of the iron puppet are hidden in the armor, so they can't see it at all, which makes it impossible to see what kind of expression it is.

Hua Yueling wanted to see what the other person's expression was like, it seemed a little troublesome.

"It's better not to ask, it doesn't feel good."

Abiatha also felt the bad atmosphere, and said to Hua Yueling hurriedly, hoping that he could leave as soon as possible and stop talking to the iron doll.If this goes on, it seems to her that it is not just a question of whether they can find a helper, but the other question is that the other party is likely to become their enemy, and there are still concerns in this regard.

"It's okay, let's talk about it, maybe we can make some progress."

Hua Yueling still had some hope, it was not like just giving up.Although Abiasha hopes to move forward as soon as possible and let the Iron Dolls make way for them, there is no way to persuade Hua Yueling in this situation, and he can only let him talk like this.

"Are you friends with it?"


After about a second or two passed, the Iron Doll shook his head and replied.Hua Yueling was relieved, if they weren't friends, she still had a chance.

"Then... If we are going to fight it inside, can you please help us?"

After Hua Yueling got the answer she wanted, she immediately followed up and asked.


The steel doll did not immediately answer Hua Yueling's question, but instead responded with these three words.


Now Hua Yueling didn't know what to say. The question was right, why should I help myself? What can I do to satisfy the other person?


Hua Yueling and Abiasha looked at each other, they didn't know what to say.They only thought about asking others for help, but they didn't think about why they wanted to help themselves.They have thought about situations where the other party may or may not agree, but they have not thought about the reasons.

"Please wait a minute, we have to discuss it."


The Iron Doll didn't respond again, Hua Yueling and the others had encountered it before, so they didn't think it was a bad thing.After saying goodbye to each other, Hua Yueling and the others walked aside.

"We seem to have a chance."

Abiasha said with some excitement after reaching a quiet place next to Hua Yueling.

"Well, there are indeed some opportunities, but the key is that we have any reason to let others help us. If we can't find a reason for the other party to agree, there is still no way."

Hua Yueling shook her head and said with some embarrassment.Although some of the steel dolls feel like individuals, they are only a few. It feels more like a monster, although asking him if it has any benefits is more similar to humans.

"The benefit of letting it help, well, we don't have any benefit that can make it move."

Abiasha also knew this. Although there was something in the two of them, how could this kind of thing seduced the Iron Doll.What's more, they don't even know what the other party wants, which is the most troublesome.

"It would be great if we could understand its thoughts. At least we knew what it wanted. We also have a direction for action. Now there is no direction for action at all. It seems that we can only give up. Anyway, this time there is this thing. , Maybe we can do it without the help of others."

"Then try it."

Abiatha was also unwilling to try to communicate with the Iron Doll anymore, the feeling of depression was not weakened at all compared to facing the huge monster in the deepest place, but a feeling of enhancement.

In fact, if you really want to say it, it feels even more terrifying for the Iron Doll.Compared with that monster, the iron doll may give people the feeling that it is just a more ordinary elite monster, but this one is not the same. This one is only an elite among the elite, and you can feel it from the aura of the body.

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