"You said, Kamaya is really dead?"

Abiasha suddenly asked in a low voice while walking inside.She still asked in disbelief.Kamaya had done so many things before, but now he died so easily, it is hard to believe that this is true.

"I'm not sure about this, but I still hope it won't cause us trouble again."

Hua Yueling muttered in a low voice, then shook his head and jumped into the distance.The traces remaining on the ground seem to be tempting them to follow along. Naturally, Hua Yueling and the others don’t want to be led over so easily, and then step into the trap that the other party may have designed, but they still don’t want to. Those who have no choice can only go there.

Gazing at the road in the distance, Hua Yueling sighed, but the current situation made him feel even more anxious.It was quite uncomfortable at first, and the situation was not under their control.

Kamaya himself is a very powerful person. His personal strength may not be that strong, but if he can kill it, their enemies will certainly not be weak now.

This is definitely not a good thing. Kamaya Huayueling and the others are somewhat understood, but they really don't understand the enemy at all.This is a very troublesome thing. As the saying goes, knowing the enemy and confidant can survive all battles. People may know you well, but you don't know them at all. How can this be called a good thing.

"Go and see, I don't know what will happen."

Hua Yueling said helplessly.Now there is no other way. From looking for Kamaya to looking for someone who doesn't know, Hua Yueling himself has no other way. Now I can only think about what is inside.

"There may be something different in there, not the ones we encountered before."

Hua Yueling sighed and said, he really had no choice.

"Yes, but it should not be the kind of monster we encountered before, but something else. And it is probably even more powerful than the one we encountered before."

"Just look at it then."

The two people walked inside cautiously, dragging the traces of Kamaya's body along the monster.But there is one more thing to note now, that is whether Kamaya is really dead, which is also very worrying.

If it is not dead, then the situation they will encounter will be different.

Another thing that surprised Hua Yueling and the others along the way was that they never encountered a monster like before, and the monsters on the way didn't know what was going on, so they disappeared.There is no sign of being killed, it seems to have gone somewhere, maybe it was scared off by the monster that killed Kamaya.

"It's so quiet."

Abiasha whispered, this quiet environment made her a little scared.Mainly it's too quiet, and it's unbelievable.Why is it so quiet? This is not their illusion. The quietness here smells terrifying.

They walked all the way to the bridge, and they didn't see the figure of the steel doll. It was not here and did not guard the bridge.Hua Yueling and the others are even more worried, even the iron doll disappeared, and the situation is a bit not good.

"Unexpectedly, even it disappeared from here. It looks more troublesome than we thought."

Hua Yueling stood on the bridge and looked around, no matter where she was, she could not find the iron figure.I don't know if it was killed by a monster or something, anyway, it just went missing.

No one knows where it goes, nor can it find any traces or clues.It's like it's never been here.

"Weird, really weird."

Hua Yueling said in a low voice, completely unable to understand the situation in front of her.

"Go on, you should be able to know what happened when you get inside."

"Wait, it's better not to be so anxious."

He waved his hand to stop Abiasha from moving forward. He stared at the turbulent river under the bridge, frowning.

"Abiasha, do you think we can come up if we really fall from here?"

"You mean..."

As soon as Abiatha heard what Hua Yueling said, he immediately understood what he meant.If the bridge is destroyed again, they will fall directly, and the consequences of falling needless to say, they will not be able to come up from below.

The water below is too turbulent, it is not something they can contend with.The impact that this kind of water can bring is extremely huge, even if they want to contend, they can't do it.

"But what will they do?"

Hua Yueling was just guessing, and it might not happen, but since they have done so much, it is still possible to do so in order to make things easier.

"The most important thing is to observe first to confirm if there are other people here."

Hua Yueling didn't rush forward, and Abiasha did the same. She still trusted Hua Yueling very much.After all, Hua Yueling's strength lies here, and they can only rely on Hua Yueling to do so now.

I explored the upper and lower sides of the bridge, but there was nothing under the bridge, and nothing was found by observing the left and right sides.But Hua Yueling sensed that there was an irregular force moving here. That force felt strange, but they had encountered this force before.

"It feels very strange, this power, it is very likely that this power will do something then."

Hua Yueling said in a low voice, Abiasha also felt the fluctuation of power, but it was not as clear as Hua Yueling knew.This is very troublesome,

"What to do, do you want to go there?"

Abiatha asked.Even so, they can't just wait here forever, they have to go to the opposite side, mainly because the traces of the past of the monsters can be seen on the bridge, the traces left are very deep, just to attract them to the past. of.

"The past is definitely going to pass, but you should think about how to pass it. It must be dangerous to just pass it like this.

Hua Yueling sighed, feeling particularly troublesome, hardly knowing what to do.There is no other place to walk except for such a bridge, which means that they really can only go through here.

"How to do?"

Abiasha had no choice but to ask Hua Yueling what to do, but it was a pity that Hua Yueling could go to think of a better way after a while.

The two people looked at each other and there was no way, but waiting like this was definitely not the way, they had to get past.

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