"Let's go, let's run directly, just like this, just rush over, no matter what else. As long as we use the fastest speed, we should be able to run over.

Hua Yueling stared at the bridge for a while, sighed long, and said to Abiasha in a low voice.


Abiasha asked with some hesitation, in his opinion it was quite dangerous to do so, but if Hua Yueling made a decision, they could only do so.Just rushing over there is no problem, but it is still a bit dangerous.

The bridge was quite long, and it was dangerous even if it rushed all the way.

"Is there any other way? If we can fly over, but if we can't do this, we can only rush over."


Abiatha was silent, nodded after thinking for a while, and agreed with Hua Yueling's idea.Just rush over directly, no matter what else.

"Let's go then."

Hua Yueling walked forward with her and came to the edge of the bridge. Hua Yueling grabbed her hand, and Abiasha was taken aback, but grabbed his hand.

The two of them rushed across the bridge like the wind, but not halfway until they rushed up, Hua Yueling noticed a powerful force coming, and then a violent blast sounded, and the bridge "rumbled." "It cracked and collapsed, and it was blown in half at once.

"Run, don't stop!"

Hua Yueling reminded Abiatha in a loud voice that the two people were very fast. Although the road in front of them was broken in half, this did not affect Hua Yueling's actions.I saw the two of them quickly jumped from above, but only when their feet fell to the ground, they had to jump up again and jumped forward.

After several consecutive jumps, Hua Yueling and the others reluctantly left the dangerous place. They didn't just fall like this, but really passed directly from here.

"Huh, fortunately, the reaction is fast enough, otherwise we should really fall."

Hua Yueling let out a long sigh of relief. The moment when the ground sank under his feet, he was really frightened and sweating on his body, but he was frightened enough.Fortunately, the reaction is fast enough to pass in time.

"Next is the most important thing."

Jumping over the broken bridge, Hua Yueling looked back and saw that the way back had been destroyed. They hadn't thought about it before, but now they were a little stunned.

"I'm here, but how do we go back?"

Hua Yueling thought a little speechlessly, Abiasha was also stunned, neither of them thought of this before, but now it was a little late to come to think of it.

"It's troublesome now."

Hua Yueling held her forehead and thought, but since she has come over, she can only continue to move forward, and the following things can only be said later, there are still so many questions.

"But leave this alone for now, let's go in and see what happened, there should be other ways after that."

Hua Yueling comforted Abiasha. Although Abiasha said she looked a little confused, she still listened to what Hua Yueling said.The two of them didn't stay here any longer and continued to move forward.

They have walked this road twice, so they are already familiar with it.But not long before they went forward, they saw a huge figure placed on the ground.

"Iron doll!"

Hua Yueling and the others did not expect to be able to see the figure of the steel figure here, and still in this way.The steel puppet has no response, because it was killed, I don't know who it was.

"How could this be?"

Hua Yueling and Abiasha both couldn't believe the scene before them. The strength of the steel doll was there, even if they were not willing to conflict with each other casually.But now the iron puppet was killed, and it was in front of them like this, how could this make them believe.

"No, it is indeed dead, and there is no reaction at all."

Hua Yueling approached and found that the body of the steel doll had received a very powerful impact. Some of the steel on the body had been sunken in, and some parts were destroyed, and there was almost no place intact.

"Unexpectedly, even it was killed, so is the innermost monster also the same."

"It's very possible. But it's also possible that the monster did it?"

"No, it won't. We have fought against the monster's strength. We know better than anyone else. It is not such a powerful guy. Even if you fight with the Iron Doll, you cannot win it. Iron Doll Although we have never fought with it, just in terms of momentum, that monster cannot be its opponent."

Recalling the momentum displayed by the steel doll, Abiatha also had to admit that Hua Yueling was right.The monster in the depths of the passage may have strength, but at best it is a half catty with the steel doll, and it is impossible to kill it in this way.

It seems that the steel doll must have resisted, otherwise it would not have come to such a place, but the unexpected thing is that it would leave its body here.

"Then who do you think killed it? Except for that monster."

Abiasha asked very seriously.Hua Yueling looked a little dignified, looking into the depths of the passage.The distance is not dark, the wall is shining, and the flashing light illuminates the channel quite brightly, but the most worthy of concern is another point. I can’t hear any noise here, very Quiet.

It's like being outside, it doesn't seem like someone is there at all.This is very strange, it shouldn't be the case anyhow in this kind of place, after all, what you have to say is the same before.It was strange enough not to see any monsters outside, and it was even stranger now.

"It seems that this place has been cleaned up."

Hua Yueling sighed and said.Abiasha hadn't understood what he meant at first, but when her gaze followed Hua Yueling into the distance, she understood why Hua Yueling said that.

This is indeed the case. It has been cleaned up very clean, and all people who are different from them have been cleaned up.

"What shall we do?"

When Abiasha saw the body of the Iron Doll, she didn't think that she and others were opponents of that person. If you want to say, the pressure that the Iron Doll put on them before is evident, and that pressure made them all feel terrified. , But now such a person died here, and died here without any warning.

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