This is not the first time I have been here. This is the third time after including the previous two deaths.Every time you come here, you will not encounter good things, and this time is the same.

Strange things followed one after another, leaving them not even time to think about something.There was a mess in his head, full of all kinds of indescribable thoughts.Some things are painful, such as this thing now.It's hard to say what kind of ideas they have. They don't know what to do now.

"Are we its opponents?"

Abiasha asked again, but no one could answer this question, and neither could Hua Yueling.Hua Yueling frowned, and even lost confidence when he saw the iron doll's body.In fact, when he first saw Kamaya's body, although he was shocked, he did not feel unconfident. It was just a little worried, but something else would happen.The current situation is even more different. The current situation is very poor, not the usual one.

"Who knows, but I think it's better for us to have a little confidence."


Abiasha sighed and didn't know what she should say. She wanted to have confidence, but this situation made it difficult for her to be confident.

"Don't think too much, let's go inside and see what else is there."

Hua Yueling said so and walked inside first.Abiasha is closely behind him. Although she is not very confident in her heart, since Huayueling is gone, she can't stay here anymore. The action is naturally to be done, and as for the consequences. How is it, let's talk about it later.

The two people walked all the way inside, and they still remember clearly what it was like.After all, it was something that happened not long ago, but when they came here again, they had some confusion about the scene here.

What is that? The ground is full of blood, there are no monsters, there are no monsters everywhere, but this is more frightening than full of monsters.There is no corpse of a monster, and no one knows where the monster has gone or where the monster’s corpse has gone. This is like a horror story. A very, very horrible story happened before their eyes.This leaves them speechless and do not know what to say.

"Go from here?" Abiasha asked. After arriving here, she had a lot more questions. Hua Yueling could feel her emotional fluctuations from her words.In fact, he is not like this. In such a situation, no one will feel scared, and everyone will be able to, but whether it shows it or not, the emotions it shows are all different.

"Don't be afraid, this is just a way for the other party to disturb our minds. As long as we stay calm, there will be nothing wrong. In terms of strength, we are definitely not weaker than the other party!"

Hua Yueling said so confidently, but he only knew whether it was as confident as he said.Abiasha didn’t speak, and didn’t know whether she listened or not. This was actually very important, but Hua Yueling had nothing to do. All he could do was to persuade her, but in the end, There is no effect. Whether the effect is good or not is not what he can say. He does his best.

After bypassing the blood on the ground and continuing to walk in, Hua Yueling and the others slowed down. There was nothing in this passage, but they felt the presence of danger.Where did the danger emerge? There is no answer yet, and Hua Yueling and the others are not particularly clear.

"Huh, it feels dangerous."

Abiasha whispered from behind, Hua Yueling felt the same way, but she couldn't find any figure here.It feels weird here, very weird.

"The enemy should be not far away."

"The more you do this, the more worried I am."

Abiatha's feelings are understandable, but Hua Yueling knew that she couldn't let her go like this. If she couldn't adjust her mood in time, it would not be good for anyone.Especially for them, the next battle requires the cooperation of the two of them. They may not be stronger than the other. If there is no way to maintain a better mentality, it will be over.

"Don't worry too much. In fact, we are still relatively advantageous. Don't think about it so much. For a while, we only have to continue to act according to the established plan. Don't think about other things."

Hua Yueling calmed her emotions, and after his efforts, Abiasha's emotions were relatively stable.Nodding at him, Abiasha said that he has no problems.

The two people walked forward like this for a while, and they were already deep in the underground world. They stopped and looked deeper.Here you can see what is going on further away.Although some places are still very dark under the light, most places are still under the light and can be seen more clearly.

"that is……"

Two figures were at the end of the road, one of them was a figure they were familiar with, and the other was a figure they had never seen before.It was a figure that could not see clearly but would make people feel sick, Hua Yueling and Abiasha both turned their heads subconsciously.

Before that, they hadn't really noticed the figure. The figure didn't appear suddenly, but before that, the other party seemed to hide their figure.There is no sense of existence, so Hua Yueling and the others have no way to notice.

"Then, is that guy?"

"It must be that guy."

Hua Yueling said with certainty.Looking at it now, there will be no other people besides that person. That person is the most noteworthy. After all, they saw that person after they came here.

But in fact, it can't be called a person, maybe it can be said to be a monster, or it can be said to be some kind of animal, but it is definitely not related to people.

"Such a creature..."

Seeing that creature’s style, both Huayueling and Abiatha’s expressions have changed slightly, and they have experienced a lot of battles, big and small, but this is the first time we have seen such a scene. .

The scene made them feel sick, and they couldn't help frowning.But they endured it, and didn't immediately attack it. Instead, they were observing the opponent's movements. The other party just lay on the ground, biting and tearing.

"It doesn't seem to be that powerful,"

Abiatha whispered.

"That's just a look, don't forget what we saw before."

Hua Yueling reminded.

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