It's hard to see something just by looking at it with her own eyes, Hua Yueling knew that this was the case.He could observe that the creature was definitely not as threatening as it appeared on the surface.

This is a certain thing, but Abiatha can't see it. In her eyes, the monster is actually not a threat.To say that what impressed her most was what the monster did. The blood color remained in her eyes and could not fade away for a long time.


Taking a long breath, Hua Yueling opened her eyes and looked forward.Abiasha watched his every move, wanting to see what he was going to do.Now Hua Yueling hasn't said that she wants to act, nor that she's going to fight that monster.

To be honest, even though I only saw the monster, the things it did have survived for a long time.That's a terrible guy, Abiasha thought so.

Kamaya, the steel puppets were all killed by it. In fact, it was a terrible guy, quite terrifying.Abiasha thought this way in her heart, the more she thought about it, the less willing it was to do it.

That monster must be more powerful than they thought, Abiasha thought so in her heart.In fact, you can imagine this, after all, the strength of that monster can kill Kamaya and the Iron Doll.

But they can't just act like this, there are things to worry about.Who would dare to say that all this is not a trap, but not necessarily.Therefore, there are still many things to worry about for Hua Yueling and the others.

"Do you want to go there?"

Abiasha asked, he couldn't stay here forever, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

"No, no, don't worry, I want to observe again."

Hua Yueling stared at the two figures in the distance, the terrifying monster and Kamaya's corpse.Kamaya's body is gradually disappearing, which is certain, but there are still points that need attention.

"Don't you find it strange?"

"Strange?" Abiasha looked at Hua Yueling for some unknown reason, and some did not quite understand what he meant.

"Yeah, it's weird," Huayueling said with a sigh. "We still don't know what kind of person Kamaya is, and why it died so easily, this is also a question."

Hua Yueling's words made Abiasha frowned, and it was indeed strange to hear what he said.Kamaya may not be very strong, but he is a special person here, and his identity is unusual.

The two of them were a little silent for a while, looking at the figure in front of them and didn't know what to do. The figure looked ordinary, but it represented different meanings.

"Abiasha, I will rush up in a while, you try to attack it from a distance."

Hua Yueling whispered to Abiasha next to him, after thinking for a while, he decided to act and couldn't wait any longer.Although it is not very clear what the facts are, at least from the current situation, all of this is not Kamaya's conspiracy.

"Kamayya may be really dead."

Hua Yueling said softly, it's hard to tell the situation clearly right now, but Hua Yueling thinks it should be.Kamaya, no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to survive this situation.

Even if everything is a conspiracy, how does it do it? Is it relying on illusion?

Thinking of this, Hua Yueling suddenly thought of another thing, that is, she didn't know how many levels of illusion she was in, she felt a little confused, and she still needed to think about it.

"It feels like I'm almost being circumvented in."

Hua Yueling sighed. Perhaps all of this was a conspiracy by Sister Aroline and the illusion parts, just to get herself in, so she couldn't get out of it.But from another angle, all of this is troublesome, but it is also an improvement to his own ability.

"Ah, I feel a headache just thinking about it."

Hua Yueling sighed, and stopped thinking about it, rushing forward directly.He didn't conceal his footsteps, and rushed forward. The monster that was eating the food and eating fragrantly heard his footsteps and looked over.

Showing his sharp teeth, a pair of claws stretched out, no matter what else, he grabbed it directly towards Hua Yueling.

"Fast speed!"

Hua Yueling didn't expect the other party's speed to be so fast. Her own reaction was already fast enough, but she still couldn't react.Reluctantly blocking the opponent's attack with a weapon in front of him, Abiasha's attack came over in the distance, but the opponent flashed away and disappeared in front of him.

"No, you can never let it get close to Abiatha!"

Hua Yueling clenched her teeth and rushed forward, intercepting and blocking in front of the opponent.Fortunately, his speed is not slow. Although the opponent's attack speed makes him feel abnormal, he can still catch up with the opponent. Compared with the speed, he does not think that he is not the opponent's opponent.

The speed of the monster was a bit beyond Hua Yueling's imagination, he never thought that the monster could have such a terrifying speed.Although he had long thought that monsters must be very strong, after all, it was such a guy, who had solved Kamaya and the Iron Doll one after another, this was not something ordinary guys could do.

It was precisely because of this that Hua Yueling felt a little nervous at first, no more, now he has calmed down, but there is still some worry in his heart.The speed of the monster is too fast, even at his speed, it is barely able to keep up.

"Abiasha, hide further away, don't come close!"

All Hua Yueling can do is remind Abiasha to let her go farther away. If she gets too close, she will be targeted by the monster and be regarded as a target.

Such a guy is not something that Abiasha can contend. This monster is far beyond the enemies they have faced before in terms of strength and other aspects.

Before Hua Yueling reminded her, Abiasha had already ran away, and the monster rushed towards her. She was able to detect it. When she first saw the monster rushing towards her, it scared her. Jump.He didn't think that he was an opponent of monsters, monsters were too strong, incredible strength, and she was not able to contend in battle.

Abiasha stared at the figure while escaping, and when Hua Yueling rushed up to stop her from the monster, the speed of the monster's sprint obviously slowed down.

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