There is only one way to speed up Huayueling's speed by changing the weapon. Huayueling has no other better way for the time being, but if this method is used well, it can also have some confrontations with the opponent.

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, and immediately changed the weapon in her hand. The two-handed sword and the dwarf shield were directly replaced with Hidden Dragon Blade.In such a situation, he actually suffers a lot. After all, just a hidden dragon blade cannot defend well, but Hua Yueling also thinks about how much progress can be made if he keeps defending. It is better to try to fight, maybe it will bring some good luck.

Wielding the Hidden Dragon Blade, Hua Yueling easily avoided the monster's attack, and dodged to the side. This time he had plenty of time.Immediately after, he quickly reached the side of the monster, and the hidden dragon blade slammed into it.

The monster's figure flashed and disappeared from his eyes. Hua Yueling couldn't help sighing when she saw this scene. It seemed that even after changing the weapon, she still couldn't completely contend with the opponent in terms of speed.In this case, if you want to hit the opponent, you must be optimistic about the timing in advance.

It's not just avoiding the opponent's attack, it's also just one aspect. It must be at a good enough time, or dodge in advance, and then attack when the momentum of the opponent's attack cannot be stopped.At this time, no matter how fast the monster is, unless it can recover its attack power in time, the possibility of doing so is still relatively small.

This approach is definitely able to attack the monster, but it is more risky to say. If the prediction is not accurate, it is very likely that you will be hit by the other party continuously. Then it is not the other person who will be injured, but yourself. .

Hua Yueling took a long breath, he was not anxious to attack, but was observing the behavior of the monster, wanting to see if there was any pattern in its attack.

The monster suddenly flashed behind him, and Hua Yueling's figure flashed, avoiding him directly.But he had just avoided, the monster's figure had disappeared, and when it reappeared, it had already come to its side.

This is the manifestation of the advantage in speed. Just a little advantage is also a very, very big advantage in actual combat, enough to suppress you.

Hua Yueling was still at a disadvantage at the very beginning, but Hua Yueling was also ready at this time.It doesn’t need to be too much, as long as the timing is right, and if you want to be right, you can’t act too quickly, you need more stable action.

Hua Yueling watched every move of the monster, constantly observing its behavior.But the actions of the monsters are indeed more unpredictable.After some observations, Hua Yueling still understands the actions of some monsters. In fact, his attack is relatively simple. There is no other fancy attack method, just grabbing or biting. In addition, There is nothing else.

After observing it for a while, Huayueling roughly understood some of the other party's situation, but this was not enough, and more needed to be learned.The biggest problem for him now is how to judge himself. I have to say that this is quite difficult to do.Some are too difficult.

"Just pay attention, there should be no problem."

Hua Yueling encouraged herself verbally, dodged constantly, and also tried to block with the weapon in her hand, trying to do something.This situation lasted for a while, and Hua Yueling couldn't do what he originally wanted to do, and he still failed to attack the opponent.

"The speed is too fast," Hua Yueling murmured, but at the moment it is obvious that he can only try to attack. How to fight when the speed is slower than the opponent is also a science, and he needs to learn it well. Learning "is not enough, not enough."

After dodging the opponent’s attack, Hua Yueling also tried to attack the past, but it was very difficult. After several attempts, he ended in failure. Fortunately, although there was no way to cause harm to the opponent, Hua Yueling also did not. Not suffering multiple injuries, this is a good thing for Hua Yueling, after all, now he has learned more and more about the monster in front of him.

"What's going on!" Just when Hua Yueling was thinking about it, the monster's attack mode suddenly changed. Before Hua Yueling hadn't noticed, the monster's figure suddenly disappeared, and Hua Yueling had to deal with it before. It took a long time, so I was not surprised, but the other party's actions were beyond his expectation, "Not good!"

When he turned around, he did not find the monster's figure. He seemed to disappear like this and would never reappear, but Hua Yueling believed that this was definitely not the case. Subconsciously looked up and saw the shadow on top of his head. Occupied, the pair of claws immediately following the monster showed a terrible phantom, and the phantom completely suppressed the area he was in.

Hua Yueling immediately dodged to the side to dodge, but the monster obviously had thought about it a long time ago. When he dodged, the monster directly chased him and continued to attack.Hua Yueling couldn't help frowning, and then went to hide, but the speed of the monster was so fast, he immediately adjusted it and continued to chase him and attack.

"Is this a tracking missile?"

Hua Yueling murmured in a low voice, even if he kept dodge everywhere, it would be difficult to avoid the opponent's impact. The opponent's speed made him have no good way at all.Under this kind of continuous tracking, he would either stop to block the opponent's attack, or wait for the opponent to stop, but neither of these two options was what Hua Yueling hoped.

The second is of course possible, but it is obvious that monsters cannot do that.

Arrows flew from a distance, this time Abiatha finally predicted the monster's course of action, but the arrow hit the monster's body and was directly bounced away without any damage.

"No, the attack power is not enough."

Hua Yueling saw this scene with his own eyes not far away, and couldn't help but frown. Abiatha's attack was still the same as before, but obviously his attack power was not enough to penetrate the monster's defense.

If I have no way to break through its defenses, it means that there is no way to do him any harm, which is not a good thing.If Abiatha can't rely on it, it's up to him alone.

Abiasha is also adjusting her fighting style, but at least for the time being, she can't do anything.

Hua Yueling still dodges everywhere, but it is a pity that the speed of the monster is faster, no matter how he dodges, no matter where he dodges, there is no way to open the distance with the opponent.

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