Hua Yueling's avoidance had little effect, and the speed of the monster was really fast.The two sides held a stalemate like this for a while, but Huayueling was not prepared to continue like this, not to mention wasting time, just running around like this would be a waste of energy.

Between flashing and moving, Hua Yueling stopped suddenly.Even the monster didn't expect that Abiasha in the distance was shocked by his death-hunting action, and quickly reminded him to avoid.

Hua Yueling didn't even have time to respond to her, there was no way to tell her what he thought, and he couldn't do it himself.Hua Yueling waited until the monster was close enough, and suddenly acted when he judged that the opponent could no longer change direction.

Abiatha in the distance was scared to death by his actions, his face became very ugly, and even cold sweat appeared on his forehead, but fortunately, the actions behind Hua Yueling made him temporarily relieved. .

"It's now!"

When the opponent was close enough, Hua Yueling suddenly drew away. The monster didn't expect that Hua Yueling would do this, so she rushed directly to the ground at an extremely fast speed.


Amid the loud noise, the ground was hit and cracked, and the mountains shook.When the smoke and dust dissipated, Hua Yueling was on guard, thinking that the monster would attack him from elsewhere, but what surprised him was that after the smoke and dust disappeared, what appeared in front of him was a depression as large as twenty or thirty centimeters. When the pit moves, the monster's figure is in the center of the pit. I don't know if it was affected by the attack just now. It didn't move, and stayed there quietly.

Hua Yueling frowned and walked forward cautiously. His speed was not fast. He observed the movement of the monster, but the monster did not respond.

"What's wrong with it?"

Observing its reaction, Hua Yueling didn't know what was going on for a while, how it was like this after the attack.In other words, after it attacks, you can attack the past while it has not recovered?

Hua Yueling thought this way. Although she said this was a good opportunity, Hua Yueling was still not too anxious. She rushed forward so stupidly without giving up her guard. Instead, she rushed to the other side to guard against the other's possible actions.

The monster hadn't reacted all the time. The pothole on the ground was quite big. Hua Yueling rushed to the bottom, and she was about to be in front of the monster. The monster still didn't respond.


The hidden dragon blade swung and stabbed out. Hua Yueling didn't believe that the monster would hide so deeply. He didn't respond at this time. It should be that he really hasn't recovered.

The hidden dragon blade stabbed down and directly pierced the head of the monster, which easily made Hua Yueling feel a little unreal. How could it be so simple? How did such an enemy kill Kamaya and the Iron Man? even,

If it’s just fast, it’s not enough. Although the speed of the steel puppet is definitely not able to keep up with it, the defense is still very powerful. It is said to be very strong, and it can be seen from the consequences of this one.

Hua Yueling took a deep breath, the hidden dragon blade pierced the monster's head, but only at that moment, Hua Yueling's expression changed, and he almost immediately pulled out the hidden dragon blade and jumped back.

A big hole was pierced into the head of the monster, and blood flowed out of it. The appearance of the monster looked rather miserable, and it felt like it was already dead.

However, at this instant, a strange force exploded violently without any warning. For an instant, the ground that had been destroyed was more severely damaged, and even the upper part was affected.

Fortunately, Hua Yueling retreated fast enough, but even so, he was still affected a little, and a force rushed to him, pushing him back.Huayue Lingbing did not try to contend with this power, but retreated along with this power, feeling that the power was almost consumed when he was in front of him, not that strong, at least not. It will make him feel uncomfortable.

"Come and see again?"

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, but didn't get close to the past, but stared at the smoke and dust, trying to find the figure of the monster.The monster didn't know if it was killed by its own explosion, but Hua Yueling thought it wouldn't be the case, otherwise it would definitely not do it.


Without even hearing any sound, Hua Yueling was directly beaten out without precaution.The sharp claws pierced his abdomen, and he didn't even notice the enemy.


The body fell heavily to the ground, and Hua Yueling rolled to the side to hide.As before, no enemy was found, but Hua Yueling knew that he had to dodge and couldn't wait, even one second would be deadly.

The facts were similar to what he thought. Just as he rolled away and hid to the side, the monster appeared from nowhere, and a pair of sharp claws grabbed it and grabbed a large piece of soil.

Hua Yueling had prepared in advance and dodged to hide to the side, so he was not hit, even if it was a little slower, he would be hit.It's already uncomfortable to be hit before, let alone if you come back again.

Holding his abdomen and standing up, it was uncomfortable just now. Although the monster's attack was just one shot, the damage it caused was not small.The demon's claws were just like hooks, which directly scratched his clothes and left a deep scar on his body.

It hurt enough, Hua Yueling took a breath of air, and rolled aside again.The monster also rushed forward at this time. Seeing Hua Yueling dodge away, its figure suddenly turned around in an almost impossible way and rushed straight towards him.


Hua Yueling didn't expect it to do this. For a while, he couldn't react. He narrowed his eyes and stared at the figure of the monster, but the speed of the monster was really fast to an incredible level.The eyes were barely able to see the opponent's actions clearly, but even if she did it this way, Hua Yueling was still very difficult to see clearly, and she could only see the outline.

"It's now!"

Huayueling barely saw the figure of the monster, Hidden Dragon Blade blocked it, and Huayueling did it this time. With a "clang", the monster's claws caught directly on the hidden dragon blade, even directly from the hidden dragon The tip of the blade hooked over.But it didn't hit Hua Yueling, which was a good thing for Hua Yueling.

The monster waved with great strength, but Hua Yueling held it down.

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