No, Hua Yueling realized after resisting the next attack that the situation was not so good, it was too strong.This was Hua Yueling's most intuitive thought after confronting the opponent head-on. It was just that with her current strength there was no way to counter the opponent.

If it was said that it could be called evenly matched to a certain extent, it is different now. Now that he is unilaterally suppressed, he has no power to fight back.This naturally made him very painful, but he could only choose to resist.

The monster's figure was constantly shifting like a bolt of lightning, and he basically had no power to fight back.Even if you want to block it, it is difficult to do.

Abiatha in the distance wanted to help, but her attacks in the distance were basically ineffective and did not cause much harm, and now the monsters don’t put her in their eyes at all, and don’t care about what she does. Take Huayueling as his first goal.

But even in this way, she can't come close, Huayueling still can't compete with it, let alone Abiatha, who is weaker than him, it will probably take less than a few seconds to get here. Was knocked to the ground.

The combination of the two can be seen now that it is still relatively weak, at least not strong enough, otherwise there will be no solution in this situation.

Hua Yueling had no idea what to do. He was already very lucky to be able to stop the attack of the monster.Of course, thanks to the dwarf shield shot in his hand. After the opponent's speed increased one more step, Hua Yueling had changed his combat strategy and no longer used the Hidden Dragon Blade to compete with the opponent and used the previous equipment. .

Holding the Hidden Dragon Blade in his right hand, and holding the Dwarf Shield in his left hand, no matter what direction the opponent is attacking from, he just turned around to block the Dwarf Shield in front of him.This is much easier to defend, but the disadvantage is that you don't think about offense except for defense.

But what to say, Hua Yueling currently has no way to attack at all. Facing a monster with lightning speed, she is too tired to deal with it, and can't find any time to attack.

Hua Yueling had not encountered this situation, but it was the first time that the enemy was so powerful.Leaving him without any backhand strength at all, this feeling of being suppressed was actually very uncomfortable, but Hua Yueling had no choice but to endure this painful moment.

The monster's figure flashed and appeared behind Hua Yueling again, a pair of claws grabbed it heavily, Hua Yueling turned around and blocked the opponent's attack in an extremely difficult posture.But this time the opponent's attack was so powerful that Hua Yueling couldn't even resist it so hard, she had to retreat, and after a few steps, it was considered that all her strength was removed.

But this was not over yet, the monster's figure disappeared from his eyes in a flash, and when it reappeared, it rushed behind Hua Yueling and attacked from the back.

The dwarf shield blocked the opponent's attack, but Hua Yueling was beaten back again, and the opponent's attack power became stronger and stronger, even so strong that Hua Yueling could not rely on strength to block it.

"No, if this continues..."

It was not the first time Hua Yueling felt this way, but this time it was especially obvious.Every time the power of the monster is still increasing, I don't know why, whether it was hidden before or what it is, its attack before this is absolutely no such power.

"Every time I have to step back, if this continues, sooner or later I will be unable to withstand its attack."

I was secretly anxious about this in my heart, but Hua Yueling couldn't help it. The attack of the monster was like a wave after another wave, and there was no way to adjust it.Hua Yueling wanted to adjust it, or put it on hold, but it couldn't work now, it couldn't be done.

The monster did not give him a chance, there was still time, an attack followed immediately after an attack.

After another wave of attacks, the monster did not rush away, but continued to pounce on it. The continuous attacks caught Hua Yueling by surprise, and it really didn't happen that it would do so.

A series of attacks knocked Hua Yueling back again and again, but when he stood firm and prepared to counterattack, he did not expect that after a heavy blow from the monster, his feet pushed down the dwarf shield forcefully, and then he reached mid-air. In the middle, directly flew down from mid-air.

This force must be very strong, but Hua Yueling has not been able to dodge, the defense has just been broken, he can barely stand firm, his feet are almost fixed on the ground, and the dwarf shield is raised up, blocking On the line of the monster attack.

The Dwarf Shield almost has to be scratched. You must know that this is a strengthened Dwarf Shield. Hua Yueling has been using it for so long. The defensive ability is not weak, but it is still not under continuous attack by the monsters. The method completely resisted.


The powerful Hua Yueling who pounced from the sky was surprised, but it was obviously not the time to be surprised. The whole body of the monster was directly pressed on his shield, and the monster's head protruded from above, with a paw. Holding the shield, the other paw grabbed his face directly from above.

Hua Yueling was able to obtain it with another hand. The hidden dragon blade blocked the monster's attack, and his claws caught the hidden dragon blade.The powerful Huayue Ling's hands were a little painful, but he still grasped the hidden dragon blade tightly, and did not throw it out.

The situation is getting worse, and Hua Yueling is suppressed by the monsters, there is no way to dodge, and she can only keep defending.But as time went by, it became more and more difficult for Hua Yueling to sustain it. Not only that, but another reason was that Hua Yueling was injured and could no longer avoid it as before without getting hurt.


Hua Yueling defended against another attack from the monster, but the monster came behind him, Hua Yueling still wanted to defend, but the monster suddenly retracted the attack, and the figure disappeared again.


Hua Yueling was shocked and realized that he had been deceived, but at this time it was difficult to react. He turned around in an incredible way and used a shield to defend, but the speed was still slow. some.

The figure of the monster appeared behind him, and the sharp claws pierced his abdomen. It was extremely painful, but Hua Yueling couldn't give up like this, and immediately turned around and waved the Hidden Dragon Blade and hit it.


The monster blocked his attack, and immediately attacked again.The place where Hua Yueling's back was injured was very painful, bleeding a lot, and wet his clothes, but he didn't have time to take care of it.

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