"It's the helper I brought to you, how about it?"

The ghost's face changed a little when he saw the monster, but she immediately put away her expression, and then she moved to Hua Yueling's side.

"I can't help you, I can only let it help you."

"Can you control it?" Hua Yueling asked strangely. If that's the case, the ghost used to control it in the castle before.

"Well, I can control it a little bit. After all, this is a statue related to me. But sometimes it doesn't listen to me."

The ghost seems to have something to say, using this method to answer Hua Yueling's question.Hua Yueling looked at her and didn't ask any more questions. It would be nice if she could come to help now. Don't ask so many more questions. It's not the time to ask questions.

"It should be the root of all this, but it's not just it."

What the ghost said was very interesting, Hua Yueling frowned and thought about her meaning.It seemed to be a little over the line at times, otherwise she wouldn't have said so specifically.

Hua Yueling stared at her, trying to see what she meant, but couldn't see anything.It's hard to say whether the ghost is on their side, but she must know a lot of things, but she doesn't know if she doesn't want to say it or what, she didn't speak anymore.

"It should be easier to have a helper."

The ghost said so, Hua Yueling and Abiasha nodded, it is indeed better if someone helps, otherwise there is no way to contend against each other with the strength of the two of them.

Now they should be able to fight each other, with the help of the statue.But what the ghost said still made Hua Yueling care, this was not enough, what else would there be, would there be any changes to this monster.

There are many things he doesn't know, but he can't manage that much now, so he can only fight like this.The monsters won't give them too many opportunities. Since the statue is here to help, they can't just keep it being attacked.

"You can find a safe place to hide in the distance, otherwise I'm afraid it will attack you for a while."

"Don't worry, I'm already prepared, I won't be targeted by it."

The ghost said with a smile, she seemed to be quite confident, although she didn't know where her confidence came from.Hua Yueling looked at her and said nothing.

He went to Abiasha's side again, reminding her to go a little further away, not too close, otherwise, the monster would stare at her again. That would be troublesome.

Abiasha also understood that she had no way to contend with monsters with her own strength, so after Hua Yueling reminded her, she also had no opinion, and immediately nodded and agreed.

After the two separated, Hua Yueling rushed to help the statue to fight the monster, while Abiatha went to the distance and came to the ghost.

Taking advantage of the time to communicate with the ghost, maybe we can get some clues.Anyway, she can’t help much in the battle. Maybe it was okay before, but facing this kind of opponent, her attacks are basically useless. Instead of wasting time, it’s better to do something else during this time. Things are better.

After Hua Yueling rushed up, he used the hidden dragon blade to attack the monster. The figure of the monster moved from time to time, making it difficult for Hua Yueling to pinpoint its location.Fortunately, there are statues to help him. The statues can help him attract the attention of the monsters. Although the attacks of the statues basically return without success and basically cannot hit the monsters, it has strong defensive ability and the attacks of the monsters are against it. There is basically no effect.

Observing the movement of the monster next to him, Hua Yueling was also waiting for the opportunity. It was not the best time yet. The figure of the monster was erratic and it was difficult to grasp its actions.Hua Yueling tried to find a pattern, but it was very difficult. It had almost no pattern in its actions, it was just fighting indiscriminately.

"Is there no good way?"

Hua Yueling found it difficult to catch up and attack it at his own speed. The speed of a stranger could dodge his attack, which made him uncomfortable.It was okay to be blocked by others, but was dodged like this, and on the contrary, he was attacked by the opponent, making himself embarrassed.

Facing such a guy, Hua Yueling really had no way at all, so he still had to find the right time, otherwise there was no other way.In fact, even if you want to attack, you still have to be able to attack. If you can't hit it, it's just a waste of effort.

"It still doesn't work. You must find a way to attack it when it is difficult to dodge, so that you can gain something."

Hua Yueling stepped back a bit, the statue stretched out and thumped towards the monster, but the monster dodged very quickly, and disappeared immediately. When it appeared, the arm of the statue stepped on it all the way up, towards it. The head rushed over.

The statue naturally couldn't allow it to come over so easily, and immediately waved his arms to throw it away, and the monster's feet pressed hard, and the figure flashed into the air.The statue waved its arm and smashed it past, and the monster's body turned in a weird posture in mid-air, directly avoiding its attack.

Between the attack and the defense, Hua Yueling was stunned for a while. Both of the fighting methods surprised him. To be honest, he never expected the speed of the statue to be sudden. Time so fast.Although it was definitely not as good as him and the monster, it was quite incredible for its tall body.

The monster dodges the attack of the statue that looks very like a ghost with a light movement, but it is difficult for the attacking statue of the monster to dodge.The movement speed of the statue is still so slow, even slower than Abiatha's movement. The movement speed is only as fast as the previous one, incredibly fast, but now it is back to normal.

Fortunately, the gap between the two sides is still the same, and there is not much change. It is worth noting that the strength of the statue is still weaker than the strength of the monster.But if I really want to say the difference in strength between the two sides is the difference between the various values.

The power and defense are definitely better than the statue, but in terms of speed, it is far inferior to the monster. The result of this gap is that the monster can attack the statue frantically, but the consequences are nothing, and no damage is caused. The statue wanted to attack the monster, but with its speed, there was almost no way to do it.

Therefore, the battle between the two sides is basically useless, but the thing to say is that the monster has the upper hand, and it is in a state of being constantly attacked anyway.

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