Hua Yueling was the one who changed the situation, not Abiasha, who had given up and continued fighting after the statue and the ghost arrived.In terms of combat, her strength is far inferior to that of Hua Yueling and the statue, so she can't do anything at all, it's difficult to provide enough help.

Hua Yueling was observing from a little far away, and after several attacks, he found that it was too difficult to catch the opponent's trail, let alone hit the opponent.

"We still have to find a good enough time."

Hua Yueling said softly, staring at the monster's movements motionlessly.The fighting method of monsters is actually very simple and pure, and it is also very simple to understand clearly, but it is more difficult to rely on this understanding to grasp the opponent’s flaws, at least now Huayueling still can’t guarantee herself Be able to catch the flaws in the opponent's actions in time.

The figure of the monster kept flashing, attacking the statue from various directions. The statue directly used its strong defensive ability to defend, without other defensive actions.However, it is also looking for an opportunity to attack the monster, but it is different from the attack of the monster. Every time it returns without success. Although the attack is powerful and the momentum is strong enough, it can't hit the opponent. There is no way.

Hua Yueling was still observing from a distance, even if she didn't observe it, just watched it from a distance, it was still a beautiful enough battle.Fights like this make people feel like there is no way to intervene. The two sides tried their best to control the rhythm of the battle in their own hands, but in fact it was the same as before when they fought with Hua Yueling and the others. Still controlled in the hands of monsters.


After observing for a while, Hua Yueling felt almost done, her muscles tightened, Hua Yueling took a few steps forward, waiting for the next move of the monster.As long as you attack the monster after the attacking action is made, if you cooperate with the movement of the statue, you should be able to catch the flaw of the monster.

However, this requires more precise action time, and it can be done casually.

Hua Yueling took a deep breath and walked a few steps forward again, but he did not act in a hurry, but was still observing and waiting. It took time, and the timing was not right.

Waiting with breath-holding concentration, it seems that the monster is not paying attention here now, so Hua Yueling must continue to work hard to reduce her sense of existence so as not to be noticed by the monster again.In this case, the sneak attack will be easier at that time, otherwise, if the monster has been paying attention to it, it will not be easy to sneak attack.

Waiting for the opportunity calmly, Hua Yueling didn't like to wait, but had to wait at this time.It's not that he doesn't want to help the statue to deal with the monster's offensive now, but that he can't do it now.


In the distance, Abiatha and the ghost were talking softly, Hua Yueling didn't pay attention to what the two people were talking about, he didn't have the mind to care about it.

The line of sight seemed to be stuck on the battle between monsters and statues, moving his sight from time to time to understand the situation.The monster flashed again, like a flash of lightning, the muscles on Hua Yueling's legs were tense, and he almost rushed out, but he still endured it, it was not the best time, and now he rushed out and wanted to catch it. The possibility of a flaw hitting the opponent is too low.

"Still not, the flaw is still not big enough.,"

It is a pity that this is what the statue can do. There is no way to do more. Otherwise, it would make Hua Yueling easier, and there is no need to wait so anxiously.

The main reason is that the pressure on the monster is not enough, otherwise the monster will not be as relaxed as it is now.

"Not yet, not the best opportunity yet."

Hua Yueling watched the chances pass by. In fact, every monster's attack could be said to be an opportunity, but each opportunity was actually different.This is the place where Hua Yueling hesitated. Every time he attacked the monster, his posture would be different, so the flaws exposed were also different. Although Hua Yueling saw several good opportunities, the monster still did not use its full strength. Why, what seems to be worried about.

"Is it because of my existence?"

Hua Yueling was already careful enough to hide herself, but perhaps it was the effect of the previous battle, she didn't look here, but the monster still guarded him carefully.If he could use all his power to attack as before, the flaws would definitely be exposed, and that would be the best time for Hua Yueling to attack.

"No, don't worry, wait and see."

Hua Yueling muttered in a low voice, still waiting, although a lot of sweat was dripping from his forehead and he was extremely nervous.

"Go ahead and get closer."

Moving carefully, Hua Yueling walked forward little by little, seemingly not attracting the attention of the monsters. After all, the battle between them caused much greater momentum than it is now. He made it. The sound at this point is the same as nothing.

The confrontation became more and more intense. I don't know if it was too anxious. The monster was hit once by the attack of the statue. This time it was full of strength, and the monster was directly hit on the ground.The statue hasn't enjoyed it yet. I have been beaten so many times, and now I finally hit the opponent once. Of course, I have to fight quickly, and immediately waved a heavy arm and smashed it down.

It was shameful to be hit once, and the monster immediately fled from the ground, but the speed was obviously slower than before.This attack on the statue was heavy enough, and the injuries it caused were naturally not small. If Hua Yueling took this one abruptly, he would definitely not be able to stand it, but the monster was only injured, although this kind of injury had no small impact on it.

"good chance!"

When Hua Yueling was knocked down to the ground, Hua Yueling immediately realized that it was the best time for her to act, so she rushed up quickly and pierced directly towards the monster.

The hidden dragon blade stabbed, and the speed of the monster was obviously slowed down, and it was much slower than before. When Hua Yueling was aware of the attack, he would subconsciously avoid it, but due to the slowdown, his body was deflected. Dodge in the past.

The monster thought it could dodge, but in fact it was still slow.It was a lot slower, unable to completely dodge Hua Yueling's blow, Hua Yueling attacked with a one-shot mentality, but still failed to kill the monster.

The hidden dragon blade pierced into the body of the monster, "pouch" blood splashed, and the monster shook and ran into the distance.

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