"It's going to run!"

Hua Yueling was actually stunned for the first time. He never thought that the monster would not stay and continue to fight with them. This made him startled and did not react in time.By the time they reacted, the monster's figure had faded away, and it ran staggeringly far away, seeing that it would disappear from their eyes if it didn't catch up.

"No, you can't let it escape, you have to catch up!"

Hua Yueling hurriedly chased after him, his footsteps were fast, and his figure almost appeared afterimages, but it was still difficult to catch up with the monster.

Even if it was injured, it was still very fast, but it was hit by such an attack twice in a row that affected its body, making it difficult to control its body well.Running staggeringly, its speed has reached its fastest speed, but it is gradually caught up by Huayueling. Huayueling's speed is getting faster and faster, and it has even surpassed its speed. I can't imagine it.

Hua Yueling tried his best to catch up. That monster was the focus and core of this action. It would definitely not work if he didn't knock down the opponent.But it is also very difficult to defeat it.

Fortunately, Hua Yueling still has the upper hand in speed, as long as she persists for a while, she will definitely be able to catch up with the opponent.Hua Yueling gasped and looked at the other person's figure, but it was a pity that he was the only one who could catch up, and no one else could help.

The monster ran away frantically, regardless of other things, as long as it could escape is enough for it.However, the speed of the monster was still not enough, much slower, causing Hua Yueling to gradually approach, and she was about to catch up, but this was not enough, and it needed to be faster.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Hua Yueling reminded herself loudly, but even this speed was still not enough, it would take some time to catch up with the monster.

"Catch up!"

After catching up with the monster's figure, Huayue stabs the hidden dragon blade violently, and the monster stepped aside to avoid it. Although it avoided Huayueling's attack, its speed suddenly slowed down.There is no way to do this, otherwise, you have to fight for the danger of injury, but it is already seriously injured, and if you get hurt again, the speed will only become slower and slower. In that case, it will be impossible to get rid of Huayue no matter what. Ling's.

The monster itself knows this, so it is said to avoid the risk of slowing down, but no matter how it chooses to fall into the disadvantaged now, as long as Hua Yueling seizes the opportunity once, it will be difficult to deal with the following things. Up.

With continuous stabbings by Hua Yueling, the hidden dragon blade stabbed out, the monster dodged, and the pace of fleeing stopped, turning into a deal with Hua Yueling.This was originally a situation it didn't want to see, but it couldn't get rid of this situation. Even if it was fighting for the danger of injury, it was still the same, which caused it to be in an embarrassing situation.

It was delayed by Hua Yueling, and as time went by, it was getting more and more disadvantaged. The most important thing was that there was no way.Before this, the reason why it was able to suppress Huayueling was its unstoppable speed, but now the situation is different. Without speed, it is just an ordinary monster, in the attack of Huayueling. There is no backhand force below.

The waves of attack were higher than the waves, but the monster's defense was quite good, at least it was very difficult for Hua Yueling to kill it just like that in a short time, but fortunately Hua Yueling suppressed the opponent.

"If you work harder, you can get rid of it."

Hua Yueling took a deep breath, and blue veins appeared in his hands, the hidden dragon blade pierced straight, and the monster deflected his attack with its claws.There is no effect if there is no way to hit it.

The monster grabbed it with another claw, but Hua Yueling also dodged over, and then stabbed the hidden dragon blade again, but still couldn't hit the monster.

The two sides are still somewhat evenly matched one-on-one. Although Hua Yueling now has an advantage, it is only some advantage, far from being able to completely suppress the other party.Hua Yueling is trying to suppress the opponent, but this is very difficult, not that he can do it if he wants to.

After taking a deep breath, he dodged and stabs the hidden dragon blade from the side. A fake action deceived the monster, but the monster quickly reacted, but he could only rely on his claws to block it. Hua Yueling's attack.

The power of the hidden dragon blade is still worthy of recognition. It pierced the monster's claws with just one shot. The monster did not expect that the hidden dragon blade would be so powerful that even its own claws could be pierced.But now it is too late to regret. After all, it has been attacked and its claws have been broken. Even if it is regret, it is impossible to go back to the previous one.

Hua Yueling was so powerful that he continued to attack immediately, and the hidden dragon blade stabs forward. This is full of power, and because of the impact of the attack just now, the monster dare not even use its claws to block it, but can only dodge To the side, but Hua Yueling was faster than it, and immediately turned around and immediately stabbed in the past.

Hua Yueling's attack was faster than that, even making the monster unable to react.As time went by, the injuries suffered by the monsters became more and more serious, and the speed of the monsters became slower and slower. However, the monsters had no other way. They had to spend it here with Huayueling. It's okay to say something, but with such a serious injury, even if you want to escape, there is no way to escape.

The monster kept dodging, and Abiasha also moved in the distance, aimed at the monster and started attacking.If it is said that her previous attacks were not effective, not to mention whether they could be shot, even if they were shot, they would not cause much damage, but now it is obviously different. The monster has no way to dodge and defend. After all, it is dragged by Huayueling. What she wanted to do would be blocked by Hua Yueling.

The statue is still moving slowly in the same place, the speed is a bit too slow, obviously different from when it came, I don't know why.But Hua Yueling didn't care about this. After he had Abiasha's help, he suppressed the monster to death. The monster had no choice but to let Hua Yueling act according to his ideas.


After attacking and defending again and again, the hidden dragon blade stabbed out, and the monster used its own sharp claws to defend, and it didn't even dare to use its body to defend against Huayueling's attack.With its body there is no way to hold it. It could have been done originally, but it originally had all the power, but now it is very different.

Every attack brought it a lot of damage and made it feel exhausted.

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