Almost all black mud is hidden in other people's homes, only a few places are inside the corridor outside.It’s easier to clean up in the corridor, but Huayueling in the room has nothing to do. He can't invade other people's homes. Huayueling wants to go in, but he can't do it without disturbing others. Go inside the room.

After giving up and entering the room, Hua Yueling found a few black mud outside and wiped it out as quickly as possible, and then went back to the building where her house was with Mu Ningshuang.

"The solution here is almost the same. The invisibility time is not enough, so let's wait until tomorrow. Do you want to see other places? We haven't gone out much at night.

Hua Yueling, who was well-rested, was not sleepy at all, and was quite energetic at night.Mu Ningshuang's spirit was okay, but he was somewhat sleepy.

"Are you tired? Do you want to go back to rest?"

"No, let's go."

Mu Ningshuang stubbornly shook her head, not willing to go back. Hua Yueling stared at her, and she stared back at her. In this respect, Hua Yueling was definitely not as good as her, and she soon fell into a disadvantage, no longer being with her. She looked at each other.

"All right, I lost, let's go."

After admitting defeat, Hua Yueling took the initiative to take her hand and walked out. The two of them also left the community. The streets outside were quite lively, there was a lot of traffic, and some people could still be seen.Although it is still darker under the street lights, it is quite bright.

Walking on the streets at night like this, there is a completely different feeling, Hua Yueling hasn't tried much yet.Although it's not that I haven't walked outside at night, it is really not a single time at this late, especially with such a lovely girl as Mu Ningshuang.

The two people are walking on the road with a rather aimless feeling. The road in the middle of the night is amazing. The place on the road that is illuminated by the street lights, like a stream of water, feels almost the same as during the day.

The car lights in the distance dangled her eyes, and Hua Yueling retracted her gaze to look at the passing traffic, listening to the noise of the vehicles mixing together.

"It doesn't seem to be here."

"are not there?"

"Well, at least there is no breath around here, it seems like a place where no one lives."

Hua Yueling said softly, he looked around, and couldn't notice the existence of black mud on those cars.This is a good thing for him. If there is black mud that follows the car, then they don't know how big the range they need to search.

After walking through a deserted area, Hua Yueling and the others came to a more lively street, even at night there were still a lot of people.But after coming here, Huayueling also noticed the existence of black mud, black mud is located in some of the shops, some of them are open, and the business is very hot, and some of them have been closed. .

There was no sign of the black mud moving, it was just staying hidden somewhere in the shop. It seemed that as long as the place was found, unless it was for special reasons, they would not move.

"It's not easy to do here."

Hua Yueling glanced at it and said.It is naturally impossible to act in front of so many people, and it is basically impossible to not be discovered.

"Then what should I do, give up here temporarily?"

"It's better to give up temporarily, find another time to get it, or get rid of Sister Alorin's help. It is basically impossible for the two of us to not attract attention."

"Then look elsewhere."

Hua Yueling and the others had been around for a long time, almost an hour and a half, when they ran into Lu Yuetong and Alorin who were looking for them.

"How about you here?"

"It's not great. It's difficult to eliminate the black mud. Even a momentary action cannot guarantee privacy, let alone kill the black mud at once."

"I will still have to trouble you a little bit later, sister, I will help. But today I got a lot of useful information, the leader of Hei Ni probably has some clues, but still needs to collect more, let's talk about it tomorrow."

"Is that all today?"

"That's enough, and it's hard to make any progress if you continue. Go back and rest. It's not too late. I can sleep for a while."

Aroline went home with them, but after going back she left.According to her own statement, she wanted to go back and study the clues obtained today. Hua Yueling and the others said that she should rest and study until tomorrow, but Aroline herself refused. She said she was not very tired.

"Aling, where do you sleep? Do you want to come here too?"

"No, you two can do it over there. I can just deal with it in the living room for a while, anyway, it's almost dawn."

"Isn't there a few more hours."

"It's okay, I can just lie down on the sofa. I can just deal with it."

Hua Yueling herself is very persistent. After repeatedly persuading him a few times, he still refused. Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong had no choice but to loosen the hands holding the sleeves of his arms and go back to the room after saying goodbye to him. To sleep.

"I'm a little sleepy, go to bed quickly, otherwise, tomorrow you will lose energy again."

Thinking about this, he lay down on the sofa, rolled over, and fell asleep after a while.

After eliminating a few black mud, it didn't gain much. I don't know how Sister Aroline managed to defeat the black mud and gain useful information at the same time.He really wanted to learn, but sister Aroline seemed to be an exclusive skill.

After lying down for a while, turning over again, her mouth moved, she didn't know if she wanted to say or dreamed, Hua Yueling did not open her eyes, or was in her sleep.Sometimes I may not be able to fall asleep while lying down for a long time, but today I fell asleep quite quickly.

Turned over and lay face up on the sofa. After a while, I turned over to face the backrest of the sofa, and leaned inward, almost touching the backrest of the sofa. This is considered more satisfactory. Stopped the action.

A few hours of effort passed in a blink of an eye, but Hua Yueling slept so hard that she hardly meant to wake up.But his sleep is over here. Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong have not put on their clothes yet, and they rushed out of the room in a panic while wearing only pajamas. He shook his shoulders and arms while calling him to get up quickly.

"Aling, Aling, get up quickly, it's not good!"

"stand up!"

Rarely, even Mu Ningshuang was anxious.

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