"Well, what, what's wrong?"

Hua Yueling was still sleeping, but she was called out like this.Some dazedly wiped her eyes, Hua Yueling sat up, looked at them and asked.

"What's the matter? Aling, look outside and you will know what's going on!"

Lu Yuetong’s anxious words rang in her ears, and Hua Yueling looked out the window following the direction of her fingers. She was so frightened that he immediately woke up, suddenly stood up and rushed over, lying on the window to look. Outside.

"This, what's going on?!"

"Yeah, right? We were also scared to death. When we came together and saw such a scene, we didn't even know what happened!"

Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang also came over and watched the situation outside with him.The black mist outside the window covered a lot of places, and there was almost no place to see. The black mist covered the outside world, hiding everything.

The other is that in this black fog, it seems that something can be seen vaguely, but it is very difficult to see clearly.

"Isn't it the leader of the black mud made it?"

Hua Yueling rubbed her eyes vigorously, and said helplessly.I just hunted down the black mud last night, and in the end such a thing happened in the morning. What is it called?

"Let's go out and have a look. By the way, I will go and see how my sister is doing."

The black fog is thick, it looks almost like a solid body, not like smoke at all.It was like being hung in the air by something.

"Let's change clothes and set off in a while!"

The three moved quickly, Hua Yueling returned to her room, and found that her sister had just gotten up, and was shocked by the sight outside the window.Sitting on the bed with an expression of not knowing what happened.

"Xiao Ling, what's wrong, do you know?"

"I probably know some, but I don't know so much. In short, the situation is a bit bad. We want to go out and have a look later."

"I'm with you too."

"I don't know how the situation is, I don't know if this black fog will affect other people." Hua Yueling said more worried.This kind of black house would feel terrible just from the looks of it, and it was not friendly at all. Hua Yueling wouldn't believe it if it had no effect on ordinary people.

But if this kind of scene is seen by ordinary people... the villain is the villain. You don’t have to worry about this or that at all. You can act whatever you want to do, and you don’t need to hide it at all. It’s really easier than him to act. Up.

Hua Yueling sighed and felt that her life was really troublesome. How could it be like this during a good summer vacation? Is she too unlucky?

"Let's go, go and take a look outside."

Hua Yun was also very curious about what was happening outside now. She followed Hua Yueling out, and then the two of them went to the living room together.After waiting in the living room for a while, I saw Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong walking out of the room.

Sister Aroline hasn't come yet, I don't know if she is still doing her research, but now Hua Yueling and the others don't have the mind to think about it, their minds are all placed on the black fog outside.

Although it was still early, it was just half past six in the morning, but there was still something wrong with the outside situation, there was no one.It stands to reason that this shouldn't be the case even in the morning, basically there are no people.

"No one."

"Is it affected by the black fog?"

Lu Yuetong guessed.After all, none of them have been affected by this aspect. After all, they are different, and they are still very different from ordinary people.

How ordinary people will be affected by Hua Yueling is still unclear, but it is still good for him to be able to act without being noticed.He didn't want his figure to be seen by others.

"I hope there is nothing wrong."

"Aling, see if the black mud here has acted, and if those people are controlled by the black mud."

"By the way, I forgot about this. I'll take a look."

Hua Yueling was reminded by such a reminder that there was still a lot of black mud here. Although some were wiped out yesterday, it was obviously not enough. There are still many left.

"Well, the black mud began to move. Yesterday, I stayed in one place and didn’t understand and hide. But today is obviously different. They all started to move. It seemed that they were just ordinary activities and they didn’t go in the direction of people. activity."

"How is this going?"

Lu Yuetong originally thought that Hei Ni would attack others, but now Hua Yueling's answer to her made her very surprised, which was a little different from what she had imagined.

"I don't know, but the people I can detect seem to be in a state of not knowing what kind of behavior, maybe they haven't woken up yet?"

"That's impossible, is that everyone else?"

"Yes, people who don't have activists don't move at all."

"Isn't this weird? In any case, it's impossible for all of them to be inactive at this time. How can there be mornings and evenings? Not everyone is at the same time.

"That means these people are still affected by the black fog to a large extent. That's right."

"It should be like this."

Lu Yuetong nodded. Although I don't know what the black fog will cause, it is more convenient for them to act.The only thing to worry about is the cameras that are installed, but they should not be found under the protection of the black fog.

All four of them went out, cautiously went downstairs, and came downstairs, Huayueling probed the outside to observe.The black fog moves slowly in the sky as if it is being manipulated, but it only occupies a certain place and has not completely spread, and I don't know why.

Hua Yueling found it strange and couldn't help but look at it more, but it was only this time that he was stared at by the black mist.The black mist spread towards where he was, seeming to treat him as a target.

"These black mists are pretty powerful, I really noticed it."

Lu Yuetong whispered, even thought it was quite interesting.But soon she couldn't laugh. The black mist surrounded them and made them feel very troublesome. They didn't know how to destroy the black mist.

"What to do, it's this kind of guy, will our mutual aid be effective?"

"Let me try."

Before Mu Ningshuang's voice had finished, she was directly stopped by Hua Yun, and Hua Yueling also quickly reached out to block her.

"Don't don't don't, let's forget it, if Black Mist can't be attacked, then your magic should destroy nearby buildings."

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