The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1497 Black Mist Spreads

Hua Yueling and the others chose to escape when they had no way of determining what to do. They escaped from the building, and they immediately became the focus of the nearby black mist.

As long as those black mists are closer to them, they will immediately come close, seeming to want to envelop them.Naturally, Hua Yueling and the others didn't want this, but for the time being they didn't know how to compete with the black mist, so they had to run away instead of fighting against them.

The situation is still quite serious, Hua Yueling and the others are a little worried about the current situation, but there is nothing they can do.

"These black mists..."

However, after escaping for a while, and after leaving the community, Hua Yueling frowned, seeming to have discovered something.

"What's the matter?" Lu Yuetong asked her quickly as if he had discovered something in her tone.

"Don't you think this black mist feels a bit familiar?"

Hua Yueling didn't answer her question immediately, but instead asked.When asked this way, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong both carefully observed them. If Hua Yueling didn’t say anything, they hadn’t thought of it, but after he reminded them, under careful observation, they found that it was indeed something that caused them A place that feels familiar.

Hua Yun hadn't seen it before, so she didn't know yet, but Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang had both acted with him, and they knew very clearly.

"It's kind of like black mud."

Lu Yuetong expressed his thoughts. After careful observation, although there was a black mist floating in the sky, as mentioned before, the black mist was a bit too thick.

"Yes, and not just a bit like it, this is black mud."

"Are you saying that these are all made of black mud?" Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang asked with surprised expressions. No one thought it would be like this.This is too strange, it turned out that the black mud turned into this way, it is simply incredible.

"What's going on, black mud will become like this, isn't it the end of the world!"

"But this also shows that maybe it is still attackable."

"Shall we eliminate them?"

Looking at the black mist all over the air, neither Lu Yuetong nor Mu Ningshuang had much confidence.And it's okay to say that the one in the vicinity is a bit troublesome in the distance.

"How did so much black mud come out? When we went out to investigate together before, didn't we?"

"Definitely not, otherwise, the black mud would be filled up here soon. I don't know how it was made, but this kind of black mud can't be produced unlimitedly. In that case, only Catch the king first, otherwise we cannot have the possibility of victory."

"But until now we still don't know where the other party is."

Lu Yuetong frowned and said.So far they have only encountered the black mud, but they have not seen the possible behind the scenes. No one knows where it exists, but there must be such a person who does not know what purpose it has. Feeling unusually irritable.

Looking at the thick black fog that was moving, Hua Yueling motioned to Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang to attack, and they aimed at the monsters and attacked.Arrows and magic slashed through the air, hitting the thick black mist floating in it.

Without any sound, the thick fog formed by the black mud was destroyed and dissipated in front of their eyes.The thick black fog didn't change back to its original appearance, it turned into fog and dissipated, gradually disappearing.

But this is not enough, more black fog is attacking, enveloping them from all sides.

"It's so quiet, it's never been so quiet."

Hua Yun whispered, Hua Yueling and the others also nodded.It is true, such a quiet atmosphere, let alone here, even in other places, I have never felt such a quiet atmosphere.

There is no sound of vehicles, no horns, no people's footsteps, no conversations, all of this is so quiet and incredible.

The black mud still made some noises, but the noise was so weak that it would be impossible to hear it without listening carefully.Hua Yueling and the others stood there for a while, of course, in this case, let alone go to work, it is a luxury to be able to meet someone.

Although I don't know how the people are, it is clear that there is nothing else that can be active except for a few of them.

"Do you want to destroy them all?"

Lu Yuetong looked at the figures who were gradually approaching and asked softly.Hua Yueling frowned and watched. The black mud that came close to what he wanted to say was not a little bit, there were a lot of them, probably seven or eight, but it was not difficult to eliminate it.

It's just that even if it is wiped out, it is of no use, the black mist is still approaching, and even if it is wiped out, more black mist will come and surround them.

These black mists regard them as their primary goals. The figures that can move outside seem to be their goals. They keep approaching one by one. Unless they are all resolved, it is almost impossible to be idle. of.

"It's not easy."

Hua Yueling frowned and sighed, he didn't want to consume too much energy here.It's not that he is lazy or scared, but that is mainly unnecessary.After all, the monsters here are not very important, even if they are all wiped out, there is no use, but it is a waste of time and cannot solve the actual problem. This is not what Hua Yueling hopes to see.

"Destroy the nearby ones first, and wait for the others. We have to leave here as soon as possible."

Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong both nodded, their attack methods were all long-range attacks, and they were not very expensive.The main reason is that the black mud is relatively weak, and they don't need to consume much, as long as they directly attack the past.

Arrow shot the two waves of black mist that moved next to each other, and gradually dissipated in the distance.Mu Ningshuang's magic was even more powerful. Just a single spell wiped out a lot of black mist that had gathered together, burned them all, and then just floated in the air.

"well done!"

Hua Yueling praised Mu Ningshuang, Mu Ningshuang's attack was indeed very powerful, so much of the black mud was directly solved in this way, and it was cleaned up all at once.Hua Yueling stared at the distance, and more black mist was moving over, which was not a good thing for Hua Yueling.

"Okay, let's not waste time here, let's go quickly."

Seeing that if we continue to stay here, there will only be more and more black mud, Hua Yueling said quickly.It is not impossible to fight here, but there is no need.

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