Hua Yueling stared at the distance. The four people were running. Without direction, the black mist covered all the places that could be seen. Walking in such an environment, it was difficult to find a good enough way for them to leave.

Squinting her eyes, Hua Yueling relied on her probing skills to understand what was in the distance. Under the black mist, she could still see something.

"No, you get blinded as you go on like this, otherwise it's better to go back first. It's hard to find the target even if you wander outside, so it's better to go back as soon as possible."

The main thing is that there is no progress in staying outside, which is quite annoying.And I need to walk everywhere, so I don't know where I am now.

The way back has to be found. The key is that Hei Mist doesn't mean to stop, chasing them all the time, making them quite uncomfortable.

Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong wiped out a group of nearby black mists, Hua Yun also started to help, only Hua Yueling did not make a move.Before he could take action, these black mists were just Mu Ningshuang and the others, and he didn't have to do it.

After eliminating so much black fog, there is still no progress, and what you see in front of you is still black, nothing else.This is quite annoying. In fact, Hua Yueling sighed, turned her head and looked elsewhere, but she still couldn't find anything worth noting.


The vast black fog is really uncomfortable, especially with the narrow field of vision, I can't find anything if I want to find it, and it's pitch black everywhere.

"Let's go back."

After a long battle, Mu Ningshuang and the others are also a little irritable. This has nothing to do with their mood. The main reason is that the black mist seems to have an effect on people's mood, making it difficult for them to have a more peaceful state of mind, and I don’t know why. .

Irritated thoughts were written on their faces, Hua Yueling and the others shook their heads vigorously, turned and left here.

The black fog is still spreading. Just looking at it, their attacks did not seem to reduce the black fog, but it can't be said that it has increased, it can only be said that there is no change.

I don't know how the black fog spreads, whether it's just their area, a city, or the whole world.

If this bizarre phenomenon spreads all over the world, then Hua Yueling and the others will have a headache.

A few people swiftly walked back, saying so, actually Hua Yueling was still exploring the way back little by little.Here, no matter where you look, it is pitch black, let alone finding the way, it is difficult to judge what kind of place it is near.

However, this does not mean that they are already surrounded by the black fog and cannot walk.In fact, there is still a difference, and the difference is not small. The black mist has a core. An area around the core seems to represent the body of the black mud. The scope of this area is limited. It doesn’t mean that all places will be affected. Besides, there are some black fogs outside this area. These are real fogs, which will not cause much harm to them, but will block their sight and let They can't see the surrounding scenery.

Hua Yueling and the others were originally in a familiar place, but now they still have to walk back while exploring.The black fog is superimposed on each other to cause a large field of view to be shielded, and the black blocks are superimposed to create a darker effect.

Although the black fog is still a long way away from them, this extended black still prevents them from seeing the road well.

As they walked back, they were not fast, and they wiped out the black fog while walking, and proceeded like this, but the black fog still showed no signs of decreasing.Everyone's speed has slowed down a lot, even slower than when they came out.

The black fog is still spreading, and there is no sign of stopping. Looking at it this way, it will probably not be long before these houses will be occupied by the black fog.But Hua Yueling and the others didn't have any good solutions, it was very troublesome, it was really troublesome to eliminate so much black fog, and it was difficult to do it.


Hua Yueling took a deep breath when she found the entrance of the community, not relieved, but saw the situation at the entrance of the community.A large amount of black fog enveloped the entrance, and in the black fog, people could still be seen. That was a person Hua Yueling was not very familiar with. He looked very thin, about 1.8 meters tall. It looked like he was wandering at the door, holding nothing in his hand.

Of course, this was not enough to surprise Hua Yueling. What surprised him was that half of the man's body was black, and there was a feeling of melting.Something dripped from the dark half to the ground, accompanied by the sound, which also attracted the attention of others.

"Xiao Ling, what's the matter?"

Hua Yun was naturally attracted by this sound. After all, in such a quiet environment, any sound was enough to attract attention of others.

"There is a figure at the entrance of the community over there, and the entrance is full of black fog, there is no way to go directly."

"That person is..."

"I don't know, but he should have been from this community. I don't know him, but it looks like he was made by the black mud."

"I have to go over and take a look."

Several people couldn't help but frowned. In this case, who was that person would actually be known by just thinking about it, and it was definitely not a good person.

There are no ordinary people who are still awake at all outside, let alone outside, even in those people's homes. Now when you see a person outside, you are definitely not an ordinary person.

That person didn’t know how to do it. It’s very strange. When Huayueling came out, he hadn’t felt any movement, and in this case, everyone was in a coma. How could there be people? Able to wake up and come outside.

It was definitely necessary to see in the past, and they couldn't stay in one place for too long, and the black mist was still gathering.But if you think about it, there is still a lot of black fog at the entrance of the community, even if there is no such person, they have to do something to get in, and they can't directly break into the black fog.

Hua Yueling and the others must eliminate those who are blocking the way. This is a more troublesome thing, but they have to do it.Hua Yueling is still leading, leading the others back in front, only he can know clearly how to go back, no one else can do this.

It didn't take long for them to reach the entrance of the community.

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