The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1508 More Information

No one else knew what Hua Yueling was thinking, but seeing that he just ran forward and didn't say anything, no one would bother him.Anyway, the most important thing now is to rely on him to solve the problem, so it is better to let him not be disturbed.

Hua Yun looked at the figure in his younger brother's thoughts, wanted to say something but still didn't say anything, just watching him quietly.

Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong did the same. They seemed to have discussed it a long time ago.None of them spoke, just watching him.Not to mention Aroline, he wanted to see how Hua Yueling could solve this problem right now.

She probably knew a little bit about the origin of these black muds, so she was quite clear about what was going on.It is precisely because of this that she will leave this problem to Hua Yueling to solve, and she will do nothing, just watch it from the side, or provide him with some information.

Since Hua Yueling didn't need information, there was no need to tell him, as long as he looked at it like this, he would leave the rest alone.

A few people were acting like this. During the period, someone came up to block their actions, but those people couldn't stop them well, and they were easily solved by Hua Yun.

It just knocked them out. If there was no way to knock them out, they would just fly out. After being eroded by the black mud, Hua Yun and the others discovered one thing. These people's bodies are much stronger and they won't be easy. Was seriously injured.

In fact, as long as you don't use your full strength and only use some strength, you can fly them out, but they won't be hurt much.

It is the easiest way to knock them out. Compared with this, it is more difficult to knock them out.They won't faint easily, but if you want to attack behind them, you have to stop. After waiting for a while, more people will rush up.

If you fight them like this for a while, they just don't leave, just fight here.

"Two levels, logically speaking, the two levels should be almost the same."

Hua Yueling thought so, and if he raised two levels, he would reach the seventh level of exploration, although he didn't know the level of the black mud and how the human strength was after being swallowed by the black mud.But Hua Yueling felt that it was almost the same. This was his subconscious thought and instinct told him.

After raising two levels, Huayueling once again used the exploration skills to explore the surrounding situation. At this time, he found that the exploration skills could detect a wider range and could detect more information.

For example, what kind of people are controlled by the black mud, their level and other information.Some people have special abilities, Hua Yueling has also discovered, but this is not the ability of those people, but the ability brought after the black mud swallows him.


After investigating for a while, Hua Yueling stopped suddenly, and he discovered a strange thing.

"That guy..."

"Xiao Ling, what's the matter?"

Hua Yun couldn't help asking when seeing him suddenly stop.

"That guy is wrong."

Hua Yueling pointed at a figure in the distance and whispered.Hua Yun and the others looked in the direction he was pointing, and they saw the figure hiding in the dense crowd. They hadn’t noticed each other before, and the other party was hiding very well. Among so many people, why? It may be found so easily.

"No? What's wrong?"

Hua Yun and the others haven't noticed it for a while, but this is also normal. After all, Hua Yueling can only do things after improving her exploration skills, how can it be so simple to observe.If that were the case, Hua Yueling wouldn't have to be so troublesome.

Now, after spending a lot of effort, I have finally received some goods. Although this gain may not be as effective as imagined, it is not bad.

"Those are not humans."

Hua Yueling said so.

"Not a human? That is..."

Hua Yun and the others retracted their gazes, and did not keep staring at the distance. This would definitely not work, they would be discovered.

"It should be the means behind the scenes, but it's still unclear whether it is the transfigured clone. I only know that it must not be caused by swallowing people."

"That is to say it is used to monitor us?"

"Yes, and it's not just this one, there are several more, all located in different places. It is very careful, and the surveillance people are all placed far away. I haven't found it before."

"Then knowing that is there any use? Can you find where the man behind the scenes is?"

"At least not for the time being."

Hua Yueling shook his head. Although it was said that he had obtained some information, such information was obviously not enough.Wanting to find the man behind the scenes through this is just a dream.But this is also considered an improvement, as long as this continues to advance, there should still be a chance.

"Then what should we do to get rid of those guys?"

"For the time being, it's not a good thing. It's not a good thing for us. Instead of doing that, it's better to wait and keep looking. Anyway, there has been some progress now."

"Any clues?"

"Still not, but I believe that as long as you continue to search, you will definitely find something."

This is not the first time Hua Yueling has said this, but this time his confidence is stronger than before.After discovering the dark hands left behind by the black hands behind the scenes, Hua Yueling's confidence increased a lot.

However, it is impossible for these observers to find each other through these dark hands.Hua Yueling herself didn't know what the other party was doing.It is strange that the breath is no different from those whose bodies are occupied by black mud. This is also the reason why Hua Yueling had not noticed that the other party was different before.

I don't know why the other party did it, it should be done to prevent being discovered.But some places are quite strange.

"It's weird."

After observing, Hua Yueling thought so in her heart. Although he had said with Sister Alorin that he was quite confident before, his confidence was weakened a little after a certain distance.

"Just this information is not enough."

Hua Yueling whispered.Other information is needed, more information will do.Those figures are there no matter where they are, they are hidden in the crowd, they are just observing their movements, and there are no other movements.But actually Hua Yueling hoped that they could do some other actions, which would be better.

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