After walking a distance, Hua Yueling stopped.Lifting her head and looking up, the sky that was originally black mist dissipated and returned to its original appearance has changed again. It seems that some kind of voice is echoing in her ears, Hua Yueling is not particularly clear, nor does she know Is this true?

Perhaps it was my own illusion, the voice sounded quite real, not at all fake.

There was a large swath of darkness in the distance, which covered the sky and the earth.The light was eroded by the darkness, and gradually, darkness struck.

For some reason there was action suddenly, and the action was so sudden that they all felt a little weird, not knowing why it happened.To say it, they didn't find the man behind the scenes.

According to the truth, the black hand behind the scenes can continue to hide behind the scenes, waiting for the opportunity to act, but now they act so quickly, it is incredible.


Hua Yueling frowned and had a strange expression, she didn't quite understand the development trend and direction of things.

The black soon covered the place where they were, and all they saw was darkness.You can still see things in this darkness, not that you can't see things.

Looking into the distance, Hua Yueling discovered through her exploration skills that those people had also changed, her strength seemed to be strengthened, and even the nature was different.

"No, this is not the other party's real body. The other party is still hidden in the darkness. It is not easy to find it, but it must be found."

Huayueling narrowed her eyes and quickly turned her head left and right to look for the other person's figure.

The other party should be here, if it's not here or farther away, it should be not far from them anyway.More and more people jumped up from below. These people surrounded Huayueling and them, making them unable to act according to their own ideas and had to find ways to avoid them.

"We can't stop, we have to walk away quickly. After a while, there will be all people here, there is no way to act!"

"I will find a way to find it as soon as possible, it will not take too long. Now we should be very close to it, so it will attack us in such a hurry."

"Don't be too anxious, the more you are anxious, the less you can find it, so calm down and relax."

Hua Yueling nodded vigorously, indicating that she was clear.After he calmed down, he closed his eyes, a pair of eyes closed tightly, as if pinching them with his fingers.

After closing for a while, Hua Yueling felt that she was a little more awake. He opened his eyes and looked straight to a place in the distance.There seemed to be a figure over there, but that figure was still relatively vague, Hua Yueling couldn't see it very clearly.

"over there!"

Pointing to the distance, Hua Yueling was not afraid of being seen, so she rushed over.However, it is still more difficult to get past from here.The other party noticed Hua Yueling's movements, and the figure immediately turned into a black mist and disappeared from there, not knowing where it drifted.

Although the other party adopted this method, it is impossible to hide Hua Yueling's eyes with this method.Hua Yueling had already seen through the opponent's mode of action, sprinting incessantly, at a rapid speed.

Just like this, he dashed all the way in that direction, and the darkness that enveloped him made it difficult for him to find the way, but it was not that difficult.Hua Yueling's eyes were still very good, and she easily found a way to that direction.Although this road was said to be blocked, there was still no way to stop Hua Yueling's footsteps.

"Go down!"

Inwardly roared, Hua Yueling was already annoyed by the other party.What he has to do now is very simple, is to find the black hand behind the scenes and solve everything.Although the other party turned into a black mist and wanted to hide where he really was, pretending that he had left, but for Hua Yueling, all this mist couldn't cover his eyes.

Being able to see that person's figure, Hua Yueling could see clearly where it was.It is precisely because of this that he sprinted past without reducing speed along the way, he sprinted quickly, without any tendency to stay.

They rushed to the front of the building along the way, Hua Yueling and the others solved a lot of enemies along the way, and those who came up were beaten by them.Just rushed downstairs.Before going upstairs, Huayueling paid special attention to the black hand behind the scenes upstairs.

"Not here?"

The results he got surprised him a bit. Before, it seemed that he was here, but after he got here, it was different.The other party seems to have left, as if not here.

"What's wrong?"

They sprinted straight along the way, but now it has slowed down, which has attracted the attention of others, Hua Yun and they all looked at her and asked him what happened.

"Something's wrong, it's gone."

Hua Yueling frowned and quickly searched the surroundings, but it was difficult to see clearly in the dark.

"Gone? Do you want to go in?"

At this moment, Hua Yueling was embarrassed. This decision is very important right now. The most important thing is that it is difficult to get out if you really rush in.Facing so many people, there is no way to get down.But he had believed that the black hand was here before. He could feel it, but now it has changed. He doesn't know why this is the case.

Things became a little weird, Hua Yueling was already a bit unable to understand the development of the incident, very strange.

"Did you leave? Or did you lie to me in the beginning?"

The detection skill was to detect the location of the opponent before, and also marked the information.The information indicated that it was a different guy, not something like Hei Mu, but something else, which should have come from another world, and that Hua Yueling had never seen it.

"Is it still here?"

Feeling tangled about this, Hua Yueling even became a little anxious, mainly because there was no way, the situation was too urgent, and there was no chance to relax and calm down.

The mood gradually became anxious, but fortunately there were other people beside him, Hua Yun and Mu Ningshuang all came over to hug him, stroke him and comfort him to calm him down.It is not so easy to be calm, and it is still among so many enemies.

"Go from here, it should be here!"

After about a minute, Hua Yueling felt much calmer.After calming down, he pointed to another time.

"Move quickly!"

The other people also said loudly, they quickly ran away from the surrounding people in the same place, Hua Yueling and the others went around to the back of the building.It still took some time along the way.After all, there is no way to walk on the ground, although if you move fast enough, you can avoid some people and there are some places you can walk, but Hua Yueling and the others cannot walk like this.

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