The two-handed sword swept heavily on the black sphere, and the black sphere exuded a terrible breath.However, Hua Yueling was not afraid, but instead attacked more, and almost all of her strength was concentrated on this attack.

The ball was swept out of a hole, but that was not enough.Dark smoke came out from this opening, and the smoke floated over, seeming to be trying to surround Hua Yueling.

Hua Yueling is not too clear about the specific effect of the dark smoke, but he knows one thing very well. It is best not to block his vision by that thing.That would be quite detrimental to myself.

What makes Hua Yueling even more strange is that there is something wrong with the situation before him. If the phantom really has any back-hands, it can't be the only way to use this trick for herself, and it will have no effect.

Besides, the black smoke has no effect on me.Regardless of these, Hua Yueling continued to use his two-handed sword to slam the past, almost using all his strength, the black ball was gradually broken open, and it was destroyed in this way.

After the black sphere was broken open, a strong breath struck. The black sphere actually exploded directly, and a large amount of black mud-like things splashed out in all directions.Huayueling frowned and found that the shadow of the phantom had disappeared from her eyes for some time, but she had already lost her trace when she wanted to find the other party.


Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, ignoring other things, just stepped away, looking for the vanishing shadow.Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong helped to remove the black smoke and the black mud that was shot randomly.These things just look disgusting enough, if they are touched, I don't know what will happen.

Quickly walked to Mu Ningshuang and the others, Hua Yueling watched from left to right with a guarded face, using exploration skills to explore the surrounding situation. There are many things that can be explored by exploration skills. Although they did not find the other side, Huayue Ling used other intelligence to learn some information.

"Sure enough, the speed has slowed down a lot. It seems that it is still injured, but I don't know how it is."

In terms of speed, the other party was obviously slower, but since he didn't look at the other party's figure in detail, it was not particularly clear what Hua Yueling knew about the speed.

"It should be here."

Hua Yueling didn't rush to attack, but waited for the other party to come over. If the other party thought he hadn't found it, then he could hit the other party by surprise.

After getting close enough, Hua Yueling waved his two-handed sword and attacked the invisible phantom.Xu Ying saw that Hua Yueling had been observing and didn't intend to take action. He thought he hadn't found himself at all, but he didn't expect this to be Hua Yueling's strategy.

"It's now!"

The blade was heavily slashed on Phantom's body. Phantom had no way to react. It was too late when Hua Yueling attacked. If it was earlier, there would be a chance, but now even if she wants to dodge time It is too late.

There is no way, it can only use the black fog to block Huayueling’s attack and create a buffer space. Even if there is no way to completely block Huayueling’s attack, it is still enough to reduce some damage and prevent itself from being damaged. Was seriously injured by such a hit.


The black mist used for buffering could hardly make any effective blocking, it was directly damaged by Hua Yueling, and then the two-handed sword slashed heavily on Xu Ying's body.Even if the phantom turned around and dodged it, there was still no way to avoid it completely, and it was hit and flew out all at once.

This time the phantom didn't even think about avoiding it or what happened. Hua Yueling's attack caused it to be seriously injured, and it was unable to move for a while.Hua Yueling followed closely, and at the same time Mu Ningshuang and the others' attacks had already arrived.

The ice cone stabbed the ghost's body, and the arrow also hit it. The ghost didn't dodge, so it was hit directly.Although the damage received was certainly not as severe as Hua Yueling's attack, it was enough to be attacked like this, especially when it was already injured.

The continuous offensive made Phantom overwhelmed, and the injuries he suffered continued to aggravate, but there was no way for it.He hadn't recovered yet, and he hadn't even been able to act. Hua Yueling's attack came again, and such a continuous attack caused it to be seriously injured.

After finally recovering and being able to move, seeing that he could no longer fight against Hua Yueling and the others, he was completely at a disadvantage, and even if he continued to fight against the opponent, he would only fail.So it simply stopped fighting Hua Yueling and the others, but quickly ran away.

The remaining black mist was summoned back by it, but it was not used to attack Huayueling and the others, but instead condensed into his body. I didn't expect that the black mist would be able to recover its injuries.It’s just that the amount of black mist is not enough, so it can only recover a little, and there is no way to fully recover, but this is also very good for it, at least not to drag a seriously injured body to escape, then it will not escape at all. may.

The injury he had received has recovered a bit, and the speed of the phantom's escape has also increased.But how could Huayueling allow it to escape like this? You have to know that it has caused a lot of trouble to yourself. If you really let it escape, wait until it recovers and then come to trouble, and then you want to find it again. It's not that easy anymore.

Hua Yueling was chasing after it, Mu Ningshuang and the others also launched an attack when they caught up, using magic and arrows to block the opponent's line of action.Although there is no way to completely stop the opponent's direction of action, at least it can slow down the opponent's speed of action, which is very helpful for Hua Yueling.

As long as the speed slows down to a certain level, Hua Yueling will be able to catch up with it as soon as possible. Originally, Hua Yueling's speed is fast enough, much faster than the opponent's speed.Coupled with the help of Mu Ningshuang and the others, if they can't catch up, they can severely curse their incompetence.

The rapid pursuit still had an effect, and soon he caught up with the ghost. Seeing Hua Yueling catching up, the ghost knew that he could not get rid of him.He did not continue to escape at all, but suddenly came a surprise attack with his backhand, but Huayueling was on guard for a long time, how could he be caught flat-footed in this way, the attacks of the two sides collided, and there was a heavy noise, still It was Hua Yueling who had the upper hand, but he also found that he was wrong.

The other party didn't really want to use this method to attack, but instead used this attack method to get rid of him.

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