You chase me between the two sides, Hua Yueling speed is faster, but the ghost is using him to attack directly to go farther.

At this time, thanks to the strength he provided, although it was said that he suffered some injuries, the speed also increased, and the two sides suddenly opened up some distance.Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong's attacks were both dodged by it, which slowed its speed.

There is no better way for the phantom, this is the best way it can think of just now, and there is definitely no possibility of winning against Hua Yueling head-on.This is not because it grows the ambition of others to destroy its own prestige, but it is the case, and it knows this very well.

It had understood this before it had fought against Hua Yueling and the others, and it had confirmed this fact deeply after the fight.Hua Yueling's strength is very powerful, unless they use special strength, otherwise there is no possibility of winning at all.

But even with special power, there is nothing to do when Hua Yueling is not fooled.

As long as you can escape right now, nothing else is important. As long as you can escape, you will come back next time you are ready.I will never lose to him next time!

The phantom thinks so, but the important thing is to be able to escape, but it is very difficult to escape now.Hua Yueling watched and chased him from behind, and Mu Ningshuang's long-range attacks continued to harass him in the distance. If he was hit, it would not be fun, just being hit would be enough. Accepted.

Xu Ying also understood this, so she had always dodged, and did not really ignore Lu Yuetongmu Ningshuang's attacks.It is not a joke if it is ignored and not noticed that it is really concentrated, although it wants to give up its gaze over there.

Knowing that it still needs to pay attention to the situation on Huayueling's side, and then it has to pay attention to Mu Ningshuang and the others. Their attention has been divided into two places. They were originally downwind, and the speed was slower than the other party. Distracted, it would be extremely difficult to escape.

Even in such a difficult situation, it still did not give up hope, but was still thinking of ways to escape.But after thinking about it, there is no good way. If you use some of your special abilities, you have to consume strength, but there are still injuries on its body that are not good, and the strength that can be exerted is also limited. If you consume more, unless you can Limit Huayueling to the same place, otherwise don't want to escape again.

Don't look at the appearance of the phantom, compared to Zhi Ji, it is definitely not inferior to ordinary people, and much stronger.However, the current situation cannot be solved by relying solely on wisdom. Strength is also needed, and strength is not enough.

Sprinting at the fastest speed he could achieve, he kept looking back and observing where Hua Yueling was, Hua Yueling was quickly solving it.Although it was put together and used his power to open the distance between the two sides, the situation is still under the control of Hua Yueling and the others.

As long as they don't stop and keep chasing like this, Void has no way to get rid of them.They can only let them consume their little power like this, but no matter how angry it is, they can't get rid of it. This is the most annoying.

Hua Yueling and the others have an advantage in speed. As long as they don't want to suppress their advantage, it will never escape from their palms.If black mud is used, it may be able to achieve some effects, but unfortunately it has no way to control the black mud after escaping. The weakening of the power makes the black mud that swallowed the humans is also weakened, and most people are weakened. , And some even fainted.

Hei Ni did not have the assistance of the black hand behind the scenes and still had control, and there was no way to persist, and there were hardly any remaining humans that could be controlled.Those people all fainted after the black mud's power disappeared, which also saved Hua Yueling some troubles on their side.

Hua Yueling chased the phantom not far away, and slashed with a two-handed sword, but the opponent dodged quickly and in time, and was not hit by his attack.Hua Yueling was not surprised, if it was true that he could beat the opponent to that point.

Hua Yueling's speed was still accelerating, but it would take some time to catch up with the opponent.

The attacks of Mu Ningshuang and the others continued, although the black mud on some people who were closer was induced and blocked the line of their attacks, but it was only able to prevent them for a while.

There is still some black mud that controls people to move, trying to surround Mu Ningshuang and the others, but the speed is obviously incomparable with them.After Mu Ningshuang and the others mentioned speed, it was almost impossible to catch up with them.

Mu Ningshuang and the others naturally noticed the movements of those people in the distance, but they didn't take these seriously, and there was no need to bend those people at their speed.What's more, they can fly over the walls, as long as they rush over the roof in this way, those people have no choice.

The battle has come to the end, just think of a way to solve the remaining phantoms.Chasing the shadow of the phantom, although the phantom also thought of many ways to solve the problem, and wanted to suppress the figure that Hua Yueling and the others were chasing behind, it was obvious that these methods were all in vain and failed. How much trouble has caused Huayueling.

Hua Yueling didn't care about any fancy tricks it played, anyway, she only had to catch up and attack, and she didn't pay attention to other things.Regardless of whether it was slamming or attacking, in order to slow down his pursuit speed, Hua Yueling was able to save time as much as possible.

If you can hide, you will never fight with the opponent. In this way, Hua Yueling kept following the opponent, chasing all the way, and still caught up with the opponent.Behind the opponent, Huayueling attacked, and they attacked from the back, and the attacks of the two sides formed a kind of encirclement in a tacit understanding.

Although the phantom wanted to not care about this kind of attack, it couldn't care less. There was no way to dodge, but where it went, it could only act and figure out a way to deal with Hua Yueling's offensive.

The two-handed sword cut down, and the side of the shadow body finally dodged against his attack, but was not hit.However, Hua Yueling immediately patted it horizontally with a large sword in both hands. This time, he was caught off guard. In addition, the strength of Hua Yueling's attack was extremely heavy, and the injury was not light.

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