It doesn't matter if the same trick is hit once, how can Huayueling repeatedly hit the same trick again after being used several times.His attack had just landed on the ghost, and he chased after him, and the two-handed sword swept out again. The ghost originally wanted to escape, but Hua Yueling's tracking speed was so fast that it had no way to escape.

The whole figure was shrouded in this attack. It could only find a way to dodge the attack of Hua Yueling, but it was not so easy to dodge.Hua Yueling's attack speed was a bit faster, and with the help of Mu Ningshuang and the others not far away, there was no room for it to dodge at all.

After finally twisting his body and barely avoiding Hua Yueling's attack, Hua Yueling's attack was followed by another move. This attack left it with almost no room to dodge in the past, and could only watch Hua Yueling attack.

The battle between the two sides was almost at the end, Hua Yueling completely occupied the back and flew past, but even so, it was still not easy to kill the other party, and Hua Yueling was surprised that the other party seemed to have a back. Hand-like.

A certain power gathered on him, and Hua Yueling couldn't help frowning. He wanted to solve the opponent as soon as possible, but he was powerless even when the attacks had no effect.The phantom is like a sandbag, no matter how you hit it, it won't break.

But if this is the case, maybe another method will do?

Hua Yueling suddenly thought that the power of the two-handed sword might not be enough, it might be more effective if she hit the opponent with the hidden dragon blade.Thinking of this, he speeded up and must go to the other side.

The Hidden Dragon Blade is powerful, but the Hidden Dragon Blade's attack distance is still relatively short after all. If you want to hit the opponent, you still need to be at a very close distance. At that distance, Hua Yueling must remain vigilant. Sex is good.

While eating half a plate of pendulum needles, the other side was carefully guarding the opponent, but the ghost was also frightened by their offensive, only knowing to keep running away.

Seeing the other party like this, Huayueling still somewhat relaxed his vigilance, speeding up and sprinting, almost as fast as he could reach, plus the other party's speed has decreased a little, and the other party's speed has decreased. Behind each other.

It is not the first time to come behind the opponent, but this time is different from before. Huayueling will use the hidden dragon blade to fight. With this short weapon, the opponent has some advantages. But now what kind of ability the other party can still use to Hua Yueling is also a bit curious.

There is no chance of victory in a head-to-head confrontation, but it may not be so in other respects.Void still has a chance, but it wouldn't do anything before Hua Yueling did it.

After a few blows, its self-confidence has dropped to its lowest point, and there is no more thought to do it.But Hua Yueling wouldn't let it go because of this, and couldn't let it go anyway. This is everyone's mind, and everyone knows the consequences of letting a tiger go back to the mountain.

If you really let the opponent run out of the range they can detect, then it won't be so easy to find the opponent.It is the easiest to destroy the other party now, how can you give up here.

The hidden dragon blade pierced the past as if it could pierce the air, and the phantom felt Hua Yueling's attack, or it felt Hua Yueling's determination to attack.Perceiving the threat coming from behind, he couldn't get rid of this attack by speeding up. It could only turn its head and look back to see Hua Yueling's attack.

Seeing Hua Yueling's attack was about to hit him, the phantom didn't dare to be ambiguous. There was no way to dodge it, so he could only find a way to intercept it.Moreover, it is still advantageous for it to attack at such a close range.

Hua Yueling had long been on guard against the opponent's actions, and now seeing the ghost turning around, he seemed to be preparing to confront him head-on, his brows wrinkled, and he watched the opponent's whole body and its movements. It is what it wants to do.

It is obviously not enough to just use its current strength to defend itself, and if you want to defend yourself from an attack, there must be other means.I just don't know what kind of methods the other party will use.

Hua Yueling kept attacking while thinking about it, even if she was worried that the other party had other means, Hua Yueling couldn't shrink back, she had to act.Right now he has the upper hand, what if he is fearful again.

Sideways tried to avoid the attack, but Hua Yueling's attack suddenly speeded up, making it impossible to avoid it, and it could only use other methods to defend.The power stretched out from its hand, forming a long rope-like thing. This kind of thing tried to control the hidden dragon blade, in order to slow down the attack speed of Hua Yueling, and to a certain extent. He caused some trouble.

"Sure enough, there are other tricks. Fortunately, I was prepared."

Hua Yueling thought to herself, her figure suddenly disappeared from the other's eyes.He was prepared to move a long time ago. Although the opponent is not strong, Hua Yueling still doesn't want to taste its special ability. If he is not careful, it is likely to cause a lot of trouble to himself. It was not the scene he wanted to see.

Xu Ying didn't expect that Hua Yueling would be so cautious in such a situation where it was inevitable that he would run away, but it also knew that Hua Yueling must have changed to attack him from another direction. After doing it all, and without any preparation, there was no way to immediately determine the location of Hua Yueling, making it useless for a while.

Controlling those rope-like condensed powers surrounds and protects herself, but Huayueling is faster than its actions, Huayueling's idea is also very simple, is to shoot it down before it can defend itself. .

Seeing that the opponent will float into the sky if he runs further down, in this case, even if Hua Yueling is fast, there is no way he can fly.At that time, there was no other way except relying on Mu Ningshuang's long-range attacks. It was almost impossible to stop the opponent.

Turning to behind the opponent, the hidden dragon blade pierced out and directly pierced into the back of the defenseless phantom.Xuying also wanted to adjust his power to show Huayueling a better look, but Huayueling obviously wouldn't give it this opportunity.

Yinlong blade was drawn out, Hua Yueling took out his two-handed sword and swept across.Although Void was injured at this time, and was stabbed by the hidden dragon blade, it was a bit difficult to move, but he still had to move.

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