The two-handed sword slammed heavily on the opponent's back, and directly swept the opponent out. There was no way for the phantom to fly out with this force.It wanted to resist, but there was no way. Hua Yueling's attack was so powerful that it had no way to resist.

I could only watch as I was getting further and further away from Huayueling, and fell towards the ground.

The situation is not great, but fortunately, he can still control his own power.It just seems that the matter of running away can only be put aside for the time being. I had already fled a long distance, but now I was beaten back.

"If it doesn't work, you can only escape in another direction."

The phantom controls the rope-like arms to support the pillar's own body, and the translucent rope extends to the ground to slow the impact caused by the force.

Finally, she stopped her body that had been knocked off, and Xu Ying launched a wave of offensive towards Hua Yueling, trying to slow down the momentum of Hua Yueling's pursuit, and she took this opportunity to quickly get away from here. .

Those ropes broke directly, turning into bullets and flying towards Huayueling.Hua Yueling frowned, and didn't take these seriously. Anyway, she just had to find a way to avoid it. It's easy to avoid these things as long as they don't have tracking attributes.

Basically without expending much effort, Hua Yueling dodged a few times to avoid those hidden weapon attacks.Then he speeded up immediately, rushed to the ground with his toes, and followed the Xu Ying, vowing not to stop without catching up with it.

Mu Ningshuang's attacks blocked the path of the phantom. Originally, Mu Ningshuang was unwilling to use too powerful magic. Right now they are in the community after all. If they use too powerful magic to destroy the community, It's not good, that's not what they want to see.

But the current situation made her have to change her mind, and it was impossible to stop the opponent without any real effort.Anyone can see that the phantom has fallen into a disadvantage, but no matter who it is, it can see that the phantom has a thick skin, and it is very difficult to solve it in this way.

Hua Yueling attacked it how many times, if it was replaced by another enemy, an enemy with the same strength as the phantom, it should almost be solved at this time, but the phantom is different.It is not the difference in strength, but the difference in the form of strength, which makes it difficult to kill it, and even more difficult to keep it.


Just when Hua Yueling put away his weapon and chased after him, she suddenly felt an abnormal power fluctuation, and this fluctuation was still felt by the enemy a little further away.

Hua Yueling slashed it quickly, and saw that in the midair, she didn't know what was going on. Suddenly something similar to a portal appeared.It's just that this thing is somewhat different from the portal, the whole is white, and there is no sign of movement.

The phantom slammed into it like this, but Hua Yueling was sure that this portal was definitely not made by it.If it was really something it had used to escape, it would have gone away long ago, and there is no need to waste any time here to deal with it. After dealing with it for a long time, not only did it make no progress, it actually suffered more injuries.

"Shall we also catch up?"

Mu Ningshuang and the others also chased up at this time, looking at Hua Yueling and asked.

Hua Yueling glanced at Sister Aroline next to her. Sister Aroline didn't know what it meant, but she looked at her lumbar spine.

"If I catch up, I don't know if I can come back."

Hua Yueling was a little hesitant, but after seeing that teleportation formation kept shrinking during this period, he could not hesitate and rushed over.

Mu Ningshuang and the others followed him closely, and several people rushed to the white teleportation formation without hesitation, and then rushed directly.The teleportation formation turned for a while, and Hua Yueling and the others disappeared in the teleportation formation like this.

The past must have been dangerous, and I don't know if I can come back, but the temptation to eliminate the other party still made Hua Yueling rush over.

In any case, he was unwilling to let the tiger go back to the mountain. He didn't want to come back and make trouble for himself after the enemy recovered soon.Especially when the opponent's ability is quite strange and very troublesome.

Passing through the teleportation array in this way, Hua Yueling and the others left the community and went to unknown places.

Not knowing where he came, Hua Yueling looked around strangely.This is a strange place, but also a place not suitable for human habitation.

It's dark here, I don't know if it's temporarily or forever. Anyway, it's dark everywhere. Although I can see the road, there is no way to move forward. It is somewhat difficult.

Confirming that sister Hua Yun and the others were in no danger, Hua Yueling immediately used exploration skills to find the location of the phantom.In such a dark place, it is difficult to rely on observation to find the other person's figure. If the other person is hiding nearby, don't even think about where the other person is.

After investigating, Hua Yueling found that the other party didn't know when they were far away, and they were escaping quickly. It seemed that they had noticed that they were catching up.

"Sister Yun!"

Hua Yueling knew that he had to catch up as soon as possible, but sister Yun and the others were still in a coma. He quickly picked up her sister and kept calling her sister.

And Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong are also the same, as for Sister Alorin, she is standing a little farther away, but it is not the direction from which the phantom escapes.I don't know what Sister Aroline is observing. It's strange. After Hua Yueling observed it, she didn't discover what was there.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing right now is to wake up sisters and the others quickly, and then quickly catch up to solve the phantom, otherwise they won't come here for nothing.

Fortunately, although Hua Yun and the others passed out in a coma, the degree of coma was not particularly deep, and they soon woke up.When they wake up, they haven't even figured out where they are.

"This should be the hometown of that guy."

Hua Yueling said so, which reminded them of what they were here for.But after waking up, they didn't see the shadow of the shadow, which made them hurriedly stand up.

"The phantom is over there!"

Hua Yueling pointed to the distance and said, but at this time Aroline hadn't returned yet, she was still observing the other side.This made Hua Yueling hesitate, she didn't know whether to go to her or act immediately.

"I'll go to her and ask, Xiaoling, you can chase it and destroy it."

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