Splitting has the advantage of splitting, so you don't have to worry about running out of time or catching up with each other.Especially here it is very likely to make the other side's territory, who knows what there is, Hua Yueling is also more worried.

But no matter what, you have to catch up. This is a strategy that will not change.Otherwise, there would be no need for them to come here.

Hua Yueling, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong were chasing the figure in the distance from behind. Although they were hidden in the darkness, they could still see its figure, vaguely, somewhat Somewhat vague.

After discovering the location of the other party, Hua Yueling speeded up, and Xu Ying might have also discovered his location and also speeded up and fled.However, Hua Yueling quickly caught up and approached the opponent at a faster speed.

"It should be able to kill it here, I don't believe it can continue to avoid it!"

Hua Yueling murmured a word, and told the two women beside her to let them attack. The magic and arrows attacked the enemy.This approach may be able to reduce the opponent's speed, but it cannot be fully expected.

At this time, Hua Yueling had chased the opponent, but the opponent's reaction was also shocked. The opponent did not dodge or run away, but turned directly towards him. attack.


Hua Yueling frowned, feeling something was wrong.Although the guy in front of him felt similar to the phantom, it was definitely not the phantom from the previous battle.

"The strength is weaker, but there are other aspects that are different."

Hua Yueling thought so, and didn't dodge, but directly killed.

The phantom used its special power to deal with Huayueling’s attack, but Huayueling had thought of this a long time ago. How could it be hit so easily by this move, and when the shadows extended over Dodge to avoid.

After avoiding it, he immediately attacked the past again, and the opponent's response was also very simple, with countless black shadows spreading from behind to surround Hua Yueling.Hua Yueling frowned, it was not impossible to fight Sombra like this, but it was not good.

"It's better to avoid this kind of battle as much as possible. You have to find a way to solve it in an easier way."

Thinking like this, Hua Yueling stopped again and stepped aside.At this time, Mu Ningshuang and the others also attacked, and the phantom had no stance to evade at all, and directly used the extended black shadows to head-on attack.

As for whether Mu Ningshuang's attack is stronger or the ghost's attack is stronger, it's unclear for the time being, but Hua Yueling believes in Mu Ningshuang's strength.

In terms of pure comparative strength, at least they don't have to be weak.

With the help of Mu Ningshuang and the others, Hua Yueling and the others didn't have to fight each other head-on. In that case, they might not be able to beat each other.Strength is only one aspect, and another aspect has skills, which is also a very important aspect.

Sometimes even if the strength is better than the opponent, you must be careful about the skills the opponent has.Hua Yueling is like this now, being careful of the opponent's skills, so he didn't confront the opponent head-on.

After evading, the magic from a distance blasted over, and the phantom faced the magic and arrows against it. The magic exploded violently when it touched the extended black shadow.At this time, the explosion phantom did not expect it, and did not directly dodge, so it was affected by the explosion.

The phantom was affected by the explosion and flew out directly.It didn’t expect that Mu Ningshuang’s magic had such power, and even the power it extended could not be blocked in time. Originally, it thought it could do it with its own power, but in the end it didn’t. Make it happen.

The magic could not directly attack the phantom, but luckily it also affected the phantom and gave Hua Yueling a lot of help.Taking advantage of the opportunity of the phantom being blown out, Hua Yueling hurriedly went behind the opponent and gave the opponent a severe blow when the opponent arrived.

Although the phantom was aware of Huayueling's actions after the explosion, but affected by the explosion, he could only control a part of the black shadow to form a shield to block Huayueling's offensive.

The Hidden Dragon Blade easily penetrated the dark shield. In terms of its sharpness, if the Hidden Dragon Blade ranked second, no weapon could rank first, at least so far Hua Yueling had seen weapons.

Hidden Dragon Blade is not the kind of ordinary weapon, its penetrating ability is extremely strong.After piercing the pitch black shield, he pierced the back of the phantom. Although the black shadow blocked it and couldn't penetrate too deep, which made Hua Yueling a little disappointed, it was already pretty good.

Huayueling breathed a sigh of relief, not bad, as her goal was achieved.But this is definitely not enough. What Hua Yueling wants to know most is how to solve the other party. There is no answer to this question, which makes him a little uncomfortable.

The phantom is a very strange creature, I don't know where the opponent's weakness is, nor whether the opponent can be killed.The phantom that did whatever he wanted on the earth could not be killed by Hua Yueling's continuous attacks, and this one didn't know how to kill it.

"No matter what, I don't believe that there is no way to solve you if you keep attacking!"

After much deliberation, I couldn't think of a good way. The most important thing was that the power of the phantom was shocking. If it didn't have this power, Hua Yueling would have solved the opponent long ago.But it is precisely because of this that Hua Yueling needs to be troubled by this.

Mu Ningshuang and their attacks were still coming in the distance, and the fireball was burning in the sky, extremely hot.

Hua Yueling could even feel the scorching sensation behind the virtual shadow, as if by the stove.The fireball bombarded Xu Ying, and Hua Yueling immediately withdrew to the rear after entangled him.After the explosion, in the phantom's angry roar, Hua Yueling approached the past again, and reached the other side of the opponent under the cover of the explosion.

At this time, the arrows also came flying, and the fierceness was not weaker than Mu Ningshuang's magic.

The phantom had nothing to do. It could only use the black shadow to block the arrows in the retreat, but it did not notice that Hua Yueling came to its side silently.

Seizing a good opportunity, Hua Yueling held the hidden dragon blade with her right hand and stabbed it out continuously.This attack was unexpected by the phantom, and Hua Yueling wanted to kill it this way.

"I hope this attack can kill it!"

Hua Yueling thought so, her movements didn't mean to stop at all, and her attacks were getting faster and faster.The phantom controlled the black shadow to defend it while being attacked, but this defense was already too late.

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