"If there are such guys everywhere here, wouldn't it be terrible?"

When Hua Yueling attacked again, he was also thinking about where the figure they were chasing was. During the investigation, he only found such a figure, but his target was not the other party.

If she knew, Hua Yueling wouldn't chase here, but after all she had already met, and the battle had already begun, it was impossible to do nothing.

"I hope it won't be too big. If so many such guys gather, the earth will be over."

Hua Yueling sighed, not knowing what to do.But what we need to do now is to get rid of the guy in front of me, and we can put the rest behind.

After all, worry is just worry, and after all, that kind of thing is not happening now, it is better to wait until everything else is resolved.

Thinking like this in her heart, Hua Yueling moved faster, and after a series of attacks, he withdrew and retreated away from the opponent.

"If I don't die like this, I really can't help it."

Saying that, in fact, even if there is no way to solve the other party, Hua Yueling can't give up just now, it still has to continue to attack.After moving a little farther away, Hua Yueling stared at the place where the phantom was, and couldn't see anything for the time being, but Hua Yueling wanted to make it impossible for the other party to survive under his own attack. After all, the dragon blade is not a two-handed sword, and the blade has penetrated into the opponent's body, it is not a joke.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and Hua Yueling looked at it exhaustively, but no longer could see the phantom.It seemed to disappear under his exhausting attack, with no counterattack capability at all, so it was solved.

"Is it solved?" Mu Ningshuang and the others didn't dare to come over too quickly, but asked instead.

"I don't know yet, you guys wait a moment, I'll take a look."

Hua Yueling reminded them loudly, but she kept observing left and right, looking for the phantom figure.However, there is no way for the exploration skills to find the opponent, indicating that the opponent may really die here.

After confirming that the other party had really disappeared, Huayueling breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, her goal was achieved. Huayueling put away her weapon and walked back. He didn't know what was going on.But what Hua Yueling wants to know most at the moment is where the phantom he is chasing is where.

There were no other figures everywhere in the darkness, no matter on the way they came or where they were when they were teleported, that figure never appeared in front of him again.

Back to Mu Ningshuang and the others, Hua Yueling was no longer attacked by the phantom, nor did he see anyone else.After that, Hua Yueling could only choose to go back temporarily.

Returning to the place where they were teleported, they found Aroline who was still in the same state as when they left, and Huayun who was standing behind Aroline.

Seeing them coming back so soon, Hua Yun looked a little surprised, and quickly greeted them.

"Did you find that guy?"

Hua Yueling shook her head, her face a little unsightly.

"Didn't you find it?"

Hua Yun didn't expect it, and thought that Hua Yueling and the others had returned victorious.After all, before leaving, Hua Yueling actually said that he found the location of the phantom, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

"Or was it escaped?"

It stands to reason that Hua Yueling and the others should not be able to let the other party escape. After all, they have chased here all the way, and they shouldn't be when the other party does not have a helper or there is no good strategy.

"The guy we caught up is not the one we were looking for."

Hua Yueling sighed, and briefly explained the general situation. Hua Yun understood it now.She just said how could this happen, otherwise Hua Yueling and the others should have come back after achieving their goal.

But what to do now is also a difficult problem, and how to find the ghost is really a problem.At present, Hua Yueling seems to have nothing to do, but you can see if Aroline has found anything.

You should know that her movements have basically not changed since she came here, she has been observing there, and she has no idea what she is observing.

Hua Yueling walked over and probed the situation in the distance. Perhaps it was the gap with the opponent's strength that caused such a situation.But Hua Yueling couldn't see anything, just didn't know what Aroline saw.

Thinking about what Sister Alorin might find in her heart, Hua Yueling didn't rush to ask, but searched around by herself.But nothing was gained, the phantom disappeared like this, and I didn't know where it was hiding.

After waiting for a while, Aroline seemed to have observed enough of the situation. After returning to her senses, she smiled embarrassedly when she saw Hua Yueling and them all beside her.This is quite unexpected, because Aroline would never show such a smile.

"Sister Aroline, I can only ask you. I can't find the other party now. I can only ask you."

Hua Yueling said to Aroline.Aroline just smiled and shook her head slightly.

"It's normal to find it. It hides it well, even I haven't been able to find it for a while."

With that said, Aroline pointed to the direction she was facing and slanted slightly to the right.

"It's hiding its wounds over there, and it should be able to feel a certain flow of power in it. If you try your best to probe, Xiaoyueling should be able to detect some."

Aroline said so, Hua Yueling looked in the direction she was pointing, and used exploration skills to explore the past, perhaps because of the distance, so Hua Yueling did not notice the flow of power she said.

"Then I will go over and take a look, this time I must solve it, and I will never let it escape again!"

When Hua Yueling said so, she immediately chased after her, Hua Yun remained in place, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong, after saying something, were also sciences chasing Hua Yueling and ran away.Hua Yueling ran and explored the person. After running not far, he noticed the flow of power. Indeed, as Sister Aroline said, there is a certain power here, that is special. The power is also the power that breeds those phantoms.

It is precisely because of the existence of this power that that kind of phantom appears. It is obviously unrealistic to want to eliminate all the phantoms in this way. Even if it is eliminated, it will continue to breed more.

"In that case, there seems to be only one way to stop the danger."

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