"Alice, why are you here?"

Hua Yueling and the others looked at the girl in front of them with a little surprise. This girl was the strange transfer student they had known two years ago. Alice is a foreign girl and a classmate of them, and she has known them for a long time. Yes, but the time to get along is not much.

But even so, they are actually good friends. They used to chat with them most often when they were in school.

Alice is not an ordinary person either. It is said that some strange things always happen to her. Hua Yueling and the others have encountered it several times and helped her when she was in danger.

Alice is really the kind of very unlucky person, but she is not depressed or anything because of this, but has an optimistic attitude, which is simply incredible in the eyes of Hua Yueling and the others.

It's hard to imagine that she can have such an optimistic attitude after experiencing so many terrible events. So far it is very precious that she can do this instead of complaining.Hua Yueling even felt that it was impossible for her to do this, she couldn't imagine what she would become after encountering those things, couldn't imagine.

It is precisely because of this that Alice is still close to them, but after entering the university, they still don't know which university Alice will go to, and they haven't asked this.

"Is this puppy yours?"

Hua Yueling pointed to the cute white-haired puppy next to her and asked, Hua Yueling likes puppies, but he doesn't have a dog at home.Now that he saw the cute puppy next to Alice, he still had the intention of raising one.

"Well, it's my partner, cute, right?"

Alice knelt down and hugged the puppy in front of her, but the leash in her hand did not loosen.Although the puppy was not too big, it went to Huayueling's calf, but she still did not dare to let it run around.

"Can't bite people?"

Alice motioned to them to feel it, but Hua Yueling asked with some worry.

"Don't worry, don't look at it as fierce, in fact, it won't bite, don't worry."

Alice said this, and took the initiative to pull Hua Yueling's hand and put it on the puppy's head. The puppy was stroking her head by Hua Yueling, but it was not very fierce, just like Alice said.

Don't look at it being violent, but it doesn't look dangerous at all, and it really doesn't bite.

"It's so cute." Hua Yueling liked it very much, and couldn't help touching it for a while. Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang beside him couldn't help but want to touch it at this time, so Hua Yueling let them The place was opened so that they could feel like they did.

"Yeah, right, there is no cute puppy like our Traore."


Hua Yueling looked at her with a little surprise, never expected that she would give her own puppy such a name.It's not like the name of a puppy, it doesn't sound so cute.

"Well, Traore, it's the name I gave it, cute, right?"

Alice raised her head triumphantly, but Hua Yueling couldn't see what she was so proud of, and the name could not be heard cute anyway.But since Alice was so proud, Hua Yueling couldn't deny that they were not, so she nodded reluctantly.

"It's pretty cute."

That's what she said, but she was spitting in her heart not knowing how to evaluate her taste in naming her.This taste is not even as good as myself. Although my taste in naming is not much better, I don't have enough literary training, and I can't think of any good names. I guess Alice is the same as myself.

Thinking like this in her heart, Hua Yueling looked at it again, and found that Alice is really pretty today, much more beautiful than her normal school uniform when she was in school.It can be seen that Alice was well dressed, and she was wearing a white dress with a pair of delicate sandals under her feet.

A light breeze blew her, blowing her long and brilliant golden hair, which was very beautiful, which seemed to have a special charm in people's eyes.

Hua Yueling liked her dress very much, but he didn't say anything but was silent.

"Alice, did you also come out for a walk? Does your house live nearby?"

It is ashamed to say that the two sides have known each other for a long time and are very familiar with each other. They have exchanged a lot in school, but they have never been to each other's home.The three of Hua Yueling didn't know where Alice's home was, and Alice didn't know where their home was.

"Well, I took Traore out for a walk, but my home doesn't live nearby."

"Is that right?"

This is weird. Since home is not nearby, why come so far? Is it just to come to the park?Thinking like this in her heart, Hua Yueling couldn't help but ask her doubts. This time it seemed that he had guessed it. Alice nodded and said so.

"I like this park very much. Although it is not only but the environment is very good, there is no more natural place than this park."

Alice's tone sounded like this place very much, but Hua Yueling could understand her thoughts, there is really no place with good scenery except here.

This town is just an ordinary city, not an ancient cultural town or anything, and there are no attractions to be proud of. If there are places worthy of praise, there is only such a park.

Hua Yueling still likes this place, but if he tells him how many times he has been here, that's not it.Hua Yueling didn't like to come out. If she had time, she would prefer to hide at home and play games alone, whether it was before or now, but now she has two companions to play together.

It's not surprising that Alice likes to come here to walk around, but it's surprising that they can meet each other by chance, which is also a kind of fate.

After teasing the puppy Traore, Hua Yueling and the three of them had no purpose for the time being anyway, so they called Alice and the four to take a walk.Alice didn't have any comments, and she agreed directly. She could do whatever she wanted, and there was nothing to worry about.

The four of Hua Yueling and the others walked casually in the park like this. During the period, the two parties also talked a lot, but most of them were about what they were doing recently and what happened recently.

"By the way, Alice, how are you doing, and do you encounter those strange things again?"

Hua Yueling asked very caringly. After the first encounter, Alice encountered many similar things. The frequency cannot be said how fast, but it is almost impossible for ordinary people.

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