"Fortunately, didn't something similar happened shortly before the college entrance examination? After that, nothing happened. I have been living a normal life recently, and I still want to thank you. If you don't help me, it can't be like this."

As Alice spoke, she recalled what had happened before. After meeting Hua Yueling and the others, the changes in her body were really quite big, which was incredible in the past.

"That's good, it's fine, if there is anything else you can contact us in the future, we will definitely help."

Hua Yueling said so, anyway, they had already exchanged mobile phone numbers with each other.Contact information is still available, and there is no problem with contact.

"Yes, but there seems to be something strange recently."

Alice frowned and said so, her appearance was still very distressing, especially the frowning expression looked even more worrying.

"Really, what's the matter?" Hua Yueling and the others quickly asked. Of course, you have to ask clearly what is going on, and see what is going on. If you can, it is better to solve it as soon as possible than to delay it.

Alice talked about the strange things she had encountered, and before he had finished speaking only half of it, the expressions of Hua Yueling and the others had changed.What Alice said was something beyond their expectations, which they hadn't thought of before.

"This one……"

Hua Yueling lowered her head and subconsciously met Mu Ningshuang and the others. What Alice said turned out to be what happened yesterday and the day before yesterday.That is, the black mud invaded the world, and I didn't expect Alice to have memories of this aspect. Does this explain anything?

I don't know what to say, Hua Yueling looked a little hesitant, should this kind of thing be told to Alice, Hua Yueling is not easy to make a judgment for the time being.Although Alice already knew that they were not ordinary people, there was still no way to easily decide whether or not to say something.

Hua Yueling hesitated, as did the two girls Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong. Everyone hesitated. They looked at each other, and none of them spoke.Fortunately, Alice did not notice their strange attitude. Alice is still talking about her worries, that is, yesterday and the abnormal things from the day before yesterday. Some of them naturally do not remember them, but the strange thing is She remembered some more clearly, but there was still some confusion in the memory, perhaps related to the influence of the black mud.

After thinking about it, maybe you can say something, and see what Alice thinks, this approach is feasible.Just tell her that there is nothing to do, Alice may not think so much.For the time being, I only have this idea. I just don’t know if it’s useful, but I still hope it’s useful.

Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang finally reached an agreement after a line of sight communication, and decided to tell her part of the story. Although Alice has a good relationship with them, even if the relationship is good, it does not mean that everything can be unreserved. It's impossible to say it.

Although Alice is also a relatively special person, she cannot be said to be an ordinary person, but she is still different from them after all.

"But if it is confirmed that there is no problem, she may be able to contact these in the future."

Hua Yueling had such an idea, but for the time being it was just an idea, and I still haven't figured out how to do it.At least for the time being, she would not be added to her team, Hua Yueling had not yet been able to believe the other party to such a degree.

It's not that Hua Yueling doesn't want to trust each other, but that there is no way to trust each other. After all, the two parties can say that they are not in the same world.

I explained it briefly. I didn't expect that Alice was still very understanding, and there were not many follow-ups. It was just that after Hua Yueling and the others said that there was nothing to do, they agreed with it, and there was no intention to follow-up.

Alice is indeed a very good girl, just like Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong, although the three of them are very different in many places.But in some respects it is still the same.

Thinking like this in her heart, Hua Yueling couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This was fine. He was really afraid that Alice would ask more. In that case, he would have to find a way to explain, but the problem was It's that he doesn't know how to explain it at all now, this is the most difficult problem.He was relieved by Alice's understanding.

After that, he quickly shifted the topic to other aspects, and Alice didn't care too much, not knowing whether he saw it or not at all.Hua Yueling felt that the former was more likely, but he didn't think much about it.

"Let's look at it later, if you have a chance, you can let Alice join us."

People who can be like them do not mean that they can be chosen casually. There are many factors that need to be considered. Huayueling thinks a lot. After all, this kind of thing does not mean that a decision can be made with a hot head. It will definitely not work.

While chatting, I came up with the issue of pets. Hua Yueling envied Alice for raising such a cute puppy, and said that he also wanted to buy one.

"Hey, Hua Yueling, do you want to raise a dog too?"

"Well, I really want to raise one, but I haven't thought about it yet. I heard that raising a dog seems to be troublesome."

"The trouble is a bit troublesome, but since it's a pet, I think it's good to do so much. It's just a little more work every day."

Alice didn't think there was any problem, on the contrary, she didn't think there was any problem.

Hua Yueling thought for a while, but still didn't make a decision. He thought it would be better to discuss it with his family.At present, mom and dad are on business trips, and they can't come back for a while. The only person who can ask is Sister Yun, but after thinking about it, it is basically impossible for Sister Yun to reject his idea.

"I heard you say that I want to raise one too, but after the summer vacation, I won't have any time to take care of it. I have to let my mother take care of it for me."

Lu Yuetong said so, but she was still hesitating to hear her tone.Mu Ningshuang had different ideas. She really wanted to raise a cat. Mu Ningshuang preferred cats, but she still had a normal feeling towards dogs.

"Would you like to go to the pet store in the afternoon? We just have time."

"Okay, let's make an appointment together, and I will go and have a look with you."

"Then trouble you, Alice."

Hua Yueling nodded and said, speaking of it, he didn't know where the nearest pet store was. After all, he had never been to a pet store nearby, and he had never learned about it.It seems that I have to look for it later, maybe I can ask Alice.

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