The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1550 Abandoned House

Arriving at the abandoned house of the destination, Alice stopped a little while away.However, Traore, who was held in her arms, was "barking" and screaming non-stop, particularly cheerful.

Traore seemed to feel the danger, anyway since he got here, the cry hasn't stopped.Although Alice frowned, she didn't mean to stop Traore.

It was really annoying to hear, especially when I kept screaming, my ears were almost deaf, and I couldn't help but want to cover my ears.Hua Yueling really admired Alice, even so she could stand it without any reaction.



Traore's cries didn't mean to stop at all. Hua Yueling was really strange. Is there anything strange here?Hua Yueling explored the abandoned houses in the distance, where no one lived, there was nothing, it was very quiet, extremely quiet.

"Something's wrong, there is something strange in that house."

At the beginning, Hua Yueling probed and didn't feel anything, but soon he noticed something wrong. There seemed to be something in the house, and it was something she had noticed.

"Ghost, things in there are like ghosts."

Hua Yueling whispered to Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong beside her, they all frowned, and everyone stopped, and didn't mean to continue.Alice can be seen from here, there is no need to go closer.

It is good to be able to observe here, everything can be seen clearly, what is going on, what is going on, there is nothing to be seen at the moment, and Alice hasn't done anything yet.

Alice seemed very calm, she couldn't see what she was thinking, whether it was her expression or her actions.With her lips tightly closed, she said nothing, and stood there silently watching the old, uninhabited house.

The door was closed, but the weeds growing inside could be seen through the crack of the door.I can hear the sound coming out of it. It is a strange sound, not a human voice or a pet's voice.

Before that, there was still no such sound. Hua Yueling had been paying attention to it, but she had not noticed it before.It was just a while ago, when Alice noticed that there was something wrong.

"Have you heard?"

Hua Yueling even wondered if he had heard it wrong, but after he asked Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong, he still believed what he had discovered.

"Is it a sound?"

Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong also noticed the appearance of that sound. It appeared suddenly. It seemed that the people living in the abandoned house had regained consciousness and were walking outside.

This is just a metaphor, it shouldn't be the case in fact, but you have to read it to know how.At present, Alice seems to be reluctant to pass, and after a long time, she has no intention of approaching the past.

"What did Alice come here for?"

Hua Yueling and the others are very strange, so far they have not been able to find the answer to this question.Alice hadn't revealed her purpose from start to finish, although it was reasonable to say that something was almost revealed.

Perhaps Alice's purpose has something to do with something here, and these abandoned houses, to be honest, don't seem to be inhabited anyway.An abandoned house is an abandoned house. How could anyone live in such a place is not scientific at all.

Alice stood here again for a while, taking a few steps in the meantime, but quickly stopped and stopped moving.Stopping in place, she sighed deeply, and then just when Hua Yueling and the others thought she was leaving, Alice suddenly walked forward, making them stunned, and never expected her. Would do it.

It didn't look like she was going to move on, but she did, and she walked towards the abandoned house, seeming to be going in.

Alice took a key from her pocket and opened the closed door.With the heavy sound of the door being pushed open, Alice's figure entered the abandoned house, and then the door was slowly closed again.

"Why does she have the key here?"

Not only did Hua Yueling have this question in her heart, but Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong also had this question. I don't know who owns the house here, but it should be someone who has nothing to do with Alice.

The probability of being related to Alice is too small, so why she has the key to this place is worthy of fun, plus the performance before entering, think about the strange attraction that Alice has, Perhaps this problem can be explained.

This is one of the answers that can be imagined, but Hua Yueling is not sure if it is that way. It can only be said that it is hard to say, and we have to look at the development of the next thing.

"Let's go there too."

Hua Yueling whispered to the two women beside her, and both women nodded and walked along with him.But don't worry, their strength lies here, and they will not be discovered, at least not so easily, if they did not make a mistake on their own.

Seriously looked at the tightly closed gate, which was opened not long ago, and Alice entered from here.But now that the door is closed again, there is only one way to understand what's going on inside, apart from using exploration skills.

Hua Yueling gritted her teeth, her steps accelerated a bit, and she soon reached the dilapidated wall outside.

"We don't need to observe from here."

Lu Yuetong suddenly said something at this time, and Hua Yueling looked at her and asked what she meant.

"After all, this is an abandoned house. Maybe there are damaged places in other places. From there, we can understand the situation inside."

Hearing what she said, Hua Yueling thought about it in her heart and felt that what she said was not unreasonable, it was indeed the case.Although it seems that there is no problem from the front, there is no way to directly see the situation inside, but there are still different places after all.

Maybe there are some dilapidated places on the left and right and even the back of the house where you can observe it. It's not impossible.

Being reminded by Lu Yuetong, Hua Yueling immediately realized that this was a better idea than her original idea.If you lie down on the wall, although you can see the situation inside, there is still a danger of being discovered, but there is no need to worry about it through those gaps.

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