Hua Yueling hopes to understand as many facts as possible, and then find a way to understand what happened.Only after understanding this can I know if Alice needs help.The facts I know so far are still not enough, I only know that Alice is not willing to come here, but this does not explain all the problems, it is not enough.

I know what I need to do better than anyone, and what I need to guarantee before doing these things.Because of this, Hua Yueling didn’t want to get in touch with Alice too early, she might be able to get some needed information from her, but at the same time, there might be no way to get any information. This is all possible. .

It is precisely because Hua Yueling understands this that he will not act in a hurry. He wants to see what else is worth noting.

The three people cautiously went to the side. Hua Yueling quickly searched for the gap in the wall, but it was difficult to find. Although it was tattered here, and it seemed that the wall might break at any time, they couldn’t just stop. Destroy it like this, it won't work.

This is an independent old house, really very old and very old, it is hard to see such a building in this city now.But to be honest, leaving such a building in this city is not surprising at all, but rather normal.

I bypassed the building and came to the back. The back was the same. Although it was still in tatters and looked very old, it seemed to have been specially repaired, without any gaps.

The same goes for going to the left. Hua Yueling and the others are quite surprised by the result. To be honest, they really didn't expect to find such a place.In any case, this is quite unexpected.Strange, really strange.

"It doesn't seem to work, we can only observe from above, not from other directions."

Lu Yuetong was also a little surprised, never expected that it would be like this.But in this case, there is no other way, only the method Hua Yueling said before.

The three people were still moving together, and the little pets just bought were all put in the basket.Hua Yueling looked back at the place where the bicycle was placed. Few people came to places like this, and it could even be said that almost no one came to this place.This is also very normal. Think about ordinary people who would have nothing to do to such a place. If it weren't for tracking Alice, how could Hua Yueling and the others not come to such a place? This is a fact.

Hua Yueling climbed up the wall cautiously, and then poked her head to observe the conditions in the courtyard. She did not see Alice's figure. Alice seemed to be inside the house, but she couldn't hear any sound.I don’t know what’s going on. Alice basically hasn’t said anything, and can’t hear her voice. They are still familiar with her voice, but what’s more strange is that there are other voices in this house. , It was a strange sound, as if it was saying something, but it was definitely not a human voice.

"I can't see anyone else there."

Hua Yueling whispered to Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang beside him, there was no figure in the courtyard at all, and it was difficult to see what happened in the room by then.Hua Yueling looked inside through the open and tattered wooden door and window, and couldn't see anything.

"How should I say, do you want to go inside."

"It's hard not to be found inside, right?"

This is not to say that Hua Yueling has no self-confidence, but the ground in the yard really hinders his performance. After jumping down, he will definitely step on the weeds on the ground. It is quite difficult to do this without making any noise. .


"It's not impossible if you are invisible, but it won't work if you can't stop the sound."

Hua Yueling whispered, this is indeed a problem.In theory, stealth is very useful, but stealth has no way to prevent the sound from being exposed. This is the more critical place, and Hua Yueling still has no good solution.

Obviously, this house has not been repaired, and even no one lives here. After all, if there are people living, it cannot be what it is now.

No one renovated, but other people's voices could be heard, and it was not like a human voice.After contacting all of this, Hua Yueling felt that she might be able to figure out some context, although the specifics are still unclear, but it is certain that Alice must have been entangled by some abnormality again.

But it's worth noting why she didn't ask them for help. Was it because she was worried to trouble them again?It feels like Alice is not someone who would choose to keep silent because of these. After all, she had looked for them several times before, and according to her personality, it shouldn't be the case.

Hua Yueling couldn't figure out Alice's thoughts clearly for a while, it was very difficult, this was to be honest.At least according to his personal knowledge, Alice shouldn't be unresponsive.But since there is no response, there must be a reason for the response. As for the specific reason, Hua Yueling is not clear.

The three of them hesitated outside, not knowing what to do.It would be dangerous if she rushed in directly. It would be troublesome and difficult if Alice was in danger or the other party was malicious, so she could not act casually, and it would be better to see what the situation is.

Hua Yueling thought so. After observing the situation in the room for a while, he still didn't make a decision to act. He was still waiting, and Mu Ningshuang and the others did the same. They didn't make any moves.They are not prepared to act until they understand the situation. They have to see what happened.

There is no sign of Alice coming out, and the other figures have no intention to come out. It seems that if you want to know more, you need to wait a lot. I don't know when they will come out.

Hua Yueling calmly observed the situation inside, just waiting without any response.Time passed by one minute after another, but only the sound from inside could be heard, nothing else.

Gradually, the sky darkened, and Hua Yueling raised her head to take a look. Evening had passed, and the surrounding area was enveloped in darkness.In this darkness, there are no street lights nearby, and everything is dark, and almost nothing can be seen.

In addition, there are no people passing by at all, it is very quiet, it is like a ghost street, I don't want to be where people should be.But Alice never came out, which made Hua Yueling and the others more and more puzzled.

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