What they heard from Alice was still different from what they had imagined. After hearing it, it really surprised them, but at the same time it also made them feel a little uneasy.

"I don't know if you guessed it. It is not ordinary people who live in such a place, but a group of homeless ghosts."


Huayueling murmured, in fact, it was really not unexpected. He had thought that this might be the case before. Of course, there could be other creatures besides ghosts, but ghosts are most likely to come when he wants to.

"Why doesn't the ghost go anywhere?"

After asking, Alice responded with silence.But this kind of thing can't be asked by asking her. After all, she should only be mixed with them because of some circumstances. She is not a ghost, and naturally she doesn't know what those ghosts are thinking.

But you can't completely think so, you still have to ask.This kind of thing cannot be said clearly in one sentence, so it takes some time to communicate and discuss if you want to understand it clearly.

"Let's stop discussing these here, but go elsewhere. Here..."

Lu Yuetong said this and pointed to the distant house. After she reminded everyone that she was still around the place where the ghosts were.Although the ghost may not come out from inside, it is still very dangerous in such a place. Not to mention what happened, it is not good to be seen by the ghost in such a place.

"Then where to go? You can't just find a place to talk about this kind of thing, or you should go to our house. It just happens to be time for dinner, so Alice will go to dinner together. Let's have dinner. Continue to discuss this matter."

Alice was a little hesitant at first, but after Hua Yueling and the others persuaded her, she still chose to agree to them, go to Hua Yueling's house with them, and have dinner there.

In fact, she didn't want to do this. She wanted to be alone for a while, but when she thought that Hua Yueling could help herself, and that she did ask for their help, she changed her original mind.

In this way, it was originally three missing and one, but now the four of them are going back together. Although there is nothing to be happy about, it must be done in order to solve Alice's troubles.

The four of them returned to Huayueling's home together. The food at home was already prepared, and sister Huayun and Sister Alorin were waiting for them to come back without eating first.

"Sister Yun, Sister Alorin, why haven't you eaten yet? Didn't you say that we are coming back later? You don't have to wait for us to come back." Hua Yueling said unexpectedly.

"It won't be long to wait. Okay. Since you're back, don't talk about it. Come and eat it soon. It just so happens that the dishes have cooled down. It's good to eat while it's still warm."

Hua Yun was a little surprised to see Alice, but she was still very happy to entertain her for dinner.Before Alice expressed her gratitude to her, she then sat on the set chairs with Hua Yueling and the others.

A few people sat down to eat their food and chatted casually. Alice had thought that Hua Yueling and the others would talk about what happened before.However, I soon found out that I was thinking too much. Hua Yueling and the others didn't do it. Although they were chatting, they were talking about ordinary content, and they didn't talk about anything related to her.

Alice secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and she was much more comfortable eating.Otherwise, even if you are eating, you will feel uncomfortable eating, and you will be frightened by the food.

Those who are there can't be said to be bad people, but their identities are different, and they have been ghosts for a long time, so natural emotions and the like are not very good.This is also impossible. No matter who has been dead for so many years and has no way to escape, it is difficult to control oneself, especially when one's mental state is also very bad.

Alice can understand, but she can't bear it all the time. This cannot be said to be her fault. She has nothing wrong. The fault is that she is not an ordinary person, but a person who can feel and see ghosts.

It’s not a question of whose fault is, what's the use after thinking it clearly, no matter whose fault is, the key lies in how to solve the problem.The most uncomfortable thing for Alice is that she has no solution to the problem. What else can I do? I can only ask others for help. There is no other way.

This kind of thing is also quite helpless, she doesn't want to waste other people's kindness, and she doesn't want to ask Hua Yueling and the others to help casually.That's the easiest for her, she only needs to talk, basically she doesn't need to do anything else, just leave it to Hua Yueling and the others, but she doesn't want it.

Everyone hopes that they can solve all the problems without bothering others, but sometimes things are like this, the idea is useless, and you still have to find a way.No one can solve all problems unless he is a god, but is there a god in this world?

After eating a meal, it feels different. I have had a meal with Hua Yun and the others at noon. The feeling was pretty good at that time. Now she also started talking and chatting with them before she knew it.

Even when she was speaking, Alice didn’t know what she was talking about, what she wanted to say, and she uttered it without knowing it. Perhaps it was the effect of some kind of magical power. She couldn’t help but have this idea. .

After all, all we encounter are strange things. It is normal to think of this at this time, right?

A meal just passed in a lively atmosphere. After dinner, Alice took the initiative to clean up the table and wash the dishes. After that, Aroline left like this. No one knows when she left, but Her figure disappeared when she noticed.

But everyone except Alice has long been accustomed to it, after all, Aroline is such a fascinating person, she likes this.

"Sister Yun, we have something to talk about."

"Should I prepare some tea?" Hua Yun asked.

"No, we just drink those drinks, no trouble." Hua Yueling said and was going to the kitchen, but Hua Yun went to the kitchen faster than him.

"I'm coming sister."

Seeing that her sister was so active, Hua Yueling hurriedly went over to take the drink from her sister, but Hua Yun did not give it to him.

"It's no trouble, don't you have something to talk about, go, sister will bring you the drink."


The voice of sister's words was quite normal, Hua Yueling turned and walked out.

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