The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1554 Home Of The Dead

"Now I can talk about it, what happened to you and what happened in that house?"

When Hua Yueling returned to her seat, Lu Yuetong asked Alice when he saw him back.Alice seemed a little hesitant at first, no one knew what she was hesitating, but she didn't really want to say it directly.

"Give me some more time," Alice looked up at the top of her head after calming down for a while, "I need to tidy up."

"No problem, it's okay to sort things out clearly, don't worry, we still have a long time at night anyway."

At their invitation, Alice agreed to live here at night. Although she felt a little uncomfortable before and didn't really want to agree, Lu Yuetong's persuasion still worked.

Several people were silent, no one spoke, no one looked or stared at Alice, so as not to put too much pressure on her.Their approach was quite effective, and the tension in Alice gradually subsided.

This is good, but it's not good to keep silent or chat too lively.If she is too deserted and has nothing to say, it will easily make Alice nervous, but if her voice is too messy, it will easily disturb Alice's thoughts.

The three people simply didn’t say anything, they just communicated with their eyes. Fortunately, the three of them have been together for a long time, even if they only communicate with their eyes, there is no problem. Everyone can clearly understand what each other is saying with their eyes. .

Alice just lowered her head, her long blond hair obscured her expression, making it impossible to see what she was thinking.But I guess even if I really see her expression, I can't tell what she is thinking.

None of the four are in a hurry, just waiting like this, Alice needs more time to think, then think.There is nothing else to say. Everyone called her here for help, so of course she should be satisfied.

At the moment, Alice still hasn't sorted it out clearly. It seems that what happened this time is more troublesome than expected, but I don't know what it is.

It is naturally impossible to think of a reason just by thinking about it, so Hua Yueling didn't think about anything, just waiting for Alice to hear what she would say when she saw it.

This is quite interesting, at least that's what Hua Yueling thinks.

And things are better than they thought, at least it doesn't look like it's really a particularly bad thing.It can be seen from Alice's performance that if it were really that kind of very, very bad situation, she would definitely not have the current performance.

Hua Yueling thought so, but she still had to wait until she said it out.

Subconsciously looked at Alice, but saw that Alice was still hanging her head, as if she was thinking hard.It seemed really troublesome to organize this matter, and it also made her irritable, at least from the perspective of Hua Yueling herself.

"I hope she can adjust as soon as possible."

Hua Yueling said silently in her heart, and then withdrew her gaze.The sky outside the window was completely dark. Sister Yun also took the initiative to leave after putting down the drink. This was also for their sake, so she did not stay to listen to what they said, but took the initiative to give it away. Space comes.

In fact, even if Sister Yun stayed and listened to it, it didn't matter, but what about this kind of thing? Since my sister did it so actively, then he really didn't need to say anything.

Only a few of them are left in the living room, and the silence is as if there is no one alone, the silence is incredible.It had been a long, long time since there were people in the house so quiet, and Hua Yueling herself was somewhat uncomfortable with this situation.

I didn't listen to move my body, there were some things I wanted to say, but I didn't want to say that after thinking about it.Not to mention, the more this kind of time is, the more you can see how much nonsense you usually say, but chatting, that's all, is still quite simple.

Hua Yueling leaned back rather boringly. Alice didn’t know how long she had to think about. It was really out of Hua Yueling’s expectation that this kind of thing entangled her, but the more so, the more he became Wanting to know what happened to her would make her so entangled, and even in such a long period of time, there is no way to figure it out.

The beverage can was placed on the coffee table in front of her, but she was afraid of alarming Alice, so neither of them took the initiative to get a drink.Although looking at the drops of water on the beverage can, I still want to pick up a can and drink it to cool off the heat, but it is better to do nothing at the moment.

In the quiet and incredible living room, there was still no sound at all, and it was terribly quiet, as if everyone's ears were deaf.

"They are not bad people, it's just what happened that made them like that."

"Are you talking about those ghosts?"

"They are ghosts. Death makes them helpless, but the most painful thing is that they can't leave this world. They can only stay in this world. They want to leave but there is no way."


In the silence everyone looked at Alice, waiting for her next words.Hua Yueling also kept her mouth silent, how to put it, he felt that even so, it would be wrong for them to trouble other people casually. Alice did not make any mistakes anyway, the mistake did not lie with her, why did she It is not right to find her.

But now the fact is that Alice has been found, and they can only move on at this rhythm.

The situation is not always what people hope for, which is also common sense.

"Then why are they looking for you? What is the purpose?"

Hua Yueling continued to ask.If it’s just because you can’t get away from it, it’s a bit wrong to go to Alice. Although Alice can see their existence, she can’t actually do anything. Incredible.

"They, how can I say, they didn't do anything bad, they just wanted to talk to me. And let me cook something for them."

"Make food?"

Hua Yueling felt that she had misheard, or said she was behind, can the ghost be able to eat?

"Well, they can't eat, but they can smell the food. My craftsmanship is not very good. I usually buy them some food every few days."

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