Only talked about ghosts the first day, and the next day Huayueling and the others immediately got up and woke up early in the morning and went to the other world where Jelucci lived.But they didn't take Alice with them for the time being, but Mu Ningshuang and Hua Yueling went together, and Lu Yuetong stayed.

Lu Yuetong and Alice hadn't woken up yet, Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang passed through the teleportation formation and came to a place they hadn't been here for a while.

After arriving here, the scenery in the forest is still familiar.Breathing the fresh air here, to be honest, it is completely different from the earth.Hua Yueling liked the fresh air here, and couldn't help taking a few more breaths, which was very comfortable.

"Ms. Jelucy should still be in the tree house, right?"

"If there is nothing else, it should be."

I don't know what's going on here recently, but I hope it's better not to have any major issues.

Soon they arrived at the place where the tree house was, but it was quite quiet here, and there was no sign of Teacher Zelucy outside.The same goes for the girls who live here. Everyone seems to be resting and not getting up.

"Let's take a look in the teacher's room, the teacher should be up now."

Mu Ningshuang said so and took Hua Yueling's hand and walked upstairs, all the way upstairs, to the door of Jielucy's room.Hua Yueling knocked on the door and heard Jie Lucy's voice from inside.


"Teacher, it's us."

"Ningshuang, you are here."

Zelucy came to the door and opened the door, and saw the two of them standing at the door.

"You haven't been here for a while."

"Teacher, we have something we want you to help this time, so we came to you."

Jelucy didn't ask anything. Instead, she walked downstairs to the lowest level. She asked them to sit at the table and poured them a cup of tea. Then she asked them what was wrong.

"Yes, we have encountered some strange things."

Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang took the initiative to tell her what they had heard from Alice, just as Mu Ningshuang thought, after listening to them, Jelucy revealed a lot Expression of interest.

"Does the ghost you are talking about appeared after being killed?"

But Jelusy thought more than them, and asked a lot of questions, but Hua Yueling and the others didn’t know so much at all, they could only answer according to what they thought or they could ask Alice. .

After asking some questions, Jay Lucy decided to take a look with them.She naturally saw ghosts in this world, and even saw more strange creatures, but what attracted his attention most was the kind of power Hua Yueling they said could attract ghosts, which she had never seen before. I have never seen it before.

This attracted her attention. It would be very good for her own research if she could study it out or put that power into her own hands.

They did what they said, and there were some things they wanted to ask Alice about, so they drank the remaining tea in the cup and acted immediately.The three of them passed through the teleportation array and returned to Sister Aroline's home, and then rode their bicycles to the home.

Lu Yuetong was in front, and Hua Yueling was carrying Jelusy. Jelucie is still one of the more noticeable people in this world.But it's still early, so don't worry too much.

It took the three people some time to get back home, but to Hua Yueling's surprise, Lu Yuetong and Alice hadn't even woken up yet.You must know that they have already gone to another world, and they also drank a cup of tea in Jelucy's tree house, plus it took some time to go back and forth.

"I remember, the time over there is much longer than the time here, but it didn't take much time."

Realizing this, Hua Yueling got up a little earlier.

"I'll call them."

Mu Ningshuang actively said this, and walked to the room where Lu Yuetong and the others were resting. Huayueling wanted to stop her, but he still didn't do it.

Hua Yueling asked Jie Lucy to sit on the sofa for a while, then went and took out a few cans of drinks.Zellucci had drank the drink before, and she liked it.After opening a can and taking two sips, Mu Ningshuang and the others also reacted. They saw three people quickly walk out from the open door, but Lu Yuetong was dragged out.

Lu Yuetong had also learned magic from Jie Lucy, so she had to call her the master.

After the guest and host sat down, Jelucy didn't have any polite words, and directly asked Alice about the ghosts.This is what she is most curious and caring about, and can't wait to know all the things related to them, but in fact she is most concerned about the power.

Alice is naturally inexperienced in this area, but she just said what she knew. Although many of Jelucy's questions had not been resolved, she also understood a lot of what she wanted to know.

"What do they usually look like when you get along with you? Does it look different when you meet them?"

Jelucy asked seriously.Although Alice had some doubts why she asked herself such a question, she still remembered it.This kind of question can't be answered just by asking, she still has to remember how they looked when they met those ghosts recently.

Before that, except at the very beginning, she hadn't paid much attention to what the ghosts looked like. Especially in the later period, she seldom looked at the appearance of those ghosts, so the memory was not very clear.

Even if you think about it carefully, you may not be able to recall it, but you still have to think about it seriously.

"When I first met them, they were very pale. When I saw them, I thought I had misunderstood them. But then I followed to observe and found that they were different. They were ghosts."

"The figure is very light?"

"Well, it's very light, how can I say, it can't be said to be semi-transparent, it is almost completely transparent."

"Then what happened after you met that ghost? Is it still there? Still that way?"

"No, it's a little different. It's different outside and near the house."

Alice said in a very positive tone.

"Outside, as long as you stay a certain distance away from the house, your body's strength will be weakened a lot, and your body will fade. But when you get near the house, there will be ample strength."

"Oh? This is what they told you."

"They told me."

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