"Will they go out? Or are they there anytime, anywhere?"

Je Lucy immediately asked the next question, she wanted to find out.But there is still one thing to worry about before that, that is, don't be discovered by the ghosts, as that will easily cause conflict, at least before deciding how to act.

"I will definitely go out if I go out, otherwise I won't meet them. But I don't know exactly when I go out and when I am at home. There are a lot of people there, and even if you go out, you may not all go out. It is very likely that some people will go out and some will stay."

"There will be some people left, but you can go and see."

Jelucy had already made a decision, and now that she asked about these from Alice, she could act.After this, Alice could not understand much.

"I'll go over now, go there and see what's there."

"Teacher, we will go with you."

Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong also actively said, As for Alice, Hua Yueling and they looked at her.If they were all going together, Alice would not have to go, it would be better to stay here.

"Alice, or you just stay here and wait for us to come back, let's see the situation first."


Alice also wanted to know the follow-up situation, so after thinking about it, she decided to stay and wait and see. Then, when Hua Yueling came back, she could ask about the situation.

After saying goodbye to her, Hua Yueling and the others left the house, and the group went to the ghost mansion.The ghost mansion is still quite a long way away from the community where Huayueling’s family is located. It will take some time to get there, and after arriving, you have to see if anyone is there. If there are ghosts, you have to think about it. How to get in.

It's not that it's impossible to be discovered by the ghost, but Hua Yueling and the others still want to avoid this situation.After all, not everyone in those ghosts welcomes them to appear.

The ghost mansion still looks deserted, which is quite normal, after all, it is such a place, how can it not become lively.Hua Yueling only glanced around, but didn't see anything outside, nor did he find any ghosts.

After hearing the kind of strange speech that Alice said about the power of ghosts, Hua Yueling used the exploration skills to probe again, but even if it was deliberately probed, there was still nothing to discover.

The ghost mansion was right in front of them, Hua Yueling and the others stopped and stopped at a distance from the ghost mansion.

Looking at the mansion from a distance, Hua Yueling couldn't find anything, so she turned her gaze to Jerucy beside her, wanting to see what kind of opinion she had.But Jelucy didn't do anything special. She stared at the mansion, motionless, not knowing whether she found something or was thinking about something.

Not to mention Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong, Hua Yueling couldn't find anything. Although the two of them had some accomplishments in magic, it didn't make them discover anything.

If the mansion hadn’t listened to what others said, it would feel like an abandoned house, and would not attract the attention of others. Even if it passed by, Hua Yueling would not have noticed this strange place if no ghost came out to act. The place.

This is very strange, it must be the effect of that power, and there is no other possibility other than wine.

It depends on whether Jie Lucy can see through this power, Hua Yueling can't do it for the time being, and he can't.Perhaps the level of exploration skills is insufficient, or the ability is insufficient.

"Very strange power. It is very strange in your world. I discovered it after I came here. There seems to be no power in your place."

"That's it. The development of our world is different from that of other worlds. Here we mainly use hot weapons as the main means of combat. There is no magic or the like. Although there are some cold weapons, they have now been eliminated."

"I just said it feels strange for you here, and it's quite unsuitable to come here."

Zelucy nodded, perhaps this also caused her to react somewhat slowly.

"But I can figure out the situation inside. There are no ghosts inside. Go in."

Je Lucy said that her figure disappeared, and when Hua Yueling and the others looked at it again, her figure had already disappeared.She walked fast, and she didn't mean to wait for them at all.

The three of Hua Yueling and the others hurriedly chased them, and Jelucy could directly use magic to teleport in, but they couldn’t. Fortunately, Alice remembered to give them the key when she left, otherwise she would have to climb the wall and enter. .

After unlocking the door and pushing the door open, Hua Yueling and the others immediately closed the door again.After entering, she didn't see Zelusie, she seemed to be inside.

The inside of the yard is more dilapidated than the outside, and weeds that grow up to half a person tall can be seen everywhere, and there is basically no good place.Not to mention the house in front of me. Basically, there is no good place. The roof tiles are broken in many places, revealing cracks.

Looking further ahead, the wooden door was decayed, just as it was. There was dust on the ground, and there were many kinds of debris.Stepping on these fragments and dust, Hua Yueling frowned. If this were the case, wouldn't there be traces left.

Hua Yueling thought so, but if you want to go in, unless it is from the place where the weeds are, otherwise you can only walk through here, it is impossible not to leave a trace.When you go back, you might be able to sort it out. If you don’t pay special attention, you won’t find it.

Walking up the steps, and then going forward is the location of the living room here.Looking in through the open door, there was only a table and a chair beside it, which was still intact. Alice should have obtained it.

Plates were placed on the table. There was still a lot of food left on the plates, which was probably eaten by Alice.The rest of the place is all tattered, and the furniture is almost nothing, not to mention the broken stones and broken bricks and tiles on the ground.

It was messy everywhere, and it was uncomfortable to look at, but Alice had cleaned it up inside. Although there was more soil outside, it was still good inside.There is almost no soil everywhere, so it is relatively clean.

Hua Yueling found out where Jelucci was, and hurriedly walked inside, there are other rooms in it.

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