Obviously it was summer vacation, but she lived day by day as if she was working. Hua Yueling had no confidence in her future life.He even worried that he would become a core attracting bad things in the future, and everything would find himself.

Thinking helplessly, Hua Yueling sighed.But no matter what the inner thoughts are, the action is to act, and you can't do nothing, it definitely won't work.

Hua Yueling, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong came to the old mansion together, only three of them came.They are turning around here, looking for something.

There is more than one abandoned mansion here, but several, and I don't know what these people think.But it doesn't matter what people think, and they don't need to think about it.

Hua Yueling and the others didn't come on their own initiative, but at the request of Jelucie, and Jelucie needed to go back and do some experiments.But she still had something she wanted to know, so she asked them to come over while the ghost was not at home.

Those ghosts are also very strange. It seems that daytime is the best time for them to move. They can't see their shadows during the day. Hua Yueling and the others only came for the third time, and the second time during the day, but they did not see them both times. Been to the ghost.This is true whether it is outside or inside the abandoned mansion.

But although I was curious about what those ghosts were and how many ghosts there were, Hua Yueling didn't pay attention to them. After all, they didn't come here for the ghosts this time.The other abandoned mansions nearby were their targets.

"Fortunately, there is no one around here, otherwise it would really take a bit of work."

Hua Yueling looked at the mansion in front of her, and whispered to Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong beside her.This place is still quite quiet, which is a blessing for them.

After confirming the nearby situation, Hua Yueling came to the outside of the nearest mansion and leaned on the wall to look inside.Inside the wall is a messy scene. Except for some places covered with stone bricks, the other places are completely occupied by weeds, and those weeds grow very luxuriantly, almost half of the wall is as high as some, and some are even bullied. On the wall, people's eyes are full of green at a glance.

It’s not that the greenery is not good, but that this kind of greenery is really unbearable. Think about going back home and my home is completely occupied by green, and it’s all weeds, nothing else, that’s a sure feeling. Not good.

Hua Yueling feels this way now. Although it is said that this is not his home, it is really uncomfortable that there is no place to go.

I don't know where to go, and where is better. Hua Yueling looked left and right, if she jumped off the wall, she would only fall on those weeds.Stepping on it is definitely not comfortable.Especially those with the shortest grass have to be half a person tall, stepping into it and being completely surrounded by those weeds, Hua Yueling feels uncomfortable thinking about it.

Let's go in from other places, but it's more difficult to go in through the gate.They don’t have the key to the door, and it’s not easy to go up there. It’s not easy to find a place to go from this wall to the inside. Only a small part of the area is without grass, but almost everything else is occupied by grass.

This is true even for the roads that do not grow grass for people to walk around. Some thick grasses are even crowded to the side, and the roads are completely occupied.

Hua Yueling can find a place to fall, but it is impossible to completely eliminate these weeds.

The road inside is a bit annoying. Hua Yueling doesn't like this road very much, but there is no way for him to go in. This is not his choice.

You can choose which way to go, but it makes no difference whether you can choose or not.At least it looks like this for now. It doesn't matter where you go in, what should you do if Hua Yueling has some troubles? I don't know how many bugs there will be in such a place. If it is possible, he is absolutely unwilling to go in.

The right to choose does not lie with him, he can only act, there is no way not to do anything.

"Ningshuang, Yuetong, you just wait here, I'll go in and have a look, if I find anything, I will tell you. I will come out soon, and you will help me out on guard."

Worried that the two girls would refuse to agree and want to go with them, Hua Yueling said to them.Although the two girls were quite unwilling, they were still persuaded by him, and they nodded and agreed.

In fact, this is quite normal, and there is really no need for everyone to go in that kind of place.Hua Yueling found a place, jumped down from above, stepped on the weeds, and moved little by little toward the place where the main house was.

The place where Hua Yueling is now is trying to make the side of the mansion. There are still relatively few weeds here. Although the weeds on both sides are slanted, the road is directly blocked, but it is still covered by flowers. Yue Ling showed it.

Pushing away those extremely irritating weeds, Hua Yueling shook her hand very unhappily, and walked forward as fast as she could, while she walked away from everything that was blocking her path. .Hua Yueling didn't like this place very much, and she didn't know how long it had been abandoned when she looked, otherwise the weeds would not have grown so high.

It was not easy for Hua Yueling to get rid of it all the way. If it were his own home, he really wanted to pull out those weeds directly.Unexpectedly, there is still such a place in this city, it is incredible to the extreme.

It's a pity that this is not his home, so he has no intention to do anything.

"It's much easier if you use fire magic."

Hua Yueling thought so again, but if she really used flame magic, she wouldn't know what it was like.There are so many weeds here, plus it hasn't rained before, it is very likely that the whole place will be burned up, and there will be no way to control the fire.

She was just thinking about these, and the consequences of really using this method were not something he could afford.I finally got out of this overgrown area along the way. Hua Yueling came to the main road and came to the top of the steps. After reaching the top, Hua Yueling sighed and shook her hand. Her body was a little dirty. Now, he still really doesn't like this feeling.

The door was closed tightly, but fortunately it was not locked.Hua Yueling started to push a few times but didn't push it open. She had no choice but to use some strength. She didn't know what was going on. It was obviously two wooden doors, which were closed tightly.

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