After finally pushing open the decayed wooden door, Hua Yueling entered the main house, and when he arrived in the living room, he smelled a decayed smell.This smell is really unpleasant to death, Hua Yueling subconsciously covered her nose.

"It's so unpleasant."

Muttering in a low voice, Hua Yueling really wanted to turn around and leave, but he definitely couldn't do that. He didn't want to come in, and couldn't leave this to Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong.That's too bad myself.

Hua Yueling also knew that she had to do it and had no other choice, so she just complained casually in her heart, and didn't say she really wanted to leave.After entering, he turned on the exploration skills to search for it.

Before coming here, Sister Ze Lucy taught him some ways to find that strange power. These are some conclusions from the research. As for whether it is useful or not, it remains to be said.But if there is no reminder from Jie Lucy, then Ling Ke is not confident that he can find the source of that power alone.

He hadn't searched for it before, and he was still in the mansion where the ghosts had gathered.But even with full use of exploration skills, the final result was not good, and nothing was found.

There are problems with his ability, but there are also other problems.

Je Lucy asked them to help herself find if there were other sources of power, but Hua Yueling herself didn't actually have much hope.If there are really other sources of power, why do those ghosts only gather in that mansion?

"But we can't think of it that way. Maybe there are ghosts in other places, but we don't know it."

Hua Yueling clutched her nose and walked past the living room, bypassing the wooden blocks that fell on the ground, and entered the room on the west side.When he arrived in the room, Hua Yueling glanced around. This is just to observe whether there are signs of people living here, but just as he thought, the ground is covered with a layer of dust, and there is nothing else. Up.

"Well, I don't see any traces of people living in it. It seems that there should be no one here."

However, it is actually difficult to see if it is just a ghost living. After all, ghosts are not like human beings and can rest in such a place without the need to arrange them.

Ghosts are not physical, so it doesn’t really make a difference if they don’t clean up, for them.

The exploration skills were fully deployed, and all the places in this room that could be searched, including the corners, were searched.But nothing was found. He also paid attention to the points that Jelucy told him to pay attention to, but there weren't those here.

"Well, it would be better to go to another room."

After searching this room, Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, turned around and went out to other rooms.

"But it seems a bit strange here."

Looking down in thought, Hua Yueling noticed that the atmosphere here was a little strange. Although he couldn't tell what was strange, he felt that way in his heart.It's like a certain filter is directly masked on it, it feels very strange, a little weird.


In a low voice, Hua Yueling went to the room in the direction facing the door of the living room. There were two rooms over there. There were quite a lot of rooms in this house.After searching room by room, Hua Yueling returned to the living room after exploring all the rooms.

Standing in the living room, he felt something was wrong, but looking around, he couldn't find the wrong point.Hua Yueling felt strange, did she think too much, or said she felt this way because of the way it was here.

The wall peeling off, revealing the true appearance inside.The walls here are not made of piles of bricks, but the older kind of soil embryo wall, which has been crushed into a disfigurement, and Hua Yueling feels very dangerous when she looks at it.

After staying here for a while, Hua Yueling found nothing, so he could only turn around and leave here.There is nothing more noteworthy, and nothing surprises him.But this is also normal, and Jelucy just asked them to come here to look for it, which doesn't mean there must be something like that here.

Don't talk about them, even Zelucy wasn't sure, just guessing what might be nearby.

Only after coming out of the room, on the outside table, Hua Yueling saw Lu Yuetong lying on the wall and waving at herself.Hua Yueling also waved at her, then shook her head again, and then returned along the same path.

When he got under the wall, he looked for it, but there was something to step up nearby.On the right side, there is an abandoned water tank buckled on the ground. Stepping on it makes it easy to get to the wall.

Hua Yueling jumped up with a stride, and then jumped directly from the wall.His series of actions shocked Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang.

"Have you noticed?"

Lu Yuetong ran to him immediately after he jumped down, looked at him first, and asked after confirming that he was okay.Hua Yueling's reaction was the same as before, shook her head and said that she had found nothing.

"There should be nothing here, and I didn't find anything, but it feels a bit strange inside, I don't know what's going on."

Hua Yueling said his thoughts, especially the strange atmosphere inside, which is the most worth mentioning, but in the end he didn't find out where the strange atmosphere came from.

"Maybe it's just that you think too much?" Although Lu Yuetong said so, she still believed in Hua Yueling, so she felt that Hua Yueling's feeling should be right.

"Forget it, I've already come out, if I'm still inside, I can continue to explore. But I have already explored all the places that should be explored, and basically nothing was found."

Hua Yueling and the others didn't find anything here, so they turned to other places.The houses here where no one lives are still different. Some places are overgrown with weeds, but some places are better.

The next place Hua Yueling and the others went was like this. Although there were some weeds in it, the situation was not as dense and lush as the previous mansion.The three people easily entered the house and walked along the road into the main house. There should have been people living here not long ago, so the overall situation of the house is much better than the other two.

Moreover, those who entered the house were still less locked, which surprised them a bit.

"What about this?"

Hua Yueling can pry open, but it doesn't seem necessary.

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