Just after searching outside, Hua Yueling found nothing, there is no special place here, or that kind of place worthy of attention.Hua Yueling searched and searched, but still found nothing.

"Go to the next place, it's normal here, there is nothing."

Shaking his head, Hua Yueling said so, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong stared at the room for a while, then followed him back and went out from here.

There are still a few places to explore, but there is nothing to discover in a few places.Not to mention the source of power, even the ghost has never encountered it.During the day, all the ghosts really went out or something, anyway, they haven't encountered a single ghost here, which is incredible.

After searching a few houses, Hua Yueling was also a little discouraged. She hadn't found anything in these places, but it had something to do with the hidden source of power.It is very difficult to find out, and Hua Yueling also finds that she can hardly find anything.

I deliberately went to the abandoned mansion at the beginning to investigate, and the results were the same as the previous ones, and it was still difficult to find.Even with some suggestions from Jeruxi, it is still extremely difficult to find out.

"You have to be more cautious. Judging from the difficulty found here..."

Huayueling thought about it, recalling the feeling she had when she was looking for it before, after deliberation, she felt that she still hadn't missed anything.He still remembered those places very clearly, although he said that there were no memorable places, he still remembered them clearly.

"No, definitely not."

After thinking about it again, Hua Yueling deepened her confidence even more. By comparing the differences between these places, she was able to determine where is most likely and where is impossible.

Those places are different from the places with the source of power. Hua Yueling can be sure of this. This is also the reason why he dares to make judgments.

"Just write down the feeling here, it should be easier to get to other places."

Hua Yueling worked hard to remember the power she felt here and the flow of power.If you don’t remember it clearly and don’t write it down, it will probably take time to find it, and it will be very difficult to find it.

It was naturally okay here. After all, he had known the source of power here, but it was different afterwards.Leaving from here to go to other places, he may not be able to find them when he reaches those places, or it is very difficult to find them.

If you are familiar with the flow of this power, you can find a little clue when you go to other places. If it is really the same power, it should be easy to find.

Hua Yueling feels so, but I don't know if this idea is really correct.

Thinking about various issues, Hua Yueling withdrew from the house.When I went outside and looked around, there was no other noteworthy aura here, and there were still no ghosts.

The feeling that has always been this way even makes him a little doubtful whether there are real ghosts in this place, but he thinks it is impossible for Alice to deceive them, there is no need for that.

After understanding the situation here, Hua Yueling and the others went to the next place again.Hua Yueling doesn’t even know what Jie Lucy's conclusion is based on. There are other places near here that have a source of power, but since she has reached such a conclusion, she must have her own. Thinking method, this method is currently unknown to them, so there is no way to reason out.

There are still a lot of abandoned houses here, even if Hua Yueling and the others have already explored them, there are still some that need them to explore.In fact, it is quite troublesome. Every house needs to go in, and there is no way to pass through the main entrance. You can only turn over the wall. Some houses are too old and the walls are very low, but there are But his home is different.The walls of those homes are relatively high. Although it is said that there are damaged places, it is basically impossible to enter from these damaged places.

I still have to climb the wall. Fortunately, there are still some props that can be used to step up the feet, but even if there is no actual Hua Yueling can jump up with her own ability.Although this is a little work, it is actually nothing to Hua Yueling.

After exploring a few more places, Huayueling felt something abnormal in these places, but Huayueling couldn't find out where it was.

He didn't know why this happened, but it didn't seem to have anything to do with the source of power.Hua Yueling compared the anomaly he discovered with the feeling of the source of power recorded before, and felt that there was no similarity at all.

He closed his eyes and thought for a while. This feeling had been there before, but at that time he had been searching for a long time but there was no positive discovery at all.This is weird. It clearly feels like there should be something, but in fact it is nothing.

Hua Yueling was also surprised by this, not knowing why.

I looked around, and what I want to say is that this is just an ordinary house, and there is nothing particularly noteworthy. Although there are still a lot of weeds, it cannot be said to be a special place.

With these in mind, Hua Yueling went to the next place.Going everywhere, Hua Yueling still found what she was looking for in one of the mansions.

Moreover, the place where that kind of power exists is really unexpected. Hua Yueling originally thought it was hidden in the house, but in reality it was not like that.Hua Yueling didn't care about that place at all at first, but fortunately, he didn't miss that place either, just didn't notice it at first.

Realizing that the fluctuation of power there was a bit abnormal, Hua Yueling knew that what she was looking for should be there.I walked quickly, but the well was blocked by a lot of grass, so there was no way to see what was inside.

Hua Yueling had no choice but to take out the two-handed sword to clean up the weeds in her own way.Huayueling's cleaning method is very simple and trouble-free, but the result of cleaning is definitely not so good.This is also normal. Hua Yueling didn't want to clean up here, but just wanted to expose the well.

After that, there is no need to clean up, anyway, all he was looking for was in the well.

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