The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1567 Another Hidden Source

"There seems to be nothing here..."

Hua Yueling lowered his head and remained silent. After he turned and walked out of the room, he came outside and saw Mu Ningshuang standing outside.She had also entered the house with them before, but then she didn't know what was going on, maybe she found something and walked out by herself.

So far, there is still no response, but seeing her staring at a place, Hua Yueling feels a little strange.

Hua Yueling walked over and looked in the direction she was looking at. People in that direction couldn't see anything, only vaguely able to see something.Under the cover of weeds, all Hua Yueling can see is a well that seems to have been abandoned for a long time. I don’t know what’s in this well. If it’s just cut down, Hua Yueling is anything. Invisible.

This is a bit strange, there should be something in that well, otherwise Mu Ningshuang would definitely not do this.Just stand here and stare there, without saying a word, as if all the attention has been drawn to the past.

"What's there."

Mu Ningshuang said softly, but she just said this.

"Is there anything..."

Hua Yueling walked in some, these plants were also a little special, hindering his exploration.If you want to explore more clearly, you must eliminate the plants that hinder the exploration.

Seeing that Mu Ningshuang seemed to be about to use magic to destroy those plants directly, Hua Yueling hurriedly stopped her. If she doesn’t stop it, it is estimated that all the plants here can be burned, not to mention the entire yard. Even the house was burned down.

Mu Ningshuang's magic is not just for fun, just one shot is enough. When the time comes, the flame will burn and spread. Although it can also be extinguished by water magic, it is definitely not feasible.

Not to mention whether there are other dangers from a fire, it will still be noticeable at that time, which is the most undesirable thing for them.

Mu Ningshuang was also a little anxious, Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, pressed her arm, and after pressing it hard, she took out her two-handed sword to act on her own.

These weeds are relatively easy to clean up, and a sweep of the two-handed sword basically goes down better, but there are still some remaining on it that Hua Yueling can't end like this, and there are still things that need trouble.

The remaining weeds Huayueling had to use the Hidden Dragon Blade to clean up little by little until the entire well was revealed, which was considered to have completed her work.

"It's clearer now."

After cleaning up, without even having to probe, Hua Yueling sensed something wrong with this well.But if this is the case, it would be a little strange. It should be controlled by some people. Otherwise, there can be no such plants on the earth.

Hua Yueling's thoughts were still very clear, and after seeing these, she understood, thinking that Lai Mu Ningshuang should also be very clear.But there is nothing here now, which means that after they destroy these weeds, when the owner here reappears, they are likely to find their existence.

This is definitely not a good thing for them, which means that they may be targeted by others, even if the owner here does not know who they are, it is not good.

But now is not the time to think about these things. Although she was worried in her heart, Hua Yueling shook her head vigorously, and quickly expelled this thought from her mind.Rather than this, let's look at what is hidden in this well.

Hua Yueling looked down and saw that there was no water in the well, it was still dry, and it seemed that a lot of things had been thrown away.Hua Yueling wasn't particularly clear about what else there was dust on those things.

Hua Yueling still doesn't believe it very much if there is something hidden here, but the reality is that there is something here. Hua Yueling realized this after lowering her head and looking down.I can clearly feel that what lies in it is indeed the source of power, but it feels weaker than the other one.

"Unexpectedly, there are also here, and it is still hidden. It seems that Jerusalem's guess is not wrong, but this is not knowing who is hiding this source of power."

Hua Yueling said in a low voice, subconsciously looking around.Detection skills have been detected long ago, and there is no one other than them.Maybe those ghosts did it, but why do they do it, and if they want to hide it, it’s not necessary to hide here. The other one should be hidden, and it’s right to not tell Alice who doesn’t know before. .

But those ghosts didn't do that. Not only did they not hide them, but they also told Alice about the existence of the source of power.Unless they have other purposes, there is no need to do so.

Not sure what was going on, Hua Yueling also felt quite puzzled.However, there are many times when things are like this, not to mention that it is so easy to understand clearly, Hua Yueling still understands this.

The probe looked down, mainly to see what that kind of power was going on, but although I could perceive the existence of that kind of power and the movement of that kind of power in the source of power, I could not see the existence of power.

Maybe you can find strength after going down, but you have to dig down. Hua Yueling and the others hesitated for a while, but decided to do it for the time being.

There are still a few more places to go. Although I found one here, it doesn’t mean that I don’t need to go elsewhere.Other places need to be visited too, and it will take some time.

It’s not clear how long it will take, but it’s definitely not short.

The three of them turned the rest of the shops around. 1 After the transfer, it was almost noon, but fortunately, their task was completed, which was pretty good news.After that, they found another source of strength, and that source of strength was still weaker than the two previously discovered.

"It seems like it was done deliberately. From there to this side, the power contained in the source of power is gradually weakening. I don't know what I did it for."

Hua Yueling said strangely, but you should be able to know the answers to these questions when you ask Jelucy.Since she asked them to look for it, it means that she had already guessed or speculated this possibility from some aspects.She knew much more than they knew.

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