After exploring the remaining places, Hua Yueling and the others bought a few bottles of drinks on the way back, and were not too anxious to go home.Rather, he was pushing his bicycle while walking and discussing the topic of the source of power.

Talking about their own thoughts, why this is so, what kind of useful information did Jeruxie get from that source of power? These are some of the topics they talked about.However, they have not been able to draw any useful conclusions, and it is difficult to give a good answer. After all, they still don't understand so thoroughly, especially in terms of the source of power.

After drinking the drink, Hua Yueling and the others rode on their bicycles and went directly to Sister Alorin’s house.After all, Sister Zeluxi left in the morning and returned to another world to study this power.If you want to report to her, you have to go there. Of course, she will come in the afternoon, but it is better to tell her now.

Hua Yueling and the others didn't have to think about making a decision, and it took some time for them to reach Sister Aroline's house.Quickly passing through the teleportation array, they once again came to the elven forest in another world.

There was a breeze in the forest, which was quite comfortable.Since it is a forest, it is relatively cool in itself, coupled with the breeze, it is not cool enough, very comfortable.

After walking along the road for a while, they came to the clearing outside the tree house. In this clearing, there were the figures of the little girls. They were playing in the grass and there seemed to be nothing to do now.

The three of Hua Yueling and the others went up to say hello to the girls. Those girls still had an impression of them, especially the little cat-eared girl and the dog-eared little girl.They were very impressed with Hua Yueling and the others, after all, it was Hua Yueling and the others who rescued them, so to speak.

After greeted them and asked them how they were living here, the little girls nodded happily and said that they were living well and were very happy.

"By the way, let's give you these drinks. Unfortunately, I forgot this time. Next time, Big Brother will get you some delicious food."

There are still some drinks in Huayueling's inventory, but unfortunately they are not many. Fortunately, there are not many people living here, otherwise the ones he brought with him would not be enough.

The two little girls and other people were somewhat talented at first and didn't take them, but after Hua Yueling and the others forcedly pushed them into their hands, they thanked them and took them.

After talking with the two little girls for a while, Hua Yueling and the others left the clearing and went to the tree house.

"By the way, is Sister Jelucy here?"

"Hmm... Sister, she hasn't come back since she went out."

Said the little cat ear girl.

"Did you go out? When did you go out? Did you go out after you came back?"

"Not long ago, it seemed that there was something important, and I left in a hurry. Big brother and big sister, you can sit here for a while, and I will give you tea."

"No need, just play here, don't bother."

Hua Yueling shook her head and said, they are not thirsty at all now, and what they should do is more important than hers.They wanted to tell Sister Zeluxi what they discovered, but now that the person is no longer there, they don't know how long they will have to wait.

"Or let's go back first and come back later?"

It’s not interesting to just wait here, but it seems that Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong think it’s not a big deal to wait here, after all, there are little girls from the cat-ear tribe and the dog-ear tribe, let alone there. Many people are here.

Although there are not many girls staying here, they are still lively enough. You must know that Jay Lucy used to be very quiet here, not as lively as it is now.

"Then wait a while."

Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong looked very happy, they just wanted to play with the little girls.Hua Yueling can only sit and watch them interact at this time. The little girls are also very happy. It doesn't matter if they only stay with them, they all smile brightly anyway.

The girls were playing, and Hua Yueling was sitting on the big tree stump on one side. After sitting for a while, she lay down and looked up.The thick branches and leaves blocked his sight, and he could only see the higher sky and the dazzling sunlight through the small gap.

Hua Yueling closed her eyes unknowingly, somewhat sleepy, although this sleepiness was not that strong.There is nothing to do, although he can go to accompany Mu Ningshuang and the others to play with those girls, but he is the only man among so many girls, and he is very embarrassed.

The girls are playing with their own. If he has nothing to do with the excitement, he might as well stay by himself for a while.

Hua Yueling thought about this, staring at the green leaves above her head, looking at nothing.

Before she knew it, Hua Yueling closed her eyes, gradually fell asleep, and gradually fell into a dream.Don't worry too much, anyway, as long as Jie Lucy comes back later, they will wake themselves up, it's nothing.

Thinking like this in her heart, Hua Yueling also fell asleep.I wake up early in the morning, and I have been very busy these days, so I feel comfortable sleeping.It wasn't until she felt her body being shaken that Hua Yueling gradually woke up from her dreamland. He opened his eyes and saw Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong sitting beside him, pointing their heads. Looking at myself, even the two little girls are here.

There is also a figure of a person, Sister Jelucy, she is back.

"Well, I slept for a long time."

Hua Yueling quickly sat up and looked at Jelucci.

"Sister Jelucci, you are back."

"Well, just came back, what did you find when you came here."

Zelucy nodded and looked at him, then nodded at him.

"There are some discoveries."

After hearing what she said, Hua Yueling was also much more sober, and told her what she and others had discovered.After listening to it, Jelucy didn't show any unexpected expressions. It seemed that this was what she expected.Just as they thought, Sister Jelucy must have guessed this a long time ago, so she asked them to look for it.

After understanding the situation clearly, Jie Lucy asked them some more questions. Some of these questions could be answered by Hua Yueling, but some could not be answered.But no matter what, they are still trying their best to answer these questions and say what they know.

"I'm sorry to trouble you this time. The results are not bad. It seems that it won't take long to solve the problem."

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