Now that the ghost has come back, it's a little troublesome.Regardless of other places, at least there is no way to explore the place where the ghosts have returned, and you must be careful in the vicinity. It is better not to be found out that their existence is better.

Before Alice takes Mu Ningshuang to meet them, it is better to keep a distance with them, and it is better not to meet.

Hua Yueling felt so, so he immediately took them to the house farther away.There are many abandoned houses here, but not every house has ghosts.As for the specific location, Hua Yueling and the others did not know.

"There seems to be a ghost coming, hide and take a look."

Karin discovered the existence of the ghost earlier than Hua Yueling, and reminded them in a low voice.Hua Yueling nodded, and then whispered to the two little guys to keep them silent. In fact, even if he didn't say the two little guys, he knew that they both had always been very well-behaved. Did not say, keep quiet with them.

This is also the reason why the two little guys are so lovable. They are very obedient and sensible. How could anyone dislike such a child.

The four people hurriedly found a still hidden place to hide and looked in the direction Karin said that the ghost came. Sure enough, they hadn't just been hiding for a long time, and a breath of death followed.The breath was getting closer and closer, only to see a phantom coming out of the alley towards this side.

Where does it live? Is it true that all the houses here are anxiously left by these ghosts and used as their bases? This Huayueling doesn't know it, and he doesn't have much interest in understanding these.What he wants to do most now is to quickly find it, and there is another thing that makes him quite curious, what is the thing that Sister Jelucy wants them to find, this is also an unanswered question.

Several people were hiding, watching the ghosts. There were not only one or two ghosts, but several.They floated from outside, passed through the alley, and came to the clearing.

Those ghosts seemed to have come from one place, and they all went to the mansion where Hua Yueling first discovered ghosts, which is the place where Alice went.They should all come out from there, one by one floating into it.

The door didn't need to be opened, they just floated in through the closed door, and soon disappeared.Hua Yueling and the others waited until the ghosts entered, then came out of the hiding place, looked at each other, and then looked at the mansion.

If you look at it this way, the only thing worth noting here is the mansion. No ghost is felt anywhere else.Maybe it's just that the ghosts regard those places as their territory and don't live in other places.

Guessing in her heart, Hua Yueling looked outside again, and saw that there were no more ghosts in the alley, and then turned and walked away.The little girls from the cat-ear tribe and the dog-ear tribe were shocked when they saw those ghosts, even though they were from another world, but they had never seen any ghosts.

The cold breath that these ghosts exude when they float over makes it feel like they are in a cold storage. Little girls naturally don't like this feeling.

Hua Yueling took them all the way to a place where they found another source of power. After arriving here, Hua Yueling first climbed to the top of the wall to observe the situation inside, and after confirming that there were no ghosts behind, he was ready to go in.

"Shall we all go in or leave some people out?"

It is not easy for the two little guys to get in, and they have to be sent in. Actually, this is not necessary.It's just that if they don't go in, one more talent will have to stay.

"I will stay outside, and I can also help you pay attention to the situation nearby. Someone has come to inform you."

Lu Yuetong took the initiative to ask to stay, Hua Yueling nodded, and then went over the wall with Karin.Karin's movements over the wall are more proficient than him. She deserves to be an elf, and her movements are agile.

After the two went over the wall and entered, Hua Yueling took her directly to the place where the source of strength was, and the two looked into the well together.The periphery of the well was not repaired after it was destroyed. It seemed that no one had come back, whether it was a ghost or a human.

Since the protective measures have not been repaired, there is nothing to worry about for now.

"Is it this?"

Karin stared at the bottom of the well. She was quite accomplished in magic. Although she was definitely not as good as Jie Lucy, she was better than Hua Yueling and the others.After staring for a while, Karin turned to look at him.

"What does Sister Jelucy want you to look for? Isn't it looking for this?"

This source of power is special, different from magic, and different from wizard magic.But something can also be seen from this, if you compare magical power with elf magic.

"No, no, we only found this in the morning. Sister Jelucy asked us to find out if there are any weird props around here, and I don't know what it is."

"Weird props... It's not easy to do just such an explanation. It would be better if there were more clues."

"But it must have something to do with the source of power."


Karin nodded and said.If it had nothing to do with the source of power, no matter what, Jie Lucy would not let them come and look for it. Now that they came, she must have needed similar information to judge something.

The details of Huayueling are definitely not clear to them, but they don't need to know Thailand clearly, as long as they find what they need to find, they don't need to know so deeply.

After observing the source of power in the well for a while, Hua Yueling and the others confirmed the nature of the source of power, and then began to look for it here.It is not clear what to look for, but it should be sensed through the nature of the source of power.

I searched around this well, but I don't know if it was affected by the power in the well, and it was difficult to find anything nearby.No matter how you use exploration skills to find, the first thing you feel is the power emanating from the source of power in the well.

Regardless of the fact that that power was originally hidden well, but now that the power that protected it was eliminated, it actually affected Hua Yueling's judgment.Karin didn't know if she was affected, but she couldn't see anything just by looking at her expression. She didn't have any special expression, and she searched the other side calmly.

The two separated two sides, moved to both sides and searched, but they didn't find it at the end.

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