After a round of searching, Hua Yueling and the others gathered together to share the new information they had obtained.

"I didn't find anything here. I was looking for it very seriously, but I still couldn't find anything."

Hua Yueling frowned and said so.It seems that there is nothing here, so it is strange. The more here, the more there should be, and there should be nothing else.But it's not here now. If Jay Lucy's idea is right, this thing would be very strange.

What's the matter if you find nothing where there is a source of power, but find something where there is no source of power.

"Let's go, it's not here, go somewhere else."

"Don't look for it anymore? It should be the most likely place, right?"

"It's not so understood. That kind of thing may be around here, but it's not certain." Karin seems to know something, but it's not the time to explain it, so she just said that and went to the wall. While walking.

Hua Yueling tilted her head, and Karin couldn't understand why this was the case without saying clearly.But immediately he chased after him, and walked to the wall with Karin next to her.

He didn't ask how she came to the conclusion, just followed her over the wall and went out.Meeting with Lu Yuetong and two little girls who were waiting outside, there was nothing unusual outside, and no ghost came back.

"Go elsewhere."

"Have you found it?"

"No, I shouldn't be here." Hua Yueling replied briefly. Of course, it would be impossible for him to answer by asking him to answer in an explanatory way.After all, I still haven't understood what is going on.

"Aren't you here?"

Lu Yuetong was also puzzled about this, very strange, why he was not here, it was really incredible.

"What did the big brother and big sister do?"

When the two little girls saw them coming out, they ran up and grabbed the hands of both of them, shaking them, looking like the two little guys were quite happy.I didn't feel particularly irritable just because I was waiting outside.

"Big brother and big sister have some very important things to do," Hua Yueling said as she stroked the little guys' heads, acting very gentle "How about you, will you feel bored?"

"No, very interesting. Sister Yuetong will play with us, very interesting."

"And it's different from where we used to live, and we haven't seen it everywhere."

The two little guys were very excited to say this, and after listening to them, Hua Yueling couldn't help laughing.The feelings of the little girls are understandable. It is normal to have such thoughts when they have come to a new place from the future.

"There is not much time today, what about tomorrow? Tomorrow big brother and big sister will take you to other places to play."

"Well, I'm done!"

After hearing what Hua Yueling said, the two little guys nodded happily. They were quite curious about this place. Naturally, there are other places to go.

After coaxing them, Hua Yueling and the others went to the next location.During the period, Huayueling turned her head from time to time to look at Karin next to her.There were some things he hadn't figured out yet, why Karin was so sure. After searching, he didn't have such a sure idea, just guessing there might not be what they were looking for.

However, when he met with Karin to explain their findings to each other, Karin answered his question with a very positive tone, which shows that she knows something at least to some extent.Unlike them, they don't understand at all.

Going to the next mansion, I still took the same action, searching one place one by one.During the period, Hua Yueling still found something, not only him, but also Karin, and in fact, it was Karin who discovered first, not him.

Hua Yueling still didn't understand this aspect somewhat, so when Karin found something, he was still quite strange, because he didn't notice it.

"Is it this?"

"Almost, but not all are the same."

Karin whispered to him after looking at what was in her hand for a while.Hua Yueling stared at the fragment-like props in her hand and frowned. It was a fragment, a fragment with a certain power.Prior to this, it was not clear what Huayueling it was, but it was certain that this kind of thing was similar to the magic crystal, and it was used to store power.

"Did you find such a thing here?"

Hua Yueling pointed to the ground and asked, Karin nodded.But she didn't say anything other than that, it seemed that she was thinking about something, and her attention was basically focused on that piece of debris.

It is a fragment with a strange shape. How to describe it? It is also difficult to tell what shape it is.There is no way to generalize its shape with ordinary shapes.

"Well, such fragments, is it deliberately made like this, or is it..."

Hua Yueling tilted her head and thought, judging from the cut of the fragment, the fragment did not look like it was made like this with a special tool.It's more like it's been destroyed, but Hua Yueling is not sure, maybe they wanted to make it like this on purpose.

He didn't know how much or how much, Hua Yueling watched for a while and then handed the debris back to Karin.Karin was stunned after taking the thing, but then handed the fragments back to him.

"Hold it for you, I don't need it."

Hua Yueling didn't say anything, anyway, Jie Lucy asked herself to look for it, and it didn't matter if she held it.

"But now I finally know what I'm looking for. These things are really hard to find, if they are thrown into those weeds."

"With this, it's much easier."

"Yes, it will be easy to find others through this."

Hua Yueling also nodded, the source of power in the well was just to give them some clues, and it didn't mean that what they were looking for must be like that.But this fragment is different. With this, you know what you are looking for, what kind of nature it possesses, etc.

Through this fragment, Huayueling discovered that the power contained in the fragment was very strange, somewhat different from the source of power. It seemed to be mixed with other power, which was very weak, and it was difficult to see it without careful observation.

This should have something to do with the source of power. As for the specific connection, it is not yet clear.

Hua Yueling returned to the area he was responsible for and continued to search, but there were more weeds here, which covered the entire ground. This was the most troublesome place.

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