After a rest for one night, I got up full of energy the next day.It's still a normal life with no changes, but Hua Yueling has long been accustomed to this way of life.Life in the summer vacation is probably like this. If there is no other tourism, going to different worlds can be regarded as tourism, but this kind of tourism is very speechless.

After breakfast, Mu Ningshuang and the others also got up. There are important things to do tonight, but the day is quite leisurely.Thinking of what happened at night, after Mu Ningshuang and the others had breakfast, Hua Yueling thought that Alice should be called over and discussed.

At about 9:30, Alice came over in a hurry, she was even more anxious than Hua Yueling and the others.Everyone gathered together and talked about the ghost mansion. Hua Yueling and the others also talked about their work for these two days. They were still very busy, although they should spend more time playing than work. Long is.

Although Alice was very concerned about this matter, she basically couldn't understand what Hua Yueling and the others said.Without some basic understanding of these things, it is impossible to be able to understand them. This is normal.

"Let's act tonight."

"Let's go with us. It should be okay?"

Hua Yueling pointed to them, the number was slightly larger, four people, if Sister Jelucci went with them, it would be five people.So many people might scare those ghosts, but after all, they went with Alice, so there should be no problem in theory.

"It should be okay, it doesn't matter if you have more people."

Alice answered in the same way, but she didn't sound too confident.

"Speak up if there is a problem, it's okay."

"It's okay, I can explain to them when the time comes. I know them well."

Alice shook her head and said so, since he said so, there should be no problem, Hua Yueling did not continue to talk about this issue.

Anyway, there is still time. Wait until the evening to act. Before then, there is enough time for them to talk about the policy of the evening operation.In any case, those undead who are willing to be superseded first give them to be superseded, as for other ghosts who are not willing to be superseded, they persuade them. If they can't, they can only think of other ways.

If it doesn't work, you can only use violence, but Hua Yueling thought that there might be other ways.The ghosts can live comfortably here, mainly because there is a source of power, but if the source of power is destroyed, they can no longer rely on the source of power, then things may turn for the better.

Hua Yueling wasn't sure if this would be the case, but at least he had to try it. If he didn't even try it, there would be no way.

In fact, there is nothing to talk about. They all share the same things on the ghost side, and probably everyone knows it.Saying like this is just another confirmation. After all, it is better to try to solve this kind of thing at once. If the ghost runs away after this, it will not be easy to find it.

However, Mu Ningshuang was quite confident in this regard, and felt that such a thing was impossible. Although Hua Yueling had similar thoughts, he was not so sure.

After that, the conversation between them turned to other directions. For example, Karin asked Huayueling about their dragon eggs.Speaking of the Dragon Egg was handed over to Sister Zeluxi by them, they never asked about the Dragon Egg, they were all handed over to her to take care of it.

"It turned out to be with Sister Jelucy. She never told me. I thought I was always here with you."

"After all, we don't know how to take care of it, or let's go see it together next time."

"Alright, you have to take some time to look at it, especially after birth, so that it can enhance the relationship between you."

Hua Yueling and the others also nodded. Sister Jieluxi also told them about this, but they all said that after the dragon was hatched, the dragon is still in the dragon egg, so she doesn't need to go there frequently.However, even if it is in the state of a dragon egg, it is effective to accompany it more, and it can also enhance the relationship between each other.

"I don't know what dragon's egg it is."

"Don't you know?" Karin asked in surprise. They obviously got it, but still didn't know.

"There is probably a guess, it should be a red dragon."

"Red dragon, the red dragon is relatively strong among the dragons." I don't know what the relationship between the elves and dragons is, but it seems that Karin's appearance or the attitude of speaking seems to be okay, at least not as an enemy. .

"Kalin, you should know something about the Dragon Race, right?" Hua Yueling and the others also know something, but they are not from another world, but from the game world. Naturally, there are also novels, so even if they know something. It is not necessarily accurate.After all, those are just fantasy, and what Karin knows is the truth.

"The most powerful dragon is probably the ancient dragon, but no one knows where the ancient dragon is now. It does not live with other dragons. Instead, it has left a long time ago and I don't know where it went."

"Gulong...what should the ancient dragon look like?"

Hua Yueling asked curiously, he really wanted to know, he especially liked the dragon clan, he felt very handsome.

"Gu Long's words... It is said that Gu Long's body is the size of a mountain, and its body is harder than a rock, and possesses unparalleled destructive power. Just walking around can make a big earthquake tremble. It can be said to be the most powerful creature on our side. "

"So powerful?!"

"But I just heard about it, and I don't know if it's really the case. But I think there shouldn't be much difference."

"If I have the chance, I really want to see what Gu Long looks like."

Hua Yueling said with a sigh.But he just thought about it. It was so easy to see Gu Long, and the power that Gu Long possessed was also dare not move.

"Except for the ancient dragon, the most powerful one should be the black dragon, but the number of black dragons is also very small. There is only one ancient dragon, and the maximum number of black dragons is less than ten. Moreover, these black dragons do not gather together. It is said that Longya, also There are only two black dragons in the dragon gathering place."

"Although the black dragon and the black dragon are also very strong, they should be far behind the ancient dragon."

"That's it, the power of the ancient dragon is incredible, and the black dragon can't be compared with it anyway."

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