Unknowingly, time just passed, and at dusk, Hua Yueling and the others still did not act.According to Alice, it’s better to wait until the night to act. Although it’s quite late to say something at dusk, it is possible that some ghosts have not yet come back, and it is good to act at night.

This made Hua Yueling who were a little eager to change their minds. It seemed that they could only wait and see, and they could not be too anxious.Since Alice said so, they naturally didn't need to refute.

But since it's all so, it's better to go after dinner and work hard when you are full.

After eating dinner, Hua Yueling and the others started their action.Hua Yun also followed them out of curiosity. She naturally saw ghosts. She had seen some of them during their adventures with Hua Yueling, but she had never seen them on Earth, although she also knew ghosts. There won't be much difference, but she still can't restrain her curiosity.

A few people rode to the destination, the ghost mansion was really silent and terrible, not to mention anything else, there was no street light.At night there is only some light, except for the moonlight, only the light diffused from a distance.

I can hear the outside noises here, but they are all the sounds of cars passing by. Listening to those sounds in such a quiet place does not feel too noisy.

After stopping the bicycle, Alice took the initiative to open the door, and after unlocking the lock, she walked in.Behind her, Hua Yueling and the others walked in, passing through the yard that they had walked a short time ago, and all the way to the abandoned house inside.

Alice took the lead, said hello to the ghosts, and introduced them to Hua Yueling.Hua Yueling originally thought that they should be on guard or did not welcome them, but after seeing the ghosts, after seeing their reactions, she found that she was thinking too much.

Although the ghosts had some reactions to their arrival, they were just ordinary reactions. There was nothing else, and they didn't ask too much about their purpose.

There are even ghosts welcoming them, which is really strange.But in that case, Hua Yueling and the others also expressed their kindness.

There are not many ghosts in the living room, there are seven in total, but Hua Yueling can detect that there are ghosts in other rooms.These ghosts add up to forty or fifty.

Unexpectedly, there are so many ghosts gathered in such a small place. To be honest, it is really incredible.Not only because there are so many ghosts, but also because of the existence of spirits.

These are places that make people feel incredible. Hua Yueling observes these ghosts. In fact, these ghosts have various personalities just like people, which can be seen only from their treatment of their visits.

After this, Alice also explained to the other party why Hua Yueling and the others came here. When she mentioned the matter of Chao Du, some of the ghosts obviously changed their faces.But some others have no expressions, and they don't seem to care.

Hua Yueling had a panoramic view of the faces of these ghosts, and he could roughly understand what their thoughts were.

"Can it really be done?"

One of the ghosts who spoke smoothly asked so, it seemed that they had no confidence.But this is also normal, who can think of such things in such a world.

The existence of ghosts is also true, as are the methods of transcendence. It is difficult for ordinary people to imagine or even believe these.But Hua Yueling felt that these ghosts should still be believed, after all, their own existence was already beyond the original cognition of this world.

"Don't worry about this. If we can't do it, we won't come here anyway. We came because we heard Alice said about you."

"...Well, since you say you can do it, then I believe you. But before that, I hope you can prove to me that you can do it."

What the other party said is quite normal, not deliberately trying to embarrass them. After all, it is impossible to believe them just by listening to their confident words. It is too simple.

"Okay, you say what to do."

"Come on, you come to save me, if you succeed, others will come again. If you fail, I don't know if you can bear the consequences."

Even if they were intimidated by the other party with such words, Hua Yueling and the others still did not even change their expressions.Just looking at each other, looking at each other's almost transparent eyes.The ghost saw something in their gazes, and said nothing else, and floated over.

At this time, the ghosts in other rooms also came out. Some of their bodies were stacked on top of each other. They mumbled as if to say something. It could be seen that some of them were expressing objections, but their opinions were more effective than They are much smaller in imagination.

No one listens to them, except for those who don't want to be overrun.

The next thing to do is much simpler, Mu Ningshuang stepped up to do super work.Recalling the guidance he had received from Her Royal Highness, Mu Ningshuang moved into action.

It's really easy to say, Mu Ningshuang didn't spend much effort, and the ghost was overwhelmed.In this way, the ghost slowly disappeared from their eyes, as if a beam of light fell on it.

The ghost noticed something and slowly said something, so its figure gradually disappeared from Hua Yueling's eyes.

"This, is this super degree?"

Other ghosts watched this scene incredible, some of them changed their faces and showed incredible expressions, and at the same time this seemed to give them confidence.

"I'll come, I'll come!"

One by one, they were vying for the first time, but some ghosts were farther away, subconsciously.Those ghosts just don't want to be overwhelmed, they want to stay and continue living.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with them, even if you keep them, the premise is that they will not do bad things.This should look at the thoughts of the ghosts, but there is no need to think so much for now.

Mu Ningshuang was superfluous one by one, and it didn't take long, or even very fast.Seeing one ghost after another disappeared from her eyes, Hua Yueling didn't even know what she was feeling.

Looking at the remaining ghost figures, Hua Yueling could roughly guess some of their thoughts.

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