After lying down for a while, Hua Yueling retracted her gaze from looking out, and fell on Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong.

"Let’s study, I will take out the computer."

Hua Yueling took out the notebook and put it on the table, connected to the electric wire. There were sockets and electric wires in this room, which were all obtained by Hua Yueling and the others.No one except them will make such a thing here.

After connecting everything, Hua Yueling turned on the laptop, and then began to study.

Three people can help each other when they study together. Although the things they learned are different, if there is something you don't understand, it is still useful to ask others how much.

The time passed by unconsciously during the study, and they didn't even feel anything, so it was time for lunch to eat.Hua Yueling put down the book in her hand, stretched a long waist and yawned. Although it was quite comfortable to study this way, he still felt a little tired.

Lie down and looked out the window, Hua Yueling sighed.

"Unexpectedly, time flies so fast, let's go eat."

It's really fast enough, I didn't expect it to be lunch in an instant.Hua Yueling scratched her hair, got up and walked outside.After Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong packed up the opened books, they followed him out.

When I arrived in the dining room, I saw a lot of people gathered there, and Jersey had already been sitting at the dining table.Others are busy, and there are a lot of dishes on the table. These dishes are steaming and look delicious. Just smell the taste and feel delicious.

After sitting down, I heard Sister Jelucy mentioned the afternoon action again, saying that after eating lunch, I went to sleep and went over.Only then did Hua Yueling and the others realize that the time mentioned by Jie Luxi was calculated according to the time here, not according to the time on the earth.

In this case, it should be fine. When I go back, it should be in the morning. The heat is slightly warmer, but it is not that uncomfortable.It's still bearable.

There are a lot of people here, so naturally there is a lot of food. Don't look at the four people sitting on the table now, Hua Yueling and the others, but there are already seven or eight dishes.Mainly because of the large number of people, even seven or eight dishes are still not enough.

Although Hua Yueling and the others sat at the table, they did not eat yet, but were waiting.Je Lucy said that when all the dishes are finished, everyone sits down and eats together. Although they came here long ago, they didn't eat first.

It's good to eat together, and it's quite lively. Even the two little girls haven't come here yet, so they should be helping in the kitchen.

In fact, these girls are considered to be the busiest, whether it is at noon during the day or at night.It's really not easy to be so energetic all day in such a busy state.

Hua Yueling felt that if she had to do so many things, she would definitely not want to move a bit, let alone actually do it.There are really too many dishes. You have to cook a large table of dishes. Although cooking is easier, there is a lot to do. However, except for Hua Yueling, who are all girls, they don’t have much appetite. It's a bit easier.

After having a lively lunch and staying here for a long time, the girls didn't dare to talk much from the beginning. They were very silent when they were eating and now they are chatting in full swing.It can be seen that they were having a great time, and they were having a great time chatting, and they were all talking about girls.

Perhaps it was because they were familiar with Hua Yueling and the others, they were very quiet when Hua Yueling and the others arrived here before.Huayueling likes this, their chatting sounds a bit interesting, and it's quite relaxing to have lunch in such an environment.

Jelucy should have eaten the least among them. She probably ate a little more rice. After eating, she got up and left, but she didn't forget to remind Hua Yueling them before going out.When they got up in the afternoon, they started to act, and Hua Yueling and the others naturally agreed immediately.

After lunch, Hua Yueling and the others would go into the room, but instead of continuing to study, they lay down and prepared for a lunch break.I don't know when I will leave, but I can still sleep for a while.

After dripping down, Hua Yueling and the others chatted for a while, and fell asleep without knowing it.They fell asleep very fast.

After sleeping for about an hour, Hua Yueling and the others were called out by two little guys.The two little guys are really cute, but they are also quite noisy.

Hua Yueling and the others were awakened by two little guys. They grabbed their arms and pushed while calling them.After screaming, they woke them up.

"Well, what's wrong?"

Hua Yueling was quite sleepy when she got up, so she asked the two little guys, but the two little guys had nothing to do, mainly because they were sent by Gelucci.

"Sister Jelucy asked us to call Big Brother Big Sister, saying it's time to leave."

"Should it all start?"

Hua Yueling was still a little uncomfortable and wanted to continue sleeping for a while, but since Jieluxi had asked them to call them, there was no way to continue sleeping, but to get up first.

Hua Yueling yawned greatly, then looked at the two little girls.The two little girls are not at all like him. They can't see the look of drowsiness, they have special spirit and vitality.

"You two got up pretty early."

"Yeah, it's this time to get up every day, it's the big brother and sister who got up too late!"

Being dragged by the two little guys, Hua Yueling couldn't continue lying down. After standing up, Hua Yueling looked at Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong lying in the distance, and they were also awakened.They were still asleep, but the two little guys were a little loud, so they woke them up.

"Well, is it time?"

Lu Yuetong was also a little sleepy, rubbing her dim sleepy eyes and asked.

"Well, the two little guys have come to call us, let's go over in a while, don't let Sister Jelucci wait too long."

"Here's up."

Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong lay down for a while, then sat up, yawned and stretched out.

"Let's go."

The two little guys stayed at Hua Yueling for a while and then ran to them. Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong saw them very happily stroking their little heads. The two little guys were also very happy. He smiled and shook his head gently.

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