Hua Yueling and the others lingered for a while, then left the room and walked downstairs.According to the two little guys, Jelucy was waiting for them to pass at the bottom of the tree house. They didn't dare to neglect, and quickly walked down.

All the way to the bottom of the tree house, Hua Yueling and the others found Jie Luxi here. Jie Luxi was sitting by the table with a teapot and quilt on the table. She was drinking afternoon tea.

"Would you like to have some tea together, let's go after the tea."

As Jerucy said so, Hua Yueling and the others also sat down and sat on the chairs beside the table.The two little guys quickly found a few cups and offered them tea.

"Would you two have a drink?"

Jelucy looked at the two little guys again and asked, but the two little guys shook their heads vigorously, not willing to drink tea.They may be in a relatively young relationship and don't like the taste of tea very much, but this is also normal. Hua Yueling usually drinks tea, but their favorite is drinks.

"If you don't like it, go get a drink and have fun with us later."

"Do you want to take them with you?"

"Just take them with you. It's not interesting to stay here all the time. It would be nice to let them go out for a walk."

"That's fine, let's go together."

In fact, there was nothing at all, but she had never seen Sister Jelucy like this.This is also quite interesting.

A few people just drank tea leisurely. After a while, the two little guys quickly ran down from upstairs. They each had a bottle of drink in their hands. After they came, they found a place to sit down.

The two little guys are already familiar with them, so they are not a little cringe like before, smiled at them cutely, and then opened the drink bottle and started drinking, it looked like they were drinking very much. Happy look.

After drinking a few cups of tea, the rest was almost the same, and the feeling of confusion just disappeared when she just woke up. Zelucci said everyone should act together.

In this way, several people left the tree house together and returned to the earth through the teleportation array.The two little guys hadn't finished their drinks yet, and they passed by with their drink bottles.

Although I've been here not long ago, it's fun for them to come and go around in such a novel place.They like to go around like this.

When they arrived at Sister Aroline's house, the group did not stay here, so they left directly from here to the places where the ghosts lived.When I got here, although it was still daytime, it was very deserted. There was nothing except the sound of cars and people in the distance.

Some are too deserted here, but it's okay to be deserted. If there are too many people here, it will actually not be beneficial to them.In that case, it is very likely that others will come across, and they have to worry about this problem.

It's not that there are no other creatures here, but I just don't know if the ghost that survived is still here.But no matter whether it is or not, I believe that after Zelucy takes away the source of power, it will not be able to survive for long.

There is no alternative to this, and things like the source of power cannot exist in modern society.

In fact, it might be better if it weren't on Earth, but here, Huayueling and the others are not going to protect them or use them, so they can only remove them or try to get them away.They also have no other way. Although this power is good, it is useless to them.

After arriving here, Ze Lucy immediately began to arrange and prepare, Mu Ningshuang was also there to help, and it didn't take much time to prepare what should be prepared, and after that, she acted.

Hua Yueling and the others couldn't understand what they were doing, but this might be necessary for their actions, so they need to do that.They didn't ask either. They just watched it like this, but wanted to help. Unfortunately, they had no way, and they didn't know what to do in the past, so they could only watch from one side.

Then it was time for Jelucci, when Jelucci took out a crystal about the size of a palm. This crystal was the same as the magic crystal that Mu Ningshuang had used.It's just a little bigger, otherwise there should be no difference.

No, there are still differences. Hua Yueling used magic power before, but this one didn't. It was empty inside, and there was no power at all.Seeing this scene, Hua Yueling probably understood what Jie Lucy was going to do. It was estimated that she would use this magic crystal to collect the source of power, but she didn't know if this size crystal could do it.

But there should be no problem. It doesn't matter if you can't install that much, aren't there others?It's impossible for Sister Zelucie to have only one crystal. This one can smash into other crystals by pretending to be dissatisfied. Anyway, as long as the source of power is emptied, the others don't matter.

It seemed that it would take some time, but Huayueling didn't ask how long it would take, nor did Jelucy say.However, according to their estimation, it should not be too small. After all, this is also a source of power, and it is impossible to collect them so easily.

Indeed, just as Hua Yueling thought, time passed every minute and every second. During this period, Hua Yueling could clearly feel that the source of strength was gradually weakening.Although the source of strength itself was quite weak, it is now even weaker.

This speed is not so fast, but the time for almost a quarter of an hour at this speed is over.

During this period of time, they really had nothing to do here. They could only watch Zelucy's movements while she didn't say a word, so they had to focus all their attention on this.

The two little guys have stood here for a while and some fatigue has appeared, mainly because they are a little boring. They both like activities and want to walk around more than staying here.Just standing here is meaningless.

"I will take you two over there for a walk."

Seeing that the two little guys wanted to walk away but didn't dare to move, Hua Yueling couldn't help but walked over with a chuckle, raising their little hands and whispering.

The two little guys were also very happy. No matter what, it was better than waiting here. They immediately followed him away excitedly, but even when they walked away, they made a special low voice, for fear that their own voice would disturb Zelu West's work.

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