I went to almost five places, five places closer, but it took them half an hour. When they came out, it was more than four o'clock, and now it's almost five o'clock.If we continue to explore the places behind, it will be dark when we get home.

"In any case, you can probe as much as you can."

Hua Yueling thought so, at least she should go home before Sister Yun gets off work. If she has time in the evening, she still has to cook dinner.The busy time starts here. It is indeed more time consuming to go to these places by bicycle, but Hua Yueling and the others have no other way. It is impossible to use the portal, otherwise they will be discovered. Not safe, and there are no portals in those places.

At the next place, it was an abandoned construction site. Originally it seemed to be a factory or something, but then it seemed that something happened, so it was not built.

The materials are still here and have not been taken away. It is estimated that they have been abandoned like this.That's really rich. I don't know how much it will cost for such materials.

But maybe it's not abandoned, just temporarily shelved.Although thinking like this, Hua Yueling quickly put his own thoughts behind, there is no need to think about things that are not related to her actions, and will not help her actions, it is a waste of time. .

Hua Yueling stood at the entrance of this construction site, looking around the whole place, looking for something strange.

"No, nothing. There is nothing but the materials and the abandoned buildings that were built up a little."

Not to mention anything worth noting, Hua Yueling couldn't find such a thing no matter how she searched, so she could only give up this plan temporarily.

"Go to the next place."

After staying here for a while, Hua Yueling turned around and walked back to several girls.However, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong were not beside the bicycle at this time, only two little girls stayed there.

"Where are the two big sisters?"

"The big sisters went there, very anxious, and told us that they seemed to have seen something."

"Seeing what, they have all passed by, just leave you two here?"

"Well, big sister told us not to leave here no matter what."

"You...you just listen to what your big sister said, don't leave here, big brother will also go over and have a look, we will be back soon.

After briefly comforting the two little guys, Hua Yueling quickly ran in the direction they were pointing.His lumbar spine went over to see what was going on, and even let Mu Ningshuang and the others run over without even paying attention to the two little guys.

They can no longer see their backs here, and they are blocked by the pile of materials.But if you bypass these hills, there will be no way to see the two little guys again, so they are likely to be threatened.

"Forget it, there are still detection skills to use anyway, as long as you can be sure that they are not in danger."

In this way, Hua Yueling relied on the exploration skills to understand the situation of the two little guys, while paying attention to the front.Soon he found Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong, but it was strange that there were no other figures besides them.

"Ningshuang, Yuetong!"

Hua Yueling waved his arms and called their names, and the two girls also immediately turned around and ran towards him.

"Xiaoling, you are here too."

"Well, I heard them say that you found something and ran over, so hurry up and have a look."

Hua Yueling said so and looked around, but apparently found nothing.

"Have you found it?"

"No, it ran away."

Lu Yuetong said regretfully.

"ran away?"

Hua Yueling originally thought that they might be dazzled and misread, but Lu Yuetong didn't expect Lu Yuetong to respond like this.With their abilities, they can make that guy run away, and it's good enough to take that guy.

"Well, we don't know what's going on, anyway, it disappeared after chasing it here."

"I can't find it either... or don't stay here, the two little guys are still waiting for us!"

"By the way, they are still there. The two little guys are too dangerous to be there, let's go back soon!"

Lu Yuetong was very worried about the safety of the two little guys, and said so quickly.Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang were also very worried about their safety, and the three immediately ran back.No one stayed.

Originally this was a very important clue, but because they cared about the two little guys, they didn't stay and just ran away from here.

After going back, they found that the two little guys were quietly eating snacks and drinks next to the bicycle. They seemed very happy and didn't want to be dangerous at all, which made them feel relieved.

"Fortunately, if the two little guys are in danger here..."

Hua Yueling breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the two little guys, and then asked them if anyone had been here, but both little guys shook their heads.


"That's it," raised her head to look at the sky, then turned her head to look behind her, Hua Yueling hesitated, but now it is a good opportunity, now I don't know if the other party has left here, if I go back soon, maybe it will Can find some clues, even directly find the other party "What should we do, shall we go back now or..."

Using eyes to communicate with the two girls, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong were a little hesitant when he asked them so, and they didn't know what to do.

"I don't want to go there and see, I just push the car and lead them there."


Mu Ningshuang did not speak, but frowned her pretty brows. Hua Yueling looked at her and saw that she was still not talking, so she did not ask her.

Hua Yueling knew what she was thinking and knew that she was worried about the safety of the little girls of the Cat's Ears and the Dog's Ears, but Hua Yueling felt that she was a little too worried.There is no need to worry so much. They say that there are three people here, and there is definitely no problem in terms of security.

"Let's take a look, if you can find something."

Lu Yuetong thought about it or wanted to see it again. In fact, she and Mu Ningshuang could go.

"Or else Ningshuang and I will go over, Xiaoling, you will stay here with them."

"Let's go together, if it's just you two, I'm still a little worried about you."

Hua Yueling said so, pushing the bicycle in that direction, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong looked at each other, and called the two little guys to run after Hua Yueling's back.

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