Pushing the bicycle back to the place where Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong met, but Hua Yueling still did not find anything.Even if they used the probing skills, Mu Ningshuang and the others were searching for something and walking forward.

Hua Yueling looked at their backs, also not staying in place, and continued to walk forward.

"Do you want to go further?"

"It should go to a more front place, and then go to a more front place to see, maybe it can find something."

Lu Yuetong said with this kind of mentality. Since he can try, he still has to try it. Hua Yueling also followed this mentality.I've already come here anyway, it's better to look around, maybe there are still some discoveries.

"What is the guy you found like?"


The two girls thought about it for a while, but everyone frowned, obviously they couldn't remember what it was like.

"Did you not see clearly or did you not see?"

Hua Yueling asked again.This time the two girls still didn't answer his question, just frowned and thought.


Seeing their reaction like this, Hua Yueling was still very strange. She didn't understand what was wrong with them. It should be an easy question to answer. She didn't know how to answer this question.If you don’t see clearly, you can say you didn’t see clearly. If you don’t see, you can say you didn’t see. It shouldn’t be so difficult to answer.

I don't understand what they mean, but Hua Yueling can't bother them at this time, so she can only calmly wait for them to think about this problem.

"We can't answer either."


With a question mark on Hua Yueling's face, he couldn't figure out why this question couldn't be answered.

Seeing his face full of question marks, Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang explained.

"It appeared suddenly, we knew where it was, and we also knew it ran away, but... how to say it, it feels very strange, it is there, in that place, and then ran away, you feel like I saw what it looked like, but when I think about it, I think it’s very strange, it’s not what it should look like."

This explanation made Hua Yueling even more weird. What's the matter? Is it because she thinks less or the two of them think too much.After thinking about it carefully, he felt that he seemed to have had that idea.

"Well, it's a little hard to understand... But if you can't think of it, don't think about it. Let's go ahead and have a look."

There are still some places in front, but walking is the end of this area. At the end, the road is blocked by dilapidated brick walls, and there is no way to go further.But if the other party is a monster, this is not a difficult task.

Bypassing the hills of fools in front of them, they came to the open space behind, but Hua Yueling and the others still didn't find it. Hua Yueling had already tried his best to investigate, but the information obtained was still zero.

"It looks like it should have left."

After turning around to observe, Hua Yueling said so.

"Forget it, let's not waste time here, let's go back and ask Sister Yun again in the evening, maybe Sister Yun has some useful news."

Hua Yueling said this to appease the two girls, neither he nor Lu Yuetong actually thought that way.

It's basically impossible to find anything now, Hua Yueling and the others can only give up the idea of ​​continuing to search, and go back home instead.Two little guys were sitting on the back seat of the car, a pair of small arms stretched out from behind to embrace the waist of the rider in front.

It's the first time for the little guys to ride a car, ride a bicycle, they haven't done a car yet.When they came, the two little guys were a little bit flustered sitting like this, but now they have met each other many times, and they easily sit on it from behind.

"Sit down?"

"Sit down!"

The little girl from the cat's ears answered Hua Yueling's question very vigorously, and then Hua Yueling rode back on the bike.The road back can't be said to be too long, but it will definitely take some time. This is unavoidable, so I left the darker construction site here.

Gradually from darkness to light, street lights illuminate the narrower road. There are not many people coming and going, and you can often see some figures passing by on the way back.

There are still relatively few street lights on the trail, but some surveillance cameras can still be seen in some places, and even such places are equipped with such devices, which is actually quite good.

After exiting this path, what greeted Hua Yueling and the others was a stronger light, and suddenly came to such a bright place from the dark state, Hua Yueling blinked violently, and still quickly adapted.So far, there is basically no problem, and I didn't run into that guy on the way back.

"It looks like it really ran away."

Perhaps it was because it was discovered that it was not their opponent with its strength, so it did not ambush here.Huayueling originally thought it was possible, but now it seemed that she had thought about it too much. If this was the case, it discovered their existence. I don't know if the other party will deliberately avoid them. It's not impossible.

Being guarded by the other party was counterproductive, Hua Yueling hoped that this was just her own random guess, not the fact.But even if it is true, he must find a way to solve this problem.

When I returned to the main road, I felt a lot more relaxed, at least it felt safer than on the trail.In any case, it is indeed a bit scary on the trail. It seems to Hua Yueling and the others. Although their strength is already very, very strong, even if there is really nothing wrong, the courage is not the same as strength. It's not that if you have strength, you won't be afraid, but that would be great.

You can go home by walking all the way along the road, and there will be no such small roads in the future. You don't have to endure the darkness and ride your bike in the moonlight.After a while, sister Yun called, and Hua Yueling stopped the car and answered the phone.

"Sister Yun, we will go back now, it won't take long."

"That's it, that's fine, don't be too anxious, come back slowly."

"Ok, I know."

After a brief conversation, she hung up her cell phone, Hua Yueling explained to the two girls a little bit, and then several people moved on.

Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong have basically lived in Hua Yueling's house recently, and they have already explained to their family members, so there is nothing to worry about.But this also means that the relationship between them is very good, and they also trust Hua Yueling so that's why.

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