After searching all the remaining places, the actual gain was much less than expected. Hua Yueling and the others did not find anything, basically you can say that.

"It seems that it is more difficult than we thought, and there are no clues left. In this way, it is definitely not that easy to encounter it again."

By the time Hua Yueling and the others returned home, it was already late. When they returned home, Hua Yueling glanced at the time displayed on the wall clock. It was almost ten o'clock.No matter it was after the holiday or before the holiday, Hua Yueling never went out so late.

Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang didn't come back with him, and they couldn't stay outside all the time. They didn't live in his house. Today they are going home to rest.I'll explain tomorrow, but it is estimated that maybe they won't live here in the next few days, but it doesn't have to be.

When he came home to greet him, his sister and two little girls, the two little guys followed Huayun outside when they heard the door opening.Seeing Hua Yueling appear at the door, they were very happy to greet him.

Today the two little guys did not say that they would go out with them, but chose to stay at home.It is estimated that it was not interesting to go around yesterday, so they even wanted to stay at home and play.

"How about at home?"

"very funny!"

The two little guys surrounded him and talked happily. After chatting with them, the two little guys were sent back to the room to play.He and his sister Huayun were left in the living room. There were a few dishes and a pair of empty dishes on the table, which should have been reserved for him.

"You are so so busy, have you eaten dinner at this time? The two of them went home?"

"We thought that there weren’t many places anyway, so we went to the rest of the places, otherwise it wouldn’t take that long. Ningshuang and Yuetong thought that they haven’t been back for a long time, so they went back to live in one. at night."

"You must be hungry. I will serve you a bowl of rice. Just sit there."

Hua Yueling chatted with her sister again after this, but there was no progress.This is true for both his side and Sister Yun's side. Hua Yueling originally wanted to get some news from her sister, but unfortunately even her sister didn't have any useful news.

"I haven't made much progress here."

Hua Yueling sighed and told her what she had discovered this afternoon, but there was nothing useful.There was basically no progress right now, and Hua Yueling had nothing to do. If there was no way to find the whereabouts of the alien creatures, this matter could only be put on hold.

"But at least it has made some progress. I probably wrote down the breath on it, maybe it has some effect."

Hua Yueling comforted her sister in this way, but it wasn't very useful.

I had a good dinner. My sister made a lot of delicious food for him. There were vegetables and meat, but rice was really delicious.

"Any other places?"

"It's gone for the time being. This matter has also fallen into a stalemate. I don't know what will happen next, at least in a short time nothing will happen again."

Hua Yun sighed and said that the police had already searched all the places that could be searched, but just like Hua Yueling, there was no gain.

Since there is no progress, then I can only put this matter aside first, anyway, Hua Yueling really has no choice for the time being.He doesn't have a clue, and the same is true for Hua Yun. If the situation continues like this, it will definitely change.

Recently, I don't know if it is the alien being tired from playing, or it has achieved its goal. Anyway, the situation is a little bit wrong, and it has not done anything. This is also the reason why the police are not easy to handle.There is no clue that can continue to be explored. This is the most troublesome thing. In contrast, other things are simpler.

I couldn't get any useful news from the chat, Hua Yueling hoped to get some useful news from Sister Yun, but it was a pity that this could only exist in my mind, it was too difficult.

Hua Yun couldn't help it either. It was the first time they encountered this kind of time, and it was still such a major event, not to say that progress could be made easily.

After chatting about this aspect, there was nothing worth noting, Hua Yueling changed the subject and talked about other things.

I chatted with Sister Yun on common topics, and gradually changed from serious topics.Recently, sister Yun is really haggard from her face. Hua Yueling is also very worried about her. Fortunately, she is no ordinary person like them, and her physical strength is different. If half of the time, I don’t know how busy this time is. What do you want her face to become?

Hua Yueling was chatting with Sister Yun while she was eating, and she did not forget to observe Sister Yun's face. Sitting here, it was obvious that the tiredness on her face was very strong.She is really tired and tired.

Sister Yun really spent a lot of effort on this matter, but unfortunately this matter is not so easy to solve.Huayueling sighed secretly. The most important thing is that even he has no good way to solve the current problem. If he fights, he is okay. Although he is not so arrogant, he still believes that alien creatures are not his opponents. The problem now is that there is no way to fight the opponent.

It is extremely difficult to find the other party now, at least it took Yueling a moment to think of a useful way, if he could find it easily, it was a pity that he couldn't do it.

Since it was more troublesome to find the other party's location, Hua Yueling couldn't think of a great way to do it. It was precisely because of this that he could only temporarily put this matter behind.After chatting on other topics for a while, changing my mood, I almost finished my meal.

After eating, Hua Yun wanted to clean up the table by herself, but how could Hua Yueling let her do these things, and immediately stopped her sister and got busy herself.There are not many things that need to be busy, just clean up the dishes.

"Big brother and sister, leave it to us!"

Hua Yueling just stood up, I don't know if the little guy inside heard the noise, they ran out of the room quickly, and took the initiative to help clean up.Hua Yueling's "work" was taken away, and the two little guys were also very experienced. They packed up very quickly. After a while, the things on the table were packed into the kitchen.

Hua Yueling also wanted to help, but it was a pity that he couldn't help at all, and his hands hadn't moved yet, and the two little guys were all busy here.

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