After Hua Yun watched for a while, she went back to the room to get her clothes and got ready to take a shower. Hua Yueling was there to help, but he didn’t have much to help. Basically, she looked at the two little guys. Busy there.He was just watching from the side.

Even if they want to help out, they basically can't catch up. The two little guys did a good job, much better than him.

"I'll do the dishes, I don't need you two to help."

That's what Hua Yueling said to them, but the two little guys shook their heads. The little girl from the Inu'er tribe came directly to Hua Yueling's body, and her small hands hugged his waist very intimately.

"You don't have to work with your big brother, just look at it with your big brother. Let us teach you these things."

The little guy said happily. Unlike him, the two little guys are very happy even at work.When Hua Yueling thought of what she looked like when she was was definitely different from them.

The little guys are also happy when they work, but not for Hua Yueling. Work makes him feel boring, and even makes him feel like a waste of time.This is the difference between the two sides, and it is also the reason why they will behave differently when working.

Hua Yueling admired the two little guys very much. If she let herself be sure, there would be no way to be like them.It may be possible to force yourself to do it, but it will definitely not be too long. If you don't like it, you don't like it. There is no way to do this.

It may be okay to slowly cultivate such an interest, but Hua Yueling feels from the bottom of her heart that she should not be able to do it.

"How do you two feel living here, and sister Jelusy."

Hua Yueling leaned to the side and watched the two little guys busy, and the two little guys standing in front of the sink were washing the dishes and chopsticks with serious faces, even if they were standing by and watching. Will not be affected.They are still very powerful like this, and Hua Yueling admires them very much.

"It's all very good, it's also fun to live here, and it's also fun to live with my big sister."

The ears of the little girl of the Inu's tribe suddenly moved slightly, and then happily replied.

"How about living here, compared to living in the tree house on Jersey's side?"

Although Hua Yueling and the others did not do much activity in the tree house, they hadn't lived there for too long, but it would be a very interesting experience to live in such a place.In the future, if you have the opportunity to live there for a while, it will be very interesting.

Living in a tree house will feel a special kind of nature, which is not felt in a building like this one.

The two little guys are still busy, and it takes about ten minutes. They just wash the dishes and chopsticks and put them back in the cupboard.

"It's over, do you want to drink more?"

Opened the refrigerator and asked the two little guys, they quickly approached, poking their heads into the refrigerator.


"A bottle of Sprite!"

One person chose a different one, and I don't know if the two little guys have such a confrontational emotion. Hua Yueling didn't look back, but he had already made up for the interesting scene of them looking at each other.

But Hua Yueling was just thinking about it. It was definitely not the case. His imagination was very interesting.

"Well, here you are, let's get a bottle for each person."

Hua Yueling gave the Sprite and the drink to the two little guys. Both little guys said thank you, then took the drink in his hand, opened it directly, and drank it.

The two little guys were particularly uncomfortable when they first started drinking beverages. They lived in a different world and had never drunk soda like this before, but they have drunk a lot now, so they gradually adapt.

She drank almost half of the bottle in one breath, and Hua Yueling took out a few more bottles by herself. One bottle was obviously not enough for one person. He took a few bottles out and gave the two little guys one bottle separately, and then four. I went out of the kitchen and went outside.

"If you want to play a game console, go play it, don't stay with me here."

Hua Yueling sat on the sofa in the living room and said to the two little guys.

"Big brother, don't you come to play together?"

"Me? Just play with the two of you. If you want, I'll go and play with you for a while."

"Brother come together!"

Fortunately, the two little guys both had drinks in their hands, otherwise Huayueling would have to be dragged into the house by them.Hua Yueling followed them into the room, saw the game picture on the screen, and sat beside them.

"Which handle do you all use?"

After the two little guys picked up the handles, Hua Yueling also picked up a handle and played with them.With someone accompanying them, the smiles on the faces of the two little guys looked happier.

After playing with them for a while, Hua Yun also came back from the shower. After the shower, she seemed to be a little more energetic, refreshed, and her face was not as lack of energy as before.This made Hua Yueling more relieved. If Sister Yun had always been that tired dark color, he was thinking about whether to let her rest more at home.

Think about even sister Yun with such strength, let alone what other police officers would be like.

Hua Yueling still sympathizes with these police officers, but this is their task after all, and there is no way.It would be nice if Hua Yueling could help a little bit, but he couldn't help much right now.

Huayue Ling thought about it and couldn't think of another good way. It wasn't that he was unwilling to help, but that he really couldn't help.Alien creatures are more terrifying than other alien creatures he can think of, and possess incredible wisdom.

"I can't jump to conclusions..."

Muttering in a low voice, Hua Yueling thought so in her heart.This also has something to do with the more careful activities of alien creatures. Although it has been witnessed in so many places, it actually has no big impact at all.

If all the people in the world are ordinary people, it would be better for it. There is no need to hide it, but now it knows that things are not as simple as they seem. There are other characters in this world, these tasks It's the so-called superpower.

"It would be nice if you didn't start the snake before, or you can leave it behind. Alas, what a pity."

Hua Yueling sighed in her heart, somewhat helpless, these thoughts were post-mortem, they didn't think so when they found out at the time, but unfortunately they couldn't do it.

"If it were earlier..."

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